2022 Conference Programme

Partnering to drive recovery: How logistics can unlock Mexico’s automotive resurgence

Efficient, reliable, safe and high-speed logistics networks will be key to Mexico’s recovery and competitiveness. As the premier industry event for strategic supply and freight management, ALSC Mexico is where manufacturers, suppliers, logistics providers and officials meet to ensure the country meets its potential in North America and beyond.

Please note that the full conference program will simultaneously be translated into Spanish and English.

11:00 - 11:50 CST

Session 3: Stronger logistics accelerate Mexico’s recovery

Peter Koltai, Senior Director Production Control, Logistics at Volkswagen de México

Roberta Palacio, Head of Supply Chain North America at Continental

Honorio Rodriguez, Senior Director Automotive Logistics North America at Hellmann Worldwide Logistics

Patricia Pérez, Managing Director Middle America at Maersk

Hit hard by the pandemic, semiconductor and logistics shortages, Mexico’s carmakers have been working to stabilise logistics and manage greater flexibility across operations to protect production and help the sector to recover output and exports. More than ever, Mexico’s sustainable growth depends on transformation in logistics, including better visibility, strong partnerships, infrastructure improvements and smooth processes. Supply chain resiliency will also be essential to the Mexican automotive sector’s ability to adapt as the industry strives to deliver a sustainable future of mobility.

Join this session to understand how carmakers such as Volkswagen as well as logistics providers are improving logistics in Mexico to ensure the region remain a major competitive force in the North American and global industry. The session will explore logistics strategies and systems to optimise automotive supply chain and production across Mexico, including digitalisation, cross-border trade with the US, finished vehicle exports and distribution, rail links and short sea shipping opportunities.

11:50 - 12:30 CST

Session 4: In it for the long haul – mitigating logistics disruption today and planning for the future

Jonathan Flores Cortes, Logistics Purchasing Manager at General Motors Mexico

Raul Ambriz, Vice President at RPM Mexico

Antonio Zepeda Torres, Commercial Director at CSI Group

Daniel Codesal, National Manager, OEM Services at KhS Global

With critical parts and inventories low, maintaining a reliable, secure flow of vehicles across Mexico and its borders is vital to the country’s automotive recovery and resurgence. But as outbound transport capacity becomes scarce across road, rail, ports and ocean, there is a risk that long lead times, rising cost and delays from damage and vandalism could compromise Mexico’s competitive advantage in the supply chain.

However, OEMs are working with logistics providers and infrastructure partners to improve transparency and resiliency and support longer term transformation across the supply chain as Mexico aims to decarbonise logistics, and as more OEMs get set to increase electric vehicle production and distribution.

Don’t miss the chance to understand how carmakers such as General Motors and logistics providers are working cross functionally and collaboratively with providers to mitigate bottlenecks and increase transparency in the face of today’s critical issues, while developing new outbound strategies for the future, for example:

• How logistics and technology providers are offering innovations and investments to secure outbound transport capacity and provide more safe storage

• Tools, processes and data to improve visibility across the supply chain in Mexico.

• Strategies to reduce carbon emissions and waste in logistics through best practice, network design and new technologies.

• Understand how the Mexican supply chain and freight network need to prepare for the rising tide of electric vehicles

12:30 - 14:00 CST

Lunch, networking, and exhibitions

Sponsored by
Ryder v2

14:00 - 15:00 CST

Session 5: Future-proofing Mexico’s logistics network

Francisco Bravo Gómez, Senior Director Supply Chain at Audi Mexico

Wiebe Helder, Chief Executive Officer at Cargobase

Adrian Jennings, Chief Product Officer at Cognosos

Paul Boothe, President, Managed and Dedicated Transportation at RXO

The digital age is here with new tools and technology enabling greater supply chain visibility, asset tracking and frictionless cross-border logistics at the touch of button. Understanding who the right partners are and which systems and platforms to invest in is critical for seamless integration into existing operations, securing a faster return on investment and future-proofing business models and strategies.

