All Hyundai Glovis articles – Page 5

  • Victor_Arabe_Nationwide_web

    Victor Arabe leaves VW for Nationwide


    Victor Arabe (pictured), previously port manager for Volkswagen's business at the port of San Diego, in the US, has moved to Nationwide Auto Services (NAS) as director of business development. NAS provides paint and hail damage repair services but is widening the scope of its operations by working directly with ...

  • Autos

    A rising tide – with political undercurrents


    Mexican production and exports continued to grow through 2017, both to the US and globally. At the same time, US sales remained strong and were fed by an increase in imports from established and emerging markets. It is only in Canada that both sales and assembly are showing a decline. ...

  • Kia_Sportage

    Kia moves Sportage through Santa Marta


    The Colombian port of Santa Marta has started handling imported Kia vehicles from Slovakia. By the end of the year, it is expected to have handled around 4,000 Sportages.The vehicles are being imported into Colombia on a monthly basis by regional distributor Metrokia SA and are being delivered to the ...

  • Russia sees the shortage of automotive carriers feature

    Russia: Recovery still down the road


    Sales of finished vehicles in Russia rose 11.9% in 2017 over the previous year to reach 1.59m units, according to estimates in early January by the Association of European Businesses (AEB). Russia’s long-awaited recovery began in March and gained momentum throughout the year, peaking in December with monthly sales of ...

  • SCH_Car-RORO-21

    SCH sees marked rise in throughput at Southampton


    Southampton Cargo Handling (SCH) has reported processing 280,000 vehicles through the UK port of Southampton last year, up 27% on approximately 220,000 moved in 2016 when it exceeded 200,000 units for the first time.The company said 80% of vehicles handled there last year were for export.High and heavy ro-ro cargo ...

  • Port-of-Vigo

    WWL links Spain’s port of Vigo to South America


    Wallenius Wilhelmsen Logistics (WWL) has added the Spanish port of Vigo to its Atlantic Ocean service, which supports the movement of finished vehicles, breakbulk and rolling stock between Europe and South America via the US and Mexico.The Norwegian-based global ocean services provider will call at Vigo on a monthly basis, ...

  • PortGdansk_Adampol

    Kia makes spot shipment of Slovakian-made cars via Gdansk


    [UPDATED] Kia Motors has started moving spot shipments of passenger cars made at its Zilina factory in Slovakia through the port of Gdansk in Poland for delivery to the UK. The Korean carmaker is working with Polish transport and logistics provider Adampol for the transport and processing of the vehicles. ...


    Groupe Cat confirms buyout of rival STVA


    Finished vehicle logistics provider Groupe Cat has confirmed it will buy rival company STVA from French state-owned rail operator SNCF.The confirmation follows reports in May this year that Groupe Cat was in exclusive negotiations to take over the company, which generated a turnover of over €320m ($370m) last year.Neither company ...

  • Feature

    OEMs e provedores de logística avaliam danos causados pelo furacão Harvey


    Os efeitos devastadores do furacão Harvey nos EUA ainda estão sendo avaliados. O número de mortos já chega a 50, enquanto as estimativas são de que os danos excederão o valor de US$100 bilhões.A cidade texana de Houston parece ter sido a mais atingida, enquanto os portos e as fábricas ...

  • Credits NASA-NOAA GOES Project_opt

    OEMs and logistics providers assess damage from Hurricane Harvey


    The devastating effects of Hurricane Harvey in the US are still being assessed. The death toll already stands at 50, while estimates are that damages will exceed a value of $100 billion.The Texan city of Houston seems to have taken the biggest hit, while ports and car plants were shut ...

  • FVLIE_FinalPanelOEMs

    Embracing change to drive velocity in North American ports


    This year’s Finished Vehicle Logistics Import Export summit in Baltimore revealed an industry embracing the latest digital technology to deal with some familiar challenges around port capacity, infrastructure and security, but facing changing dynamics in the movement of vehicles around North America, not least the renegotiation of the Nafta trade ...

  • Platon_screen-300x193

    Russian automotive industry concerned by rising Platon toll rate


    Concerns are growing in the Russian automotive sector about the rising costs of the Platon electronic toll system, Elizaveta Korshunova, head of outbound logistics at Gaz Group, revealed at the recent Automotive Logistics Russia summit.Korshunova said the toll had already raised transport costs for finished vehicles in Russia by nearly ...