All News articles – Page 337

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    A Chinese supply chain in transition


    Rising labour and logistics rates could change the landscape of supply chain management in the automotive industry in China, it emerged last week at a special workshop organised by Automotive Logistics at the transport logistics China trade exhibition in Shanghai. On the other hand, a slowdown in the growth of ...

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    Pirates release Asian Glory car carrier


    The car carrier VC Asian Glory, which was hijacked at the beginning of January by Somali pirates in the Indian Ocean, has now been released and escorted to Oman by the British military. The release follows the payment of a ransom of unspecified amount though reports indicate that the pirates ...

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    Alliance gets more ambitious with Avtovaz


    Renault’s relationship with Russian carmaker Avtovaz, which builds the Lada, has been extended across its alliance with Nissan in a move that could have widescale impacts for managing the supply chain for the carmakers in Russia and the surrounding region. The companies announced last week that they will expand shared ...

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    Lost opportunities for logistics in Spain?


    ANFAC, the Spanish association of car and lorry manufacturers, as well as other carmakers, have criticised the Spanish government’s decision to reject a proposal to liberalise the country’s port services. ANFAC claims that the state has reneged on a prior commitment to liberalise port services, under pressure from port workers, ...

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    Executives on the move


    As part of the latest management shake up at General Motors that is seeing dozens of executives change roles in areas of product planning, vehicle engineering, purchasing and supply chain, Susanna Webber is moving from her position as executive director for global logistics to become GM Europe’s vice president for ...

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    Carriers seek capacity for Japanese exports


    Exports from Japan surged for the fifth straight month as vehicle numbers more than doubled compared to last year while automotive parts exports rose nearly 62%, driven by demand from China and the United States. The increase has led shipping companies operating between Japan and other global markets to charter ...

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    Building bridges important for Chrysler


    Chrysler CEO Sergio Marchionne put his support behind the proposed Detroit River International Crossing bridge project last week, highlighting the importance the project would have for the company’s automotive shipments across the Detroit-Windsor border, which number 1,300 a day. The project, which has been approved by the Democratic-controlled House of ...

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    Denso buyout boosts distribution in Europe


    Japanese component supplier Denso Corporation has strengthened the distribution of aftermarket components in Europe with the purchase at the beginning of June of CTR, a distributor of automotive climate control components with locations in Italy, Spain and France. CTR was a subsidiary of Finber, a European-based company that makes automotive ...

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    BMW awards CAT for centres in France and Poland


    BMW has awarded CAT Group with its Golden Award for World Best Distribution Centres at its annual world meeting of regional BMW spare parts warehouse managers held in Munich recently. The award recognised two of CAT’s facilities – at Tigery, France, a BMW-dedicated warehouse, and at Duchnice in Poland, which ...

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    Fiat takes a new route to Russia


    Russia’s largest rail freight container operator, TransContainer, has launched a new rail logistics route to move Fiat automotive parts from Italy to Sollers’ plant in Yelabuga, Russia. The first shipment was made last Saturday (May 29) according to Russian press sources. Running from Fiat’s storage facilties in Villanova D'Asti and ...

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    Europe's largest tyre warehouse now open


    Goodyear Dunlop has completed expansion of its European logistics centre in Philippsburg, Germany, making it the largest passenger car tyre warehouse in Europe. Following the completion of work on storage capacity at the end of last year, which brought the total area to 388,000m2, the company has now completed work ...

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    Honda hopes for restart in China


    The supply of parts to all four of Honda’s assembly plants in China, which has been disrupted because of a strike at its parts supplier in the southern city of Foshan, could be resolved this week following a breakthrough with workers, said the Japanese carmaker. Production of gearboxes and engine ...

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    Fitch doubts over auto increase at Jaxport


    Fitch Ratings has reported a negative outlook for the Jacksonville Port Authority (Jaxport) and stated the port is too dependent on automotive imports at a time when it is planning to increase vehicle throughput by 40%. The ratings firm said the revision in the outlook from ‘stable’ to ‘negative’ reflects ...

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    NYK crossdock rises from the ashes


    Following a fire in February that completely destroyed NYK’s crossdock in St Katalinje Waver, Belgium, the company has opened a new centre at nearby Herentals. The new 6,000m2 centre is twice the size of the previous facility and handles the overnight distribution of spare parts throughout the Benelux region and ...

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    Port access important for PSA Vigo model


    Logistics considerations are behind PSA Peugeot-Citroën’s decision to build a new mid-range vehicle for emerging markets at its Vigo plant in north-western Spain. The plant is located near the port of Vigo and will ease shipments to developing markets according to the company. The move is part of its strategy ...

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    Get ready for risk if you want new routes


    Shipping lines and service providers in the ocean forwarding business need to exploit the current crisis in world trade to consolidate volumes and offer carmakers new trade routes according to Volkswagen. But without shared risk, shipping lines are more likely to consolidate routes not volumes, and concentrate on reducing unit ...

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    Tata cuts supply to Sanand plant


    Indian carmaker Tata has revised figures for parts supply to its Sanand plant in the state of Gujurat and asked suppliers to halve the delivery of parts for Nano production. The carmaker’s plan to make 250,000 vehicles in the first year of production at the factory, which is set to ...

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    Logistics now central to decisions at GM


    General Motors has introduced a supply chain management initiative in which logistics will play a more integral role in product lifecycle planning. Called ‘Total Enterprise Cost’, it is intended to improve how the carmaker calculates project and material sourcing costs and will go further than the ‘total landed cost’ sourcing ...

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    Are short sea sulphur caps a political mistake?


    While ro-ro providers outside the Baltic and North seas sail under a sulphur content cap of 3.5% until 2020, short sea ro-ro shippers operating there face a reduction to 0.1% by 2015. The International Maritime Organisation’s regulations could cost them €40,000 ($50,000) per journey, a move that threatens to force ...

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    Brazil needs broad infrastructure spend


    An ageing infrastructure and the need for long-term planning in the automotive sector are chief among the hurdles facing logistics providers in Brazil. Fuelled by Brazil's rising middle class and consumer credit, sales of passenger cars have surged. The country is forecast to produce 3.5m vehicles this year against approximately ...