All articles by Joanne Perry – Page 2

  • Transport Flows, Bosch

    Bosch’s roadmap to a zero-carbon operation


    Christine Mezger-Behan, Bosch Much of the focus on sustainability in the automotive industry has been on the gases produced by vehicles themselves, but as Daniel Harrison, analyst at Ultima Media, noted at last week’s Automotive Logistics Central and Eastern European Summit, 18% of emissions are attributable to ...

  • AL CEE Summit, Budapest

    CEE: At the heart of Europe’s electric future


    OEMs and tier suppliers are investing in Central and Eastern Europe with a particular focus on electric, connected and autonomous mobility. Delegates at the Automotive Logistics CEE Summit in Budapest heard about the latest challenges and opportunities.

  • Joanne Perry

    Hunkering in a bunker for Brexit


    I type this surrounded by tins of baked beans, a stack of chocolate bars and a few bottles of merlot – not my usual ‘writing supplies’ (although, close), but the contents of my Brexit bunker in which I am waiting for the end of life as we know it. For it’s slightly over a month to go before the UK is due to leave the EU and what will happen next is still unclear. Deal? No deal? Riots in the streets? Right now, it is anyone’s guess…

  • Joanne Perry

    Teenage dreams and EVs – why it's not as simple as Thunberg thinks


    “You have stolen my dreams and my childhood with your empty words… How dare you continue to look away and come here saying that you’re doing enough, when the politics and solutions needed are still nowhere in sight?” With such powerful language did 16-year-old activist Greta Thunberg reproach world leaders at the UN’s Climate Action Summit last month. The ferocity of the pink-cheeked teenager provoked a tidal wave of reactions. I have a few observations myself….

  • Ellesmere_Port_Vauxhall

    Contingency costs for Brexit exceed £330m while automotive investment plummets


    The UK automotive industry has already spent at least £330m ($401m) on contingency plans to cover the country’s departure from the EU, according to the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT). At the same time, investment has stalled as automotive manufacturers brace themselves for Brexit and big investors fear a no-deal scenario, said the SMMT’s CEO, Mike Hawes, at a press conference in London…

  • Grimsby_Immingham_port

    UK automotive on shaky ground amid ‘seismic’ trade shifts


    Immingham port The UK’s automotive industry is in danger of being crushed by shifting trade relations across different regions of the world, as vehicle import tariffs change between it and the EU, the US and Japan. Uncertainty over the reworking of two of these key relationships, particularly ...

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    Nissan North America: On track to cut container pool shrinkage


    Container pool shrinkage is an issue that has a costly impact on OEMs and tier suppliers across the automotive industry. At various points in the extended supply chains which support today’s vehicle manufacturing operations, containers go missing, are misused or are even stolen to be resold and used elsewhere

  • Laura Peréz Grovas, director of supply chain, Jose Cuervo

    Q&A: Laura Peréz Grovas


    At the AL Mexico conference, Jose Cuervo’s director of supply chain gave delegates some insights into what distribution looks like for a tequila company

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    US car market stable as trade and tech change


    George Peterson, president of analyst firm Auto Pacific The US economy is in good health, consumer confidence is high and vehicle sales are expected to total 16.6m this year, delegates were told at this week’s Finished Vehicle Logistics North America conference. The bad news is that the ...

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    China's automotive market heads for change


    China’s economy is entering a new phase of steady rather than rapid expansion and the automotive industry may have to accept that the days of exponential growth could be at an end, delegates were told at this month’s (April) Automotive Logistics Global Shanghai conference. Yet GDP remains relatively high – ...

  • Joanne Perry

    The miracle of packaging


    At first glance, the arrival of Easter eggs in spring seems like a miracle, but on reflection it clearly has less to do with an oversized rabbit than it does with packaging. What a product to have to deliver! A thin, curved, meltable confection that must survive the journey from manufacturer to retailer in one piece (literally), in order to join the serried ranks on our supermarket shelves. Hats off to the unsung packaging experts who make that possible…

  • Joanne Perry

    Thinking inside the box


    Thinking outside the box is generally applauded, but thinking inside the box is becoming increasingly common. And no, I’m not only talking about the UK government’s unimaginative strategising as the nation stumbles towards Brexit. Where once ro-ro transport was the undoubted method for moving finished vehicles, containerisation is increasingly becoming a viable option as the industry decentralises its production and also shifts towards different types of vehicles…

  • nullnull

    Smarter about spot loads


    Logistics technology company Loadsmart promises to automate full truckload shipments to the benefit of both shippers and carriers

  • Marcelo Turri, head of supply chain and IT, Alpargatas feature

    Q&A: Marcelo Turri, Alpargatas


    Could you give an overview of the logistical operation which supports Havaianas?We have different models in different regions, so in Brazil, we operate our warehouses but we have third parties that do the transportation for us. In the US, Europe and Asia, we have third parties that operate our warehouses ...


    Mexico stays strong in the face of adversity


    Mexico is holding onto its position as a top-ten global automotive manufacturer and exporter despite a variety of challenges, including the new United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA), the occurrence of severe weather events and a worsening domestic security situation. Eduardo Solis, executive president of the Asociación Mexicana de ...

  • Joanne Perry

    The importance of connecting


    “Only connect,” said EM Forster. Actually, the automotive industry has been trying to do just that. Every major OEM has been developing connected models that enable access to the internet, superior navigation and better safety systems onboard, plus communication between cars and infrastructure too. This is great for tech lovers – and a nightmare for anyone who hates the idea of inanimate objects ‘talking’ to each other…

  • Joanne Perry

    Value of stability in the push for progress


    I first visited Brazil in 2014, touring a variety of vehicle and component factories on behalf of our sister magazine, Automotive Manufacturing Solutions (and to think, some people go to Rio). I came back home, made a magazine about my trip – and then the market dropped and Brazil entered the worst recession in its history. But now the signs are that Brazil is on its way back up

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    CEE auto markets gear up for sustained growth


    Sustained growth, a shift from low-cost to high-tech manufacturing, plus an ambition to lead automotive market trends such as electromobility and autonomous driving are now characterising the key economies of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE), delegates heard at the Automotive Logistics Central & Eastern Europe summit in Budapest today (Wednesday ...

  • Audi Smart Factory 3

    Q&A: Srini Muthusrinivasan


    What is meant by this term ‘the autonomous supply chain’?The word autonomous has got very prevalent today in the industry. [To understand] the idea of the autonomous supply chain, you’ve got to go back to the history of how we went all the way from the industrial revolution to the ...

  • Joanne Perry

    New magazine, new Nafta


    Revamped at last, after months of discussion, much to-ing and fro-ing between the parties involved, and some eleventh-hour tweaks – yes, the new-look print edition of Automotive Logistics is finally here. I do hope its arrival doesn’t overshadow that other thing that was redesigned recently – the free trade agreement which has governed business between the US, Canada and Mexico over the past 24 years…