Greg Ombach, Airbus

Electrification is bringing new players, business models, and technologies to the automotive sector, with the pace of change much faster than the sector’s typical development cycles. The result is that even as OEMs and supplier ramp up technologies like lithium-ion batteries, changes in chemistry, design and application could upend the supply chain, from material sourcing to battery logistics, aftersales service, battery swapping and recycling processes.

In this special keynote and fireside conversation with futurist and EV and battery specialist, Greg Ombach, who heads research of future technologies at Airbus and has led battery strategy at tier-1s, provides insights into the changing shape of the battery value chain. He explores how key disruptors in battery technology, including lithium-ion phosphate, sulphur and solid state, could impact supply and production. He also discusses how future mobility will transcend traditional automotive business models, with companies such as Airbus pushing the boundaries of what’s possible with urban air transport and much more.

Grzegorz Ombach, Senior Vice President, Head of Disruptive R&T, Airbus

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Christopher Ludwig, Editor-in-chief, Automotive Logistics and Ultima Media

ALSC on-demand

This session was held on Monday May 2, 2022 during the Automotive Logistics and Supply Chain Europe Conference

 Watch more videos on-demand from Automotive Logistics and Supply Chain Europe 2022

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