2024 Conference Programme

Connected, integrated, predictive
Digitalising North America’s end-to-end automotive supply chain

DAY 1 - Wednesday, 26 June 2024

13:30 CDT - 60 mins

Registration and coffee 

14:30 CDT - 75 mins

Digital supply chain leadership strategies: from siloed, fragile and reactive, to connected, resilient and predictive

Hear the strategic objectives from automotive digital supply chain leaders on the infrastructure, systems and partnerships needed to create end-to-end visibility, connectivity, traceability, automation, security and predictability in supply chain and logistics, including an opening keynote from Nissan's Gerardo de la Torre, who is leading the carmaker's digital transformation in North America, and Google Cloud's manufacturing lead, Luis Solano.


Gerardo de la Torre, Nissan circle

Gerardo de la Torre, Regional Senior Director, SCM Supply Chain Mgmt USA & MEX Nissan Group of North America
Luis Solano

Luis Solano, Manufacturing Industry Lead Google Cloud

MODERATOR: Christopher Ludwig, Chief Content Officer, Automotive Logistics & Ultima Media

As transformation of automotive supply chains continues apace in North America and beyond, with the development of electrified and software-defined vehicles, increasing competition and cost pressure, OEMs and suppliers are radically rethinking the nature of supply chains and logistics. That includes how transport networks are designed and work, how suppliers and data are managed, and the cyber security protocols and digital infrastructure need to support the end-to-end value chain and product lifecycle.

In the opening session to the first ALSC Digital Strategies North America, key leaders in this transformation will share their vision and plan for accelerated digital transformation of automotive supply chain management, including a keynote from Nissan’s Gerardo de la Torre, who is leading supply chain transformation across North America, and discussion with Google Cloud.

Join us for an exclusive keynote and panel to learn more about:

-How manufacturers are evolving supply chain IT landscape to cloud-based systems and greater connectivity, and using it to create more proactive, resilient, efficient and sustainable logistics
-Innovative digital supply chain mapping solutions to meet sourcing and regulatory requirement
-Cyber security risk assessment strategies across the supply chain
-Important progress in implementing supply chain digital twins and AI
-Automation opportunities across logistics operations and processes

A lively panel discussion will follow where you will learn more about how digitalisation strategies will help automotive manufacturers match the need for speed to market, reach greater efficiency, and meet regulatory and sustainability targets.

15:45 CDT - 30 mins

Networking and Coffee break 

16:15 CDT - 60 mins

Interactive Standing Workshops:

Join your peers in a deep-dive, interactive brainstorming sessions on topics exploring supply chain digitalisation, including end-to-end collaboration, data exchange, cross-functional teams, cybersecurity and ROI.

In these collaborative sessions, attendees will be invited to join one of the groups below for a deep-dive into critical topics in supply chain digitalisation. Each group will discuss the challenges and come up with three solutions or pathways to solutions, and create a roadmap and action plan for success. At the end of the workshop, key results will be shared with the wider audience.

MODERATORS: Christopher Ludwig, Chief Content Officer, Automotive Logistics & Ultima Media
Riad Mannan, Content Producer, Automotive Logistics & Ultima Media

Workshop A: Evaluating end-to-end supply chain collaboration techniques

Discussion Points:

  • The most important areas of collaboration needed within your organisation and across the value chain, including functions and stakeholders, to accelerate digitalisation
  • Ensuring digital transformation is beyond the limits of own organisation
  • Key technologies and tools to increase end-to-end collaboration

    Workshop leader

    William Leak, Nissan circle

    William Leak, Senior Manager, SCM Innovation Nissan Group of North America

  • Workshop B: Removing data silos and increasing data sovereignty

    Discussion Points:

  • Developing a coherent data strategy plan
  • Overcoming challenges in removing data silos
  • Increasing data sovereignty and data exchange across the supply chain

    Workshop leader


    Logen Lytle, Operations Technology Lead, Honda

  • Workshop C: Weaving sustainability into your digitalisation strategy

    Discussion Points:

  • What areas of sustainability and eco-friendly strategies can benefit from digitisation?
  • Measuring the environmental impact of supply chain and required governance
  • Assessing what technologies can have the greatest impact on sustainability

    Workshop leader

    David Herb, Toyota

    David Herb, Business Insights & Strategy Manager – Demand & Supply Management, Toyota North America

