Featuring forecasts and market research from our Global Business Intelligence and Automotive Logistics expert network, get business-critical data and discuss supply chain implications during sessions and at our new Intel Bar

  • Managing powertrain fragmentation:
    The next decade will see powertrain shifts away from diesel and petrol and towards varying degrees of hybrid, electric and fuel cell powertrains. Hear from and discuss with our analysts how companies should navigate this myriad mix across the supply chain.

  • Maintaining supply chain margins:
    Profit margins are falling across OEMs, tier suppliers and logistics providers. Hear from our analysts and discuss the best ways forward to mitigate margin compression.

  • Building a new battery supply chain:
    Europe along has seen around 500 gigawatt hours of new battery cell capacity planned for the 2020s and electric vehicle production ramps up. Gain insights into which OEMs are working with which suppliers and what dynamics will shape this new supply chain

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