All Emergency logistics articles – Page 15

  • 150620-sanchez2

    Spain’s auto industry to get billion-euro boost from government


    The Spanish government has announced a €3.75 billion ($4.2 billion) stimulus programme for the country’s automotive sector, designed to mitigate the impact of the coronavirus and boost the sale of low-emission vehicles.

  • WWO_Parsifal

    WWO diversifies to mitigate impact of Covid-19 on Russian vehicle imports


    The Covid-19 pandemic has hit demand for maritime car carrying services to Russia from Europe by as much as 40%, according to Dmitry Vostrikov, general director of the Russian branch of Wallenius Wilhelmsen Ocean’s (WWO)…

  • IT livestream_your questions answered

    Watch: ‘Covid is accelerating digital supply chain and production’ | Your questions answered with EY’s Bart Huthwaite


    Following our popular Livestream Hour edition focused on digitalisation in supply chain and logistics, Bart Huthwaite, principal for automotive and transportation at EY, rejoins Christopher Ludwig to address audience questions on topics including digital twins, industrial IOT, trade wars and changing production models. 

  • Gefco_DBO_train

    Gefco makes spot blocktrain shipment of car parts from China to France


    Gefco has revealed this week that it moved 500 tons of automotive spare parts from China to France in the midst of the coronavirus lockdown on a dedicated blocktrain out of Wuhan…

  • LivestreamHour_ASCF_AfterEvent

    Watch: Livestream Hour Episode 9 – Automotive Supply Chain in Focus – Europe


    In this episode of the Livestream Hour, we discuss key challenges facing Europe’s automotive manufacturers and suppliers with electronics and wiring harness supplier LEONI and with PWC, covering the strategies required to continue to restart and recover, as well as the structural changes that may change the shape of the supply chain. Hosted by editor-in-chief Christopher Ludwig. Register or login to watch.

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    Permanent change and prospects for logistics post-Covid


    Having battled to cope with sudden disruptions to the automotive supply chain caused by the coronavirus pandemic, logistics providers are now looking at the more permanent changes to the sector that the continued threat of the virus poses…

  • blg_bremerhaven_autoterminal-img

    BLG reports strongest growth in vehicle handling last year


    Germany’s BLG Logistics has reported that its Automobile division showed the strongest performance in 2019 with sales growing more than 9% to €603.7m in 2019…

  • Honda_Civic

    Honda global operations hit by ransomware attack


    Honda has confirmed that its IT network was subject to a cyber-attack on Monday last week (June 8) that hit production, sales and development activities, including customer and financial service operations…

  • Brion Stapp

    Listen: A new deal for the finished vehicle logistics industry


    As vehicle sales and production continue to restart in North America following coronavirus-related shutdowns, dealerships are facing huge challenges in inventory management and customer service. Brion Stapp, dealer principal, Toyota, Colorado shares his insights on ‘no touch’ servicing, changing customer expectations and why the industry needs to take stock and evolve

  • LS09_DIPL_aftereventthumbnail

    Watch: Livestream Hour Episode 8 – Ford’s insourcing of logistics through technology


    Join this special digital transformation livestream session on how IT and technology solutions are supporting supply chain during the crisis, including a major digitalisation project for Ford’s logistics and supply chain management across key regions. Hosted by Christopher Ludwig.

  • PhilaPort-NS-Hyundai

    Hyundai Glovis back on track in US by next month despite rail concerns


    Hyundai Kia’s logistics division, Hyundai Glovis, hopes for “some sort of level of normalcy” for the manufacture and distribution of vehicles in the US by July 4, despite railroads being currently under capacity, according to the group’s senior national manager of vehicle logistics, Darren Acker. Hyundai vehicles being ...

  • BIECG_Cover_03_C

    Coronavirus and beyond: Europe vehicle demand and finished vehicle logistics outlook 2020-2030


    Download this report for a forecast of European new vehicle demand from 2020-2030 across the region and the top five markets, and analysis of impacts and changes for the European finished vehicle logistics sector. This report is the latest from ECG Business Intelligence, a collaboration between the Association of European Vehicle Logistics and Automotive from Ultima Media

  • LivestreamHour_FVL_AfterEvent

    Watch: Livestream Hour Episode 7 - Finished Vehicle Logistics: Restarting the network


    This special livestream episode focuses on the finished vehicle logistics network and how it is preparing to restart for the new normal, with insights from Hyundai Glovis, ProAct and more. Hosted by Christopher Ludwig and featuring updates and insights from the crisis and beyond for automotive supply chain and manufacturing.

  • Global Vehicle Demand Forecast  2020-2030

    No V-shaped recovery for automotive industry


    Automotive analyst Daniel Harrison predicts the Covid-19 crisis will cause a global decline in vehicle sales this year of around 14m units, including both passenger and commercial vehicles, down 15.4% from last year…

  • penskelogistics

    Protocols for protecting the restart of production in Mexico


    There are logistics lessons to be learned from the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the Mexican automotive sector and Penske Logistics has quickly developed protocols for protecting the supply base and its employees…

  • VW Mexico

    VW gets the green light to reopen in Puebla on June 15


    Olivia Salomón, economic secretary of the Mexican state of Puebla, has just announced that German carmaker Volkswagen can reopen its plant there from June 15. However, it can only use 30% of its workforce in staggered shifts…

  • BIWebinar_May_600x400_Post

    Watch: Livestream Coronavirus Series – Automotive Supply Chain May Update


    Our monthly supply chain updates provide critical information for automotive production, purchasing and logistics professionals in the current crisis, and strategic insight to help companies design more resilient supply chains for the future. Watch the May update for the latest market forecasts from our automotive analyst and insight on how supply chains could be made more resilient from automotive supply chain expert Peter Weiss from Gartner.

  • VW_Silao_engine

    Health and safety portal opens door for Mexico automotive restart


    There have been a series of mixed messages surrounding the restart of operations in Mexico over the past few weeks but carmakers and suppliers in Mexico can now return to production providing they register their safety protocols on a government portal certifying that they will follow the guidelines designed to halt the spread of Covid-19

  • CMP_cars_1

    Coronavirus causes job losses in Copenhagen and Malmö


    Copenhagen Malmö Port (CMP) has been forced to terminate 55 jobs in Copenhagen as a result of the financial impact of the coronavirus. The move follows the announcement in April that 40 jobs would be lost from Malmö, Scandinavia’s largest vehicle handling port…

  • Toyota_PDC_ATL_001

    Volatile demand testing distribution of automotive service parts


    Discussions at last week’s Livestream Hour on the aftermarket revealed that unstable demand for service parts has been testing those responsible for their manufacture and distribution and a full recovery of the aftermarket parts sector is not expected this year. However, leading service parts companies have been maintaining services for customers