All Emergency logistics articles – Page 13

  • NEW The European Pact for Sustainable Industry 2030.001

    Watch: What Europe’s Green Deal means for automotive supply chains


    The EU is regulating and investing in decarbonisation with significant cost and technology implications for the automotive sector. Stefan Crets from CSR Europe and PwC’s Christoph Stürmer unpick the implications for the supply chain and what companies.

  • NEW Arsenal of Health_ The Supply Chain Story.001

    Watch: The arsenal of health – how GM and Ceva Logistics shifted the supply chain to support the relief effort


    In this special session at Automotive Logistics and Supply Chain Live, General Motors’ Miguel Tavara and CEVA’s Dave Dudek detail how GM pivoted its manufacturing and logistics to produce ventilators and supply equipment, and what lessons were learned.

  • The future of automotive tier 1s- In conversation with Bo Andersson.001

    Watch: How Yazaki’s Bo Andersson wants to shape up and shake up the supply chain


    In an exclusive fireside chat at Automotive Logistics and Supply Chain Live, Bo Andersson details Yazaki’s objectives in reducing lineside disruptions at its plants, improving supply visibility and moving away from ‘build-to-print’ models as the tier 1 aims to capture more value-added production and services.

  • NEW Spotlight on the Supply Chain- North America.001 (1)

    Watch: Spotlight on a changing North American automotive supply chain


    In a panel discussion held during Automotive Logistics and Supply Chain Live, leading experts and decision makers unpick the immense operational, market and trade changes happening across North America and how companies like Honda and Carter Logistics are adapting their processes and networks.

  • NEW Intelligent insights- Supply Chain and Market Insights Updates North America (1).001

    Watch: North America automotive market resilient but faces long recovery


    The North American market has recovered faster than some expected, but Eaton analyst Brandon Mason predicts uncertain times ahead for the supply chain, with restrained sales in the coming years and ongoing localisation of vehicle production in the region. Watch this in-depth presentation from Automotive Logistics and Supply Chain Live. 

  • NEW Finished Vehicle Logistics- Rethinking Network Design & Optimisation.001

    Watch: Rethinking vehicle logistics network design and optimisation in North America


    OEMs like Nissan and Volkswagen are working with logistics specialists like Jack Cooper and Inform to deliver the recovery amidst low vehicle inventory, uncertainty from Covid-19 and driver shortages, while looking at how to use technology to optimise networks over the long term. Check out this lively discussion from Automotive Logistics and Supply Chain Live.

  • Leadership in a Time of Adversity.001

    Watch: Supply chain leadership in a time of adversity


    Hear how senior executives from Volkswagen Group, FCA, Visteon and Gefco have adapted strategies, processes and communication to support manufacturing and logistics operations and teams during the crisis.

  • NEW The New Automotive World Order- Rethinking Global Supply Chain Networks – Panel.001 (1)

    Watch: Localisation and technology transform supply chains across industries


    Advanced technology, changing consumer patterns, trade regulations and the coronavirus crisis have led firms like GE Appliances to revaluate their supply chains and logistics. Watch GE Appliance’s Harry Chase and Tata Consultancy’s Deepak Mavatoor share their expert views.

  • Accelerating Digital Transformation.001

    Watch: Accelerating digital transformation


    The coronavirus crisis has in many cases forced companies to speed up the use of digital tools and processes across their operations, while also exposing digital gaps. In this session, supply chain leaders from agricultural equipment manufacturer AGCO, and start-up EV OEM Nio, share insight into how their companies are already using enhanced connectivity, big data and even artificial intelligence to improve the supply chain.

  • NEW The Rise of Supply Chain 4.001

    Watch: The rise of Industry 4.0 in automotive packaging


    Location and tracking technology can help firms manage returnable automotive packaging more effectively than ever. At this special session of Automotive Logistics and Supply Chain Live, IT experts from Alps Alpine and Sigfox detail exciting new systems.