  • Workshop D: Improving cybersecurity across the supply chain

    Discussion Points:

  • Assessing the nature and impact of cyberattacks in the supply chain
  • How to protect the value chain while fostering collaboration and sharing
  • Protecting against the ‘weakest links’, including companies who may not have resources/tools to monitor threats

    Workshop leader


    Jennifer Coulter-Lissman, President & CEO, NTG Supply Chain Solutions

  • Workshop E: What to measure when calculating ROI for digitalisation

    Discussion Points:

  • Assessing what should and should not be measured, by when and by whom
  • Developing a matrix to calculate short and long-term ROI
  • Beyond monetary value, what other returns can be expected from digitalisation?

    Workshop leader

    Alex Murray, American Axle

    Alex Murray, Senior Manager, Global Supply Chain American Axle & Manufacturing

  • 17:15 CDT - 15 mins

    Workshop Recap and Close of Session:

    Leaders from the workshops return to the main stage to share key insights and a provisional roadmap of next steps and action points for each topic.

    17:30 CDT - 2 hrs 30 mins

    Cocktail Reception

    Join industry leaders, experts, colleagues and peers for a delightful evening of networking and camaraderie at the welcome drinks reception.

    Hosted by


    20:00 CDT

    Close of Day One

    DAY 2 - Thursday 27, June 2024

    08:30 CDT - 30 mins

    Conference open for registration, networking and refreshments

    Re-group and re-fuel for day two with some early morning refreshments, and kick start the conversation with new-found colleagues and connections.

    09:00 CDT - 45 mins

    Driving hyper-value from data in a digital supply chain

    Hear how automotive manufacturers can gain more actionable insight, better connect information and manage information across the supply chain.



    Ed Stachowski, Director, Data Science & Machine Learning, Supply Chain Analytics, Ford

    Scott Sloan, Kyndryl

    Scott Sloan, Chief Architect, Automotive Industry, Kyndryl

    MODERATOR: Christopher Ludwig, Chief Content Officer, Automotive Logistics & Ultima Media

    Data is at the heart of a successful digital supply chain and logistics strategy – especially the effective use of trusted, identifiable data. Gaining actionable value from the millions of datasets generated every second across the value chain is a challenge for most, if not all organisations, from changes in the bill of materials (BOM) to logistics and delivery visibility.

    However, focusing on the data with forensic precision can empower stakeholders to discover hidden value within, and enable them to deliver not only more resilient and sustainable supply chains, but also greater visibility, fewer security risks and more long-term competitive advantages.

    In this session, hear what OEMs and suppliers did to glean hyper-value from their data and what strategies and enablers are required for success. In particular, learn how to accelerate gaining valuable business intelligence, set KPIs and go beyond dashboards to actionable value.

    09:45 CDT - 45 mins

    Overcoming integration and interoperability challenges across the end-to-end value chain

    Learn about how stakeholders are increasing interoperability and exchange of data across suppliers, logistics providers and customers through trusted networks and shared standards



    Ricardo Manzanera, Americas Purchasing Logistics - Transport Director, Forvia


    David Herb, Business Insights & Strategy Manager - Demand & Supply Management, Toyota North America


    David Eyes, Vice President of Automotive Solutions, TrueCommerce


    Alexander Styles, General Manager, Americas, Vinturas

    MODERATOR: Riad Mannan, Content Producer, Automotive Logistics & Ultima Media

    A key challenge in the era of digitising logistics and supply chain operations is system integration and connectedness of the entire ecosystem. Modern supply chain systems should allow all stakeholders to seamlessly integrate processes, technologies and inputs from across suppliers, customers, BOM and logistics, using a common language to communicate effectively and exchange data efficiently. The resulting digital interoperability should lead to more end-to-end visibility, information tractability and transparency – it can also set the groundwork for building large datasets and using artificial intelligence and generative AI in logistics and supply chain operations.

    Inevitably there are critical challenges when trying to integrate systems from company to company let alone legacy systems within an organisation. Creating a unified transparent view of real-time data across multiple platforms and protocols is becoming mission-critical, but requires extensive planning, trust and technological collaboration.

    Attend this session to discover case studies of how manufacturers, logistics and technology providers are working together to develop agile, resilient and efficient digital supply chains based on data interoperability and systems integration.