In this session, hear how logistics leaders in Mexico are prioritising, implementing and scaling digitalisation strategies to streamline customs transactions, enable decision making in real-time, harness data and automate logistics processes. Understand how manufacturers and logistics providers are working with IT and technology experts to understand the true potential of a more connected and digitised supply chain network.

15:00 - 15:45 CST

Networking, meetings and exhibition

Hydration sponsor Air Charter Service

Untitled design (17)

15:45 - 16:15 CST

Session 6: The future of sustainable logistics in Mexico

Professor Hajiaghaei-Keshteli, Associate Professor at the Department of Industrial Engineering at Tecnológico de Monterrey

Companies across Mexico share the long-term goal of decarbonising the supply chain and reducing the environmental footprint of logistics and manufacturing. Low-emission technology will play a key role, but for supply chain management experts there are also opportunities in optimisation processes, including data science, machine learning and artificial intelligence. In this session, one of the country’s leading experts in logistics and supply chain management, Professor Mostafa Hajiaghaei-Keshteli from the prestigious university Tecnológico de Monterrey, provides insight into how industries across the country, including the automotive sector, are currently managing sustainable logistics targets, and the technology and processes they can use to develop smart, sustainable logistics.

Professor Hajiaghaei-Keshteli researches and collaborates with sectors across Mexico, including major carmakers, and is also the head of research for the university’s newly established Center of Sustainable Smart Logistics. Join this session for discussion on:
- Role of sustainable logistics in Mexico today across industries, including automotive
- Regulations and policies that will drive sustainable logistics requirements in Mexico
- Key optimisation processes and technologies to support sustainable logistics
- The impacts and changes for automotive logistics

18:00 - 21:00 CST

Automotive Logistics and Supply Chain Mexico Gala Reception at Club de Banqueros

Continue the conversation and discuss the day’s highlights, whilst experiencing an unforgettable evening at Club de Banqueros. The gala reception provides the perfect forum to reconnect with colleagues and make fresh connections, whilst enjoying drinks and a delicious dinner.

A complimentary shuttle service will be provided. Coaches will depart the Marquis Reforma from 17.30 with return services from Club de Banqueros from 20.45

Dress code – Business Casual

Hosted by
tm lge


08:30 - 09:00 CST

Conference open for registration, networking and refreshments

Grab your badge and a bite to eat, and start making up for lost time making new connections and catching up with colleagues and friends.

09:00 - 09:05 CST

Welcome from the Automotive Logistics team

09:05 - 09:35 CST

Session 8: Maintaining Mexico’s competitive edge: In conversation with AMIA’s José Zozaya

José Zozaya, Executive President at Asociación Mexicana de la Industria Automotriz (AMIA)

As Mexico recovers from the pandemic and navigates supply chain shortages and disruption to trade, it must also embrace transformation and welcome a new era of mobility with electrification, digitalisation and sustainability crucial to Mexico maintaining its competitive edge and importance to North America and the global automotive industry.

In an exclusive keynote and fireside chat at Automotive Logistics and Supply Chain Mexico, the Executive President of Mexico’s automotive association (AMIA), José Zozaya, outlines the direction Mexico’s automotive sector must take, and details how industry and government must work closely and invest in infrastructure and partnerships to accelerate the recovery of the semi-conductor supply chain and become a global leader in electromobility. The former President of Kansas City Southern de Mexico will also share his unique perspective and AMIA’s position on the critical issues the industry needs to address, including security, energy and international trade, as well as how Mexico can seize on new opportunities.

09:35 - 10:30 CST

Session 9: Supply Chain Planning: Avoiding the next crisis

Gerardo De La Torre Garcia, Senior Director & Advisor Supply Chain Management at Nissan North America

Mark Krug, Managing Director Americas at time:matters

Todd Skiles, Senior Vice President, Global Supply Chain and Dedicated Transportation Solutions at Ryder

The global semi-conductor shortage stopped automotive production in its tracks and highlighted weak links in the supply chain and important risks to consider in the planning and network design process.

