All China articles – Page 22

  • Xu Guanqing

    China conference: New truck limits to force vehicle sector to adapt


    The finished vehicle logistics market in China is set to face substantial change, if costs are not to rise substantially as a result of slower growth in the market and new restrictions on truck dimensions, delegates at the Automotive Logistics China conference in Chengdu were told today (April 21st).At the ...

  • Automotive LOGISTICS (Chen Zhongwei)20160420-6334

    China conference: New Silk Road gets back on the rails


    Updated April 24th to correct a quote misattributed to GefcoLong-distance rail freight between China and Europe is coming on apace, delegates at this week’s Automotive Logistics China 2016 conference, held in Chengdu, have heard.Over the past few years, the Chinese government has been ambitious in promoting its 'One Belt, One ...

  • UTI Silk road

    China-Europe rail: The road less travelled


    The old Silk Road that connected China to Europe rose to significant prominence during the seventh and eighth centuries, when not only was silk moved from China but also spices, paper and noodles across Eurasia. The route has been disrupted and dismantled many times during the last millennium or more, ...

  • Jpeg

    China modes: No single way forward


    As the Chinese market faces slower growth, changing trade in ports, and the prospect of new trucking regulations, there is rising interest, as well as difficulty, in expanding rail and waterborne logisticsChina’s vehicle logistics industry is facing twin pressures. On one hand, the country’s production and sales of passenger vehicles ...

  • Audi: Erstmals mehr als 50.000 Autos in einem Monat in China ausgeliefert

    Audi special reports: A global outlook


    Audi is exporting European best practices to support growing production ventures as far afield as China and Mexico