    10:30 CDT - 45 mins

    Networking, refreshments & exhibition visit 

    11:15 CDT – 45 mins

    Evaluating how digital transformation and organisational change go hand in hand

    Manufacturers and suppliers are adapting skills, functions and organisations to be more agile and responsive to digital change. Understand more about key priorities and requirements when it comes to creating a digital supply chain team.



    Alex Murray, Senior Manager, Global Supply Chain Management, Metal Forming Division, American Axle & Manufacturing


    Chandan Trehan, Lead, Digital Supply Chains and Logistics, Bosch North America


    Logen Lytle, Operations Technology Lead, Honda

    MODERATOR: Riad Mannan, Content Producer, Automotive Logistics & Ultima Media

    To truly benefit from digitalisation in the supply chain, it has become essential to have a digitally skilled and agile workforce. With an eye to the future, what skills and talent should automotive supply chain organisations invest in now so that OEMs and suppliers have the right skills in the right place at the right time? Not only do they need a workforce who are technologically aware but should be data literate and problem-solving leaders.

    As supply chains become even more intelligent, so the workforce and individuals within it will need to adapt and evolve to new job functions. Future-proofing the workforce entails creating new and different teams, away from silo working and more cross-functional groups, broadening digital fluency and investment in training and long-term workforce planning.

    Attend this session to discover how OEMs and suppliers are developing their talent strategies, gaining management buy-in for investment and achieving milestones in future proofing their workforces capable of supporting a digitally connected supply network.

    12:00 CDT - 60 mins

    Integrating digital products, from inbound to vehicle logistics, from planning to delivery

    Carmakers and suppliers are investing in advanced logistics systems and visibility but cannot always find technology and partners that connect data and operations, especially for finished vehicle logistics. This session featuring Ford will explore opportunities and gaps in core systems and help companies develop their end-to-end logistics IT strategies.


    Becca Adam, Ford circle

    Becca Adam, Product Line Manager, Material and Vehicle Logistics IT, Ford Motor Company

    Scott Mabry

    Scott Mabry, Manager, Cross Border Logistics, Volkswagen Group of America

    Mike Ueland

    Mike Ueland, Chief Revenue Officer, Cognosos

    Mike Ueland

    Matt Walker, Business Solutions Manager, TransmetriQ

    MODERATOR: Christopher Ludwig, Chief Content Officer, Automotive Logistics & Ultima Media

    Automotive manufacturers aim to improve supply chain costs and capacity utilisation by digitalising more planning and operations for inbound, material and finished vehicle logistics across cloud, shared data architectures. However, there are significant differences across systems and offerings, notably for vehicle logistics, for which carmakers often rely on a patchwork of legacy systems, manual processes, and inconsistent visibility from logistics providers, limiting data integration and visibility.

    But what can help close that gap, and allow the end-to-end supply chain to benefit from network optimisation, along with advanced data analytics, machine learning and AI? And if no solutions exist, can manufacturers develop such systems effectively in-house?

    This session will explore the system and product development opportunities in inbound, material and vehicle logistics systems and data, as well as the challenges in current technology and notable gaps in processes and market offerings. Logistics and digital leaders will outline what they require to update or develop critical systems, including investment and technical barriers. Experts will also share best practice and industry-leading examples.

    Join this session and learn insights on:

    -System requirements for modernised inbound and vehicle logistics systems, including operations and capacity planning, transport management, warehouse and yard management, track and trace, freight audit and pay systems
    -Specific differences and gaps, for example in vehicle logistics systems and capturing logistics milestones
    -Benefiting from the shift to cloud-based, data-centric IT architectures for logistics
    -Developing systems in-house versus advanced off the shelf systems
    -Next-level data opportunities for core logistics systems, including data analytics, machine learning and AI

    13:00 CDT - 75 mins

    Lunch & networking

    14:15 CDT - 45 mins

    Measuring (and then achieving higher) ROI from a digital transformation programme 

    Understand how manufacturers and logistics providers should consider return on investment for digital supply chain technology and tools, including value drivers, timing and holistic benefits.