  • FCA_Kokomo_transmission_Indiana

    Covid crisis has advanced digital connectivity in the automotive supply chain


    If there is one silver lining to the Covid-19 crisis, it is that carmakers and their suppliers have been forced to adopt digital tools to communicate faster and to remotely visualise together what is necessary in managing plant shutdowns and ramp-ups. Lessons have been learned in how better to establish the digital transformation of supply chain management that will push the industry forward as a whole.

  • Yazaki_building

    Yazaki’s proactive, risk-averse approach to the crisis a success, says Bo Andersson


    Yazaki is taking a more strategic and coordinated approach to the automotive supply chain as it continues to stabilise production in the wake of the coronavirus crisis. Bo Andersson, Yazaki’s president of Europe and CEO and president of North America, says the company is looking for opportunities to consolidate and improve logistics planning and control, including through the use of third party logistics (3PL) providers, greater localisation, communication and inventory planning

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    Common standards to alleviate uncertain demand and distribution changes


    Standardising communications between OEMs and their suppliers offers novel possibilities to smooth out the volatile conditions that modern automotive logistics has to contend with according to Robert Cameron, chairman of Odette International, which is working with European OEMs, suppliers and logistics providers to create such standards – including for finished vehicle logistics.

  • 26189_Orcelle

    Collaboration is key to achieve sustainability goals


    Sharing information between companies and ensuring regulatory alignment between regions is crucial if the automotive industry wants to take real steps towards more sustainable supply chains. Panellists from logistics provider Kuehne + Nagel and CSR Europe, the European Business Network for Corporate Sustainability, came to the conclusion at this week’s Automotive Logistics and Supply Chain Live conference 

  • Digital Technology

    Now is the time to get vehicle distribution out of the stone age


    The number one strategic challenge for the automotive logistics sector right now is in matching vehicle distribution with demand through new channels of communication and different levels of service. According to Volvo Cars’ logistics chief Martin Corner, the future depends on better collaboration between carmakers and their LSPs on adapting the outbound supply chain to accommodate the growth of electric vehicles.

  • ALSC Live Overview

    Automotive Logistics and Supply Chain Live Overview

    The first Automotive Logistics and Supply Chain Live virtual conference is here, with more than 70 speakers and 30 sessions. Read this overview for insight into the key topics and theme, including electric vehicle and battery supply chains, sustainable supply chains, digital transformation and supply chain resilience. Featuring interviews and keynotes from leading carmakers, tier suppliers, logistics providers and supply chain and trade experts. 

  • 276916_bmw_i3_battery_523

    Meeting increasing demand for EVs in Europe depends on better battery supply


    Carmakers are investing colossal sums of money into low and zero-emission powertrain technologies. Even before the coronavirus crisis infected the finances of most manufacturers the survival of many of them hinged upon a return on investment and a successful transition to electrification over the coming years. 

  • logistics_trechnology

    Covid crisis boosts digital technology in supply chain


    Despite the huge health and economic problems caused by the coronavirus, the pandemic has also had a positive impact on some of the supply chain and logistics strategies of automotive and other manufacturing companies. Experts have said greater supply chain visibility and a new sense of purpose across often fairly independent corporate divisions are just two trends that are becoming more pronounced across manufacturing companies.

  • ALFVLSummerCover

    AL FVL Summer 2020

    Collaboration between the automotive, logistics and the tech sectors is growing by the day, with the coronavirus crisis accelerating digitalisation across the supply chain. Our latest digital edition explores systems standards and tech innovations, including new communication protocols for vehicle logistics in Europe, and a range of new supply chain technology at Renault-Nissan-Mitsubishi, Audi México, VW Zwickau, Seat Martorell and Renault F-1. 

  • Ford_Dagenham

    Ford secures loan to build on engine exports from UK


    Ford has received a £500m ($648m) guarantee from UK Export Finance (UKEF) to help it maintain exports of engines and transmissions from the UK. The guarantee, which was given in July, is part of a planned £625m loan facility from commercial banks using its Export Development Guarantee…