All features articles – Page 27

  • inland-port-1-1

    BMW and Greer: A port far from any storms


    No ocean-going vessel ever docks there but an inland port at Greer, South Carolina, has proved a perfect solution for BMW’s import and export parts shipping needsIn this story... Seeking new options A custom designed platform Expanding the scope of service Storing for successPerhaps the truest measure of efficiency and ...

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    Global conference: Keeping up with technology’s potential and risks


    The Automotive Logistics Global conference offered examples of technological change, advantages and dangers. The question is whether manufacturers and logistics providers are investing enough attention and capital in keeping up with them.Rapid advances in digital technology are driving changes in the logistics processes that support the global automotive industry, from ...

  • Anu Goel VW 2

    Global conference: Know your supply chain better


    Manufacturers and logistics providers at the Automotive Logistics Global conference are doing more to integrate their supply chains from end to end, and are keen to use data and analytics to anticipate problems before they arise.

  • Ellesmere-Port-Astra-Production-297965

    Opel/Vauxhall: Stable & ready to launch


    Following a period of transformation and improvements in production planning, Opel is on a product offensive. Director of logistics Andreas Graffe and outbound logistics manager Michael Gorny discuss the importance of ‘frontloading’ logistics to support it. In this story... Supporting change A stable supply chain Hitting the right slot Investing ...

  • UK_EU_web

    Brexit: Who’s in the driving seat... and where are we going?


    With the dust far from settled after a shock UK referendum result in favour of leaving the European Union, we assess the country’s future trade possibilities and their implications for the automotive logistics industryIn this story... Shock to the system Gauntlet to government Cuts on the cards? Future trade scenarios ...

  • Vipal_Nanda_CCA

    Indian carriers fight penalties and OEM indifference


    Vipul Nanda, president of India's Car Carriers AssociationJust when you thought the question of car transporter lengths in India was sorted out, it may be time to think again.Following its draft legislation providing for a maximum length for finished vehicle carriers of 18.75 metres earlier this year, India’s Ministry ...

  • Boxes lr

    Box of delights


    A box is a box is a box, right? Well no, actually. Returnable container manufacturer Schoeller Allibert reveals that there is far more to returnable containers than four walls and a lid, if the sector is to keep up with its customers’ needsThere isn’t an automotive company in the world ...

  • Renault_Cergy 20649

    Freight audit & pay systems: Making payment less painful


    Freight audit and pay systems can provide great control over auditing and paying for logistics-related services Got a proper handle on what's going on in your supply chain? FA&P systems could help...Freight audit and pay (FA&P) systems are often used by manufacturers and logistics integrators to process, audit, verify and ...

  • DSC_3195

    FVL Import Export summit: Making sure bigger is also better in ports


    The third Finished Vehicle Logistics Import Export summit revealed the need among vehicle-handling ports for more investment in space, berths and inland transport, at the same time that OEMs and logistics partners need to work together to improve the uneven flow of vehicles that 'vessel bunching' and larger ships are ...

  • Aankomst European Truck Platooning Challenge

    Truck platooning: a future benefit for automotive logistics


    A recent test of truck platooning has successfully demonstrated the technology’s considerable potential for commercial vehicle fleets... In the first half of 2016, the Netherlands held the presidency of the council of the European Union and during this time, Melanie Schultz van Haegen, minister of infrastructure and environment (which transport ...

  • Truck Transporting

    Volvo Trucks: High, heavy and smart


    [sta_anchor id="1"]Volvo Trucks North America is improving its complex delivery network across the US, including investments in new technology and in supporting its carriersReflecting continued strength in the US economy as well as sustained low oil prices, last year saw strong growth for sales of medium-and-heavy trucks in the US. ...

  • San Diego ONE OH ONE_4

    2015 North American port survey: Ports get an extra lift from a rise in imports


    [sta_anchor id="1"]Our annual survey found most ports are seeing strong imports across North America, leading (in some cases) to parking constraints and vessel bunching. The future may look different, but operators and OEMs need to get smart about spaceOur survey of North American ports for 2015 confirmed partly what we ...

  • South Africa car plant

    South Africa: Flagging but still fighting


    [sta_anchor id="1"]South Africa’s economy is battling problems, but its vehicle exports and role in global vehicle programmes mean it continues to attract investmentSouth Africa’s economy is in the doldrums. A rout in commodity prices has damaged consumer spending power. The country is skirting perilously close to having its debt rating ...

  • Car hauler capacity

    Deliveries are feeling the crunch


    If you can’t get your product to market, every other competitive advantage is lost – a problem Europe’s OEMs could face as transport capacity tightens for moving finished vehiclesNew vehicle registrations across Europe have been rising, including double-digit sales increases in recent months across the EU. ACEA, the European carmaker’s ...

  • China loading truck

    China: Cutting costs and creating efficiency


    The evolution of inbound and outbound networks is reflecting Chinese economic slowdown and reforms, as well as opportunities for stronger, more advanced automotive logistics services[sta_anchor id="1"]China’s passenger car market has been in a period of hyper-growth, rising more than fourfold over the past decade. However, with sales slowing to single ...

  • Aerial-Perspective-Tesla-Gigafactory

    Tesla’s supply chain set for a surge


    Tesla has captured the car industry’s collective imagination in many ways since its start-up in 2008, including how it builds and sells its electric vehicles.Besides the novelty of the products themselves, the intrigue is partly down to co-founder Elon Musk, one of the great entrepreneurs of this generation, seen in ...

  • Wackersdorf logistics centre

    BMW: Flexing up for the fourth revolution


    BMW’s partnership with Fraunhofer has produced innovations in materials handling to support its global parts exports, but these are only a first step towards wider digitalisation and automation in logisticsThere’s nothing wrong with asking for a little help every now and then, especially when it comes to developing and testing ...

  • Centro Log°stico (1)

    Brazil: Life in the narrow margins


    [sta_anchor id="1"]OEMs and their LSPs are grappling with collapsing sales in Brazil even as new plants come online. As a result, they are looking for new ways to slash costs and boost exportsBrazil’s economy is facing crippling political and economic challenges, with the general outlook poor and vehicle sales crumbling. ...

  • Mokka Overseas Warehouse combined with kitting areas

    Inventory inversed


    Changes in technology, economics and attitudes are driving a resurgence of interest in vendor managed inventory programmes among automotive manufacturersProduction lines need availability, not inventory. Manufacturers’ primary concern is that each individual part is a good one and that it is ready by the line when the assembly robot or ...

  • JLR Aluminium Jaguar XE

    JLR gets real about recycled aluminium loops


    Jaguar Land Rover is taking steps to increase the amount of recycled aluminium it uses. Automotive Logistics finds out more… JLR's target is to use 75% recycled aluminium in its body structures by 2020Recycled material is playing a growing role in Jaguar Land Rover’s use of aluminium in its ...