All features articles – Page 22

  • Online car

    Online vehicle sales: ACES high as dealers face a new game


    Once upon a time, interaction between carmakers and their customers happened in one place: the dealership. Dealer showrooms were where customers learned about products, chose a car and parted with their cash. Once a customer took possession of the vehicle, he was likely to return to the dealer for service ...

  • Glukhova_Dreeke_bronka_web

    BLG and Fenix commit to expansion of services at Bronka


    German logistics provider BLG Logistics and LLC Fenix, the owner and operator of the Russian port of Bronka, have signed an official letter of intent for joint future development of finished vehicle handling at the port.BLG Logistics has been working with Fenix for six months at the port already, following ...

  • LOGISTICA (7).Clélio Tomaz_Exclusiva!BR2

    Brazil: Exports are chasing away the clouds


    Brazilian vehicle sales, which have fallen every year since 2013, continue to be hampered by a deep recession, a stubborn, double-digit unemployment rate, increasingly tight credit and haemorrhaging consumer confidence. Seemingly unending political crises have also hit the country. So, to combat the stalling economy and venal political climate, carmakers, ...

  • Ben Stanley

    Outbound deliveries: Blocking in the truth


    Will bitcoin prove to be one of the most valuable innovations in changing the finished vehicle supply chain? If so, it is not because carmakers and logistics providers are moving their contracts from dollars, euros or yuan to the virtual currency (although given its recent escalation in value, some may ...

  • 2017-Chevrolet-BoltEV-016

    Shift in powertrains drives strong growth in battery production


    Production of lithium-ion batteries, like these ones at Nissan's Smyrna Vehicle Assembly Plant, looks set to soarAccelerating growth in electric and hybrid vehicle production is opening up a range of new supply chains across all areas of the automotive industry – not least in battery cell production.With vehicle manufacturers ...

  • Mazatlan_port_wiki

    Mexican ports report boom in vehicle traffic


    Mexico's ports saw a 42% increase in finished vehicle traffic in the first five months of this year, figures from the country's Transport & Communications Ministry (SCT) have shown.During the period, total finished vehicle throughput reached 667,881 units, compared to just 470,350 units in January-May 2016.Ports in the Gulf of ...

  • Audi TechDay Smart Factory

    Different digital paces


    The headline above might well have read ‘industry and logistics 4.0’, ‘the industrial internet of things’, ‘factories of the future’, ‘smart supply chains’ or ‘manufacturing 2025’.Or we might have turned to one of a growing number of acronyms used to outline the car industry’s future, like Mercedes-Benz Car’s CASE or ...

  • Beacons 2 post

    Smart packaging: The quest for greater precision


    Packaging is one area in the automotive supply chain in which greater connectivity and ‘internet of things’ (IoT) devices have the potential to make significant improvements. Many of the chronic issues that accompany the management and flow of equipment, including missing or incorrect containers, damage to parts, as well as ...

  • evo_loading_plane_2016

    Project cargo: Achieving mission impossible


    Project cargo logistics is a term that covers a wide range of activities, from the movement of unusually large or heavy loads to the management of time-critical ones. In basic terms, it can be defined as the coordination, planning and management of particularly challenging logistics projects.In the automotive sector, examples ...

  • GG Picture

    Middle East and Africa: Ford opens up the highways


    An army marches on its stomach, Napoleon is reputed to have said, in perhaps one of history’s earliest endorsements of the wisdom of sound logistics infrastructure. These days, as those in the automotive industry know, good logistics in the marketplace is often the key to winning business and meeting the ...

  • Fourth pic

    Suzuki gets its delivery priorities in order


    A prolonged period of strong sales growth in the UK means Suzuki now imports more than double the number of vehicles it did five years ago into the country. This expansion has put pressure on the company’s finished vehicle supply chain. It has also come at a time when customer ...

  • Anand_Hyundai

    Indian regulations: A rainbow of solutions


    The Indian vehicle logistics market is in the midst of major change and disruption, much of it in the name of modernisation and improvement. New dimension and safety requirements for car carriers came into force in April, with carmakers and logistics providers scrambling to make their fleets compliant and secure ...

  • Kirill Nikoda, analyst at Gazprombank’s Economic Forecasting Centre

    Russia summit: Dealing with the reality of a slow recovery


    Confidence is gradually returning to the Russian automotive market with sales and production showing definite signs of life after a tough period of retrenching and divestment. Sanctions remain but many at this year’s Automotive Logistics Russia conference in Moscow felt that this was the time to invest in the market ...

  • 020-10.15 Subarus Off loading_McAllen

    North American ports: Slowdown after growth tests capacity to cope


    While seven years of consecutive sales growth in the North American automotive industry have put vehicle handling ports to the test in terms of throughput, many of them are now being tested further by the slowdown in sales in the US, with inventory build-ups in some ports, and slower throughput.Meanwhile, ...

  • EQT GGS port terminal

    Private equity group EQT buys into terminal at Port of LA


    EQT Partners, the Swedish private equity group, has acquired a 90% interest in the Global Gateway South (GGS) terminal at the Port of Los Angeles for $817m.The investment is being made by the EQT Infrastructure III fund which completed a €4 billion ($4.5 billion) fundraising in February.The seller, CMA CGM, ...

  • Verschiffung BMW i3 in Bremerhaven 11-2015

    BMW Group: Thinking big about outbound


    Alongside pictures of her family, Anita Pieper’s office is full of visual charts and signposts: value-stream maps, PDA circles for scheduling and a 3PS board outlining various projects and targets her teams are working on, from quality statistics to network studies or a plant launch years ahead.In the middle of ...

  • Volvo Daqing train

    Volvo Cars China: A system built for growth


    [sta_anchor id="1"]Few carmakers have been moving as quickly as Volvo Cars to develop and expand their industrial footprint in China. In less than five years, the carmaker has launched two assembly plants and an engine factory, while ramping up production and more than doubling sales in the country. It has ...

  • Aerial View

    Volkswagen OTC: Sea king of the Kassel


    [sta_anchor id="1"]In many ways, the heart of Volkswagen Group After Sales – the OEM’s service parts and aftermarket division – is its massive Original Teile (Parts) Centre (OTC) in Baunatal, near Kassel, central Germany. This impressive storage and shipping centre serves destinations across the world, including European dealerships as well ...

  • AstridLuehring1

    Volkswagen Group Logistics: Come together, right now


    All carmakers are [sta_anchor id=”1”]grappling with how to plan and respond to the technological, social and economic changes that are expected to affect their products and businesses. Manufacturers must simultaneously manage rising demand for both traditional and alternative fuels, while exploring new models for mobility that might, in future, change ...

  • Russia Rail

    Russia: Ready for a recovery?


    Vehicle sales in Russia have shown modest rises in recent months, raising hopes that this year will finally return to growth and kick off a longer-term recovery. Following several months of increases, sales of new light vehicles in the first five months of the year had risen by 5.1% compared ...