Case Study: How Nissan navigated the global chip shortage and improved the semi-conductor supply chain

Hear from Gerardo de la Torre Garcia, leader of Nissan Americas Semiconductor Supply Crisis Management Strategy on how the car marker developed strategies, secured material supply and managed global supply chain operations to maximise production opportunities in Mexico and worldwide and limit assembly line stoppages. Understand the key objections his team set out to achieve, the important lessons learnt and how they can help mitigate current and future logistics and supply chain challenges.

Panel: Hear as well from key logistics service providers and supply chain stakeholders on the strategies and tools enabling improved planning and visibility of the supply chain, and crucially how these can mitigate disruption when the next crises hits.

10:30 - 11:15 CST

Networking, meetings and exhibition

Hydration sponsor Air Charter Service

Untitled design (17)

11:15 - 12:00 CST

Session 10: Maximising the potential of Mexico’s workforce

Mauricio Magdaleno, Supply Chain Director, Americas at American Axle Manufacturing

Hector Martinez, Division Manager Export Sales & CBU Logistics at Honda de Mexico, SA de CV

Mexico benefits from a rich pool of talent and labour but the automotive sector isn’t the only industry in need of skilled workers. As manufacturing, supply chain and logistics roles adapt and advance in automotive sector, recruiting and retaining the top talent is crucial for fostering innovation, improving operational performance and developing successful strategies. The automotive logistics industry needs to adapt to ensure it nurtures and empowers talent with the right skills, digital tools and motivation, from warehouses to trucking to management teams.

Join this session to understand how manufacturers and logistics providers are attracting, upskilling and developing the next generation of leaders, while understanding how recent labour reforms, new technology and trade rules the requirements of logistics and supply chain professionals in Mexico.

12:00 - 12:40 CST

Session 11: Student Forum – inspiring the next generation of automotive leaders

The students of today will be the leaders of tomorrow, but the transition won’t happen overnight. In this open forum, we encourage our audience of leaders and experts to connect with the university students in the room, to develop networks and share ideas on the future. Don’t miss this unique chance to inspire and highlight the opportunities that a career in sector can bring, and learn what the next generation of talent are seeking from employers when they graduate. Be nice to the young people – they might be your boss one day!

12:40 - 13:45 CST

Lunch, networking and exhibitions

13:45 - 14:15 CST

Session 12: Logistics lessons from another world – inspiration and innovations from beyond the automotive industry

Andrés López Frisbie, Global Logistics Director at Grupo Bimbo

Logistics and supply chains from every industry have been pushed to the limits in recent years, with retailers, food and beverage and ecommerce players accelerating the implementation of digital strategies and new business models. Join this session to hear how non-automotive supply chain and logistics leaders are finding new routes to market, working in new partnerships, automating operations and using advanced data and AI to overcomee increasing supply chain complexities and risk. Be inspired by new ideas, tools and best practices in logistics that can also be applied to the automotive industry.

14:15 - 15:15 CST

Session 13: Raising the bar: Making Mexico’s automotive logistics and supply chains world class

Siegfried Jung, Vice-President Production Control, Production System and Logistics at BMW Group Plant San Luis Potosi

Fabio Garcia, Head of Aftersales at Volkswagen Truck & Bus México

Francisco Bravo Gómez, Senior Supply Chain Director at Audi Mexico

The North American automotive industry is heavily dependent on Mexico’s supplier base and supply chain network. Ensuring timely and reliable production and delivery of parts and vehicles will be vital to growth and success, not just for Mexico but for North America and the other regions it serves, too. In this final session, our panel of logistics leaders discuss the strategies that will raise the performance level of Mexico’s supply chain and logistics networks and the investments in infrastructure, people, technology and partnerships required to become world class.