All Audi articles – Page 5

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    Exoskeletons to support lineside employees at Audi


    German carmaker Audi is trialling two types of exoskeletons to see if they can lessen the load for production workers…

  • Audi E-tron electric SUV facility in Brussels, Belgium

    Galvanising the aftermarket for an electric future


    The rise in EVs in Europe will have an impact on the aftermarket and the logistics supporting it, not least in the management of replacement lithium batteries

  • Markus_Duesmann_Audi

    Markus Duesmann to move to Audi’s top job


    Markus Duesmann will become CEO of Audi on April 1 next year and will also join the board of management of German parent company Volkswagen Group

  • AL CEE Summit, Budapest

    CEE: At the heart of Europe’s electric future


    OEMs and tier suppliers are investing in Central and Eastern Europe with a particular focus on electric, connected and autonomous mobility. Delegates at the Automotive Logistics CEE Summit in Budapest heard about the latest challenges and opportunities.

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    Samsung SDI to supply Volvo with truck batteries


    South Korea’s Samsung SDI has agreed to provide battery cells and modules to Volvo Group. The deal is part of an alliance the pair has signed to develop battery packs for Volvo’s electric-powered trucks…

  • Peter Harrop

    Heading for the EV tipping point


    It would be nonsense to envisage a time when pure electric cars cost the same as traditional ones but life continues as normal. Around 2025, the up-front price of pure electric (PE) cars will drop below that of internal combustion engine (ICE) ones, and the fundamentals of ...

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    Amports expands footprint in Jacksonville


    North American vehicle processor Amports has signed two long-term agreements with Jacksonville Port Authority (Jaxport) in Florida to expand its leasing space…

  • VR, Seat

    Logistics 4.0: how smart technologies are lifting logistics to another level


    After a period of exploration, OEMs, tier suppliers and logistics providers are getting serious about making their operations smarter and more connected – Logistics 4.0 is here

  • Kopernikus beide Autos

    Steering the future using AI


    German start-up Kopernikus has developed self-driving technology that can be used to move vehicles inside production facilities and workshops, and potentially even at ports…

  • Audi.Vorsprung - Production

    Audi’s logistics part 2: Pursuing practical progression


    There is little question that finished vehicle logistics has been among the least automated segments of the overall automotive production and supply chain process. From loading and unloading vehicles to and from trucks, ships and rail wagons to inspection and parking, as well as scanning vehicles into inventory and tracking systems, outbound logistics has remained, by and large, a manual, labour-intensive operation

  • Audi pic compilation

    Audi’s logistics part 1: Prepared for a new reality


    The recent history of the Audi brand is written deeply into the company’s supply chain and logistics, and can be read across the carmaker’s expanding geography, plant and parts handling operations

  • Group3

    Volkswagen & Audi in Mexico part 1: Sharing logistics in a state of expansion


    Volkswagen Group has established new organisations and networks across VW and Audi in Mexico and North America. Automotive Logistics finds out more about this multi-brand, multi-country approach to purchasing and logistics

  • Mobile check in

    Audi special report: A question of complexity and convergence


    The plethora of models, derivatives and options that has boosted Audi’s success over the past decade would not have been possible without an evolution in its logistics management and processes

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    Audi special report: Managing from the centre and the periphery


    As ever with a sprawling entity like the Volkswagen Group, power shifts between the centre and its satellites. In Wolfsburg, Konzernlogistik (group logistics), led by Thomas Zernechel, has responsibilities that include group programme planning, setting standards (including IT and returnable packaging) and transport tenders. It also manages bundled and network transport flows, including ocean containers and ro-ro shipping, and consolidated logistics for all suppliers in the transport network.

  • Audi Hungaria_Motorenlager

    Audi special report: Vorsprung durch Logistik


    Audi is a major profit and innovation centre for the entire Volkswagen Group – and that includes its logistics processes, systems and infrastructure. The company’s in-plant and inbound logistics in Europe have helped to maintain high volumes and product variety despite space constraints in factories and have set the standard for global expansion in China, Mexico and elsewhere.

  • Audi: Erstmals mehr als 50.000 Autos in einem Monat in China ausgeliefert

    Audi special reports: A global outlook


    Audi is exporting European best practices to support growing production ventures as far afield as China and Mexico

  • Dialoge ? das Audi Umweltmagazin 2012

    Audi special report: Strong at the core


    The complex nature of Audi’s German production requires highly planned and coordinated in-plant logistics processes and infrastructure

  • Dieter Braun

    Audi special report: A fast, flexible network


    Audi’s inbound logistics depends on tight planning and delivery adherence, while the carmaker is also exploring more consolidation within the Volkswagen Group

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    Audi special report: One crossdock, many brands


    The Volkswagen Group’s European transport network is well engineered, however there is ambition for even deeper freight consolidation within it. After synchronising in-plant processes, the next stage in the NLK is to use crossdocks based close to supplier locations, which then feed multiple group plants in high frequency, full truckloads.

  • Audi Hungaria_Auslieferung A3 Limousine per Bahn-Ragierplatz_2

    Audi special report: Outbound delivery accuracy


    The concept of Liefertreue, or delivery reliability, is central to Audi’s customer promise and consequently crucial in every aspect of the supply chain right up to the point of receipt at dealers, says Dr Michael Hauf, head of brand logistics (pictured)