Chandan Trehan, lead, Digital Supply Chains and Logistics, Bosch North America spoke on the Red Sofa with Riad Mannan, content producer, Automotive Logistics about changing mindsets to enable further digitalisation of the supply chain.

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”It’s very critical to think of these digital tools as not just a technology solution, but as a combination of people, process and technology,” Trehan said. 

To help with this, he said we need to create mechanisms where supply chains can speak to us, and mechanisms so we can understand what they’re telling us. 

”One of the key things that we started with when we began transforming was to make sure there is standard AI literacy with every individual who is working here, irrespective of what job they have, everybody had to go through some level of AI training so that sets the basic context on top of which new use cases will be created,” he explained.

”Secondly, we make sure we promote an innovative culture. Innovation is not just a vertical, there are not a handful of people thinking about innovative ideas for Bosch, it’s every individual’s job to identify opportunities for innovation for themselves.”

Read more: Trehan on why communication is critical when managing organisational change

He added that the company has created the Bosch Innovation Framework, which sets out qualitative as well as quantitative measures to follow the impact of innovation in a global way.

”One of the reasons for this is to make sure that we have a common language that everyone understands, and also to create a culture of transparency, openness and candor because the innovative ideas can come from anyone,” he said. “That’s the only way innovation can happen.”

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Automotive Logistics & Supply Chain Digital Strategies North America 2024 took place 26-27 June at the Hutton Hotel, Nashville, Tennessee, focused on digitalising North America’s end-to-end automotive supply chain. The event will return to Nashville 9-10 June 2025. 

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