    Skotti Fietsam, Senior Vice President Supply Chain, Accuride


    Chris Waters, Vice President, AFMS


    Keith Schall, Global Director of Digital Solutions, CHEP

    MODERATOR: Riad Mannan, Content Producer, Automotive Logistics & Ultima Media

    Digital transformation of logistics and supply chains is here to stay. Yet to keep growing and providing tangible benefits, the return on investment has become a constant consideration. This is especially true when considering that digitalising the supply chain doesn’t happen overnight – it’s a long-term process with changing priorities and goals, new technologies coming on stream and increased risks and rewards. And yet logistics, IT and purchasing teams have tight budgets, and investments must be prioritised and pay back dividends.

    Whether measuring the hard ROI in dollar terms, or soft ROI in terms of process improvements, the investments in technologies, people and processes have to be measured using innovative ROI models that encompass end-to-end supply chain and operational impacts. Going further, the measurements themselves can also boost the strategy to increase investment within a circular process.

    Join this session to understand the best approaches to determine ROI based on supply chain objectives, and to demonstrate how investing in the right new technology can create greater visibility, offering increased opportunities and providing higher ROIs.  

    15:00 CDT - 45 mins

    Cybersecurity: How to mitigate risks from the strongest to weakest links in the supply chain 

    Learn the steps and action plans that supply chain and IT leaders need to take to protect their systems, suppliers and employees from rising risks and threats.


    Eric Eilliot, Nissan circle

    Eric Elliot, Senior Manager, SCM Supplier Security, Nissan Group of North America


    Rick Walker, President & CEO, GAMA – Georgia Automotive Manufacturers Association


    Jennifer Coulter-Lissman, President & CEO, NTG Supply Chain Solutions

    MODERATOR: Christopher Ludwig, Chief Content Officer, Automotive Logistics & Ultima Media

    As digitalisation spreads across the value chain, so does the risk of cyber threats. Whether attacking data storage services or business emails through infected software or hardware, attackers have an array of single-entry points that can cause disruption across the entire network.

    Since malicious attackers would target the weakest point across the network (whether a vulnerable supplier or smaller logistics provider) OEMs, suppliers and logistics providers have to collaborate to protect and enhance their end-to-end network. To respond to the constant cyber threat in a digitalised supply chain, stakeholders need to have a common understanding of the cyber risks, identifying weak points within the network, complying with new regulations whilst having a clear plan to increase resilience.

    This session will delve into what manufacturers and providers can do to monitor and protect their shared network whilst minimising disruption across the value chain.

    15:45 CDT - 45 mins

    Networking, refreshments and exhibition visit  

    16:30 CDT - 45 mins

    Automotive digital supply chains 2034: A roadmap for a connected, resilient and secure future

    In our final session, experts reflect on key learnings from the event, and look ahead to what digital and logistics leaders want to achieve over the next decade, including data-centric and cyber secure systems, tier-N supplier visibility and fully integrated physical and digital transport networks, and what strategic evolution needs to happen to achieve those goals.


    Gerardo de la Torre, Nissan circle

    Gerardo de la Torre, Regional Senior Director, SCM Supply Chain Mgmt USA & MEX, Nissan Group of North America

    Rajeev Puri, Kyndryl circle

    Rajeev Puri, CTO, Industrial, Communication & Power, Kyndryl

    MODERATOR: Christopher Ludwig, Chief Content Officer, Automotive Logistics & Ultima Media

    At the end of the first ALSC Digital Strategies North America, understand the key learnings and next steps needed to ensure that the North American automotive supply chain has the digital systems, tools, skills and partners in place to keep pace with the industry's rapid change and opportunities. One thing is certain, change will continue at pace and organisations seeking to maximise revenue and profits will be future planning and future-proofing their systems now.
    Experts and leaders from the event will discuss what the next decade should look like, including the role of transformative technology in supply chain and logistics, and the important foundations in systems, data and talent that are still needed across all stakeholders in the automotive supply chain. Understand what challenges need to be overcome to enable advanced automation and AI to permeate logistics operations to support better risk identification, demand management and intelligent decision-making – heading towards a sentient supply chain. We will reflect on how organisations get there and what steps must be taken now: including adapting to data-centric, secure IT architectures, increasing collaboration with stakeholders, reshaping business models and investing in new technologies.
    Attend this closing session as we gaze into the future and outline what scenarios may unfold and how OEMs, suppliers, logistics and technology providers should prepare.

    17:15 CDT - 15 mins

    Closing Remarks and Look Ahead  

    17:30 - Two hours

    Networking Drinks Reception

    Finish the conference networking with fellow digital supply chain leaders over drinks and snacks.