All Nissan articles – Page 15

  • AvtoVazLada

    EU emissions rules leave Russia’s carmakers in a quandary


    Russian carmakers may be forced to cut exports to the European Union as a result of the latter’s latest carbon emissions regulations, it has emerged.In a statement released earlier this month, Avtovaz said the latest EU legislation required finished vehicles to have CO2 emissions of under 120g/km, while AvtoVaz’s flagship ...

  • Jose Vicente de Los Mozos

    Renault-Nissan appoints new manufacturing, production and SCM team


    The Renault-Nissan Alliance has announced five deputy and senior vice-president appointments to support its Manufacturing, Production Engineering and Supply Chain Management division from April 1st.The division handles global industrial strategy across the group’s brands, including sourcing, production process engineering, production control and supply chain management, and has been headed by ...

  • Audi México

    Mexico hits record highs in output and exports


    The Mexican automotive sector has enjoyed a spectacular start to 2018, reaching all-time highs in vehicle production and exports during January.According to the Mexican Association of the Automotive Industry (AMIA), a total of 303,755 vehicles were produced during the month, over 4% more than in January 2017. Vehicle exports, meanwhile, ...

  • GestampWeld02

    Gestamp plans joint venture plant in Morocco


    Spanish automotive parts manufacturer Gestamp has signed a joint venture agreement with Moroccan components manufacturer Tuyauto to set up a factory in the north African country.The companies plan to build the plant in the Kenitra free trade zone, next to the car assembly factory PSA is building there. Other key ...

  • Volkswagen Group Rus Werk Kaluga Russland

    VW signs tax exemption deal with Russia


    Volkswagen has become the first carmaker to sign a tax exemption deal with the Russian government, according to a recent statement on its website.Under the agreement, the German carmaker is exempt from payment of VAT and excise rates on automotive components, whether imported or produced in Russia, where they are ...

  • Andy_Watkins_AV_Dawson

    AV Dawson makes key appointments


    Andy Watkins (pictured) has been appointed operations director at UK logistics and transport provider AV Dawson. Watkins has been at the company for 30 years, originally starting there as a stevedore.The company said in a statement that he would oversee operations as AV Dawson expanded into new markets.“Andy has made ...

  • Luz_Eugenia _Torres_Diaz

    Port users bemoan slow progress at Veracruz


    Carmakers and logistics providers have expressed frustration over the slow pace of expansion at the congested Mexican port of Veracruz.The port is working to install new infrastructure to support growing automotive volumes, which reached 1.03m units last year (up 13.5% on 2016).The project includes a completely new landside and berth ...

  • Women-Holding-award-web

    It's time to recognise high performance and best practice


    The deadline for entries is close of business on Monday, February 12th 2018.Entries are invited from all those involved in the automotive logistics sector, including vehicle-makers, tier suppliers, logistics service providers, infrastructure operators, vehicle processors, dealerships and logistics consultancies.The Automotive Logistics Awards – Europe 2018 will recognise and reward excellence ...

  • TransportesMarva03

    Road transport in Mexico: no time for reflection


    About three years ago, trucking capacity for the movement of finished vehicles in Mexico was a big concern. Trucks are used for the delivery of all finished vehicles for the domestic market there, as well as supporting rail in moving vehicles to and from ports, and there were simply not ...

  • Localization of the second and third tier is much lower as compared to the first tier

    Russian regulation: Get local or get going


    The industrial assembly policy that Russia’s government has been pursuing since 2008 initially looked to have played out quite well, encouraging the world’s leading automotive manufacturers to build assembly plants in the country. But after several economic crises, including a sharp devaluation of the rouble in 2014 and subsequent market ...

  • Denis Le Vot

    Nissan appoints Sakamoto and Le Vot to strengthen management team


    Nissan Motor is kicking off the new year with couple of top executive changes in Japan and North America to strengthen its management structure.Hideyuki Sakamoto (pictured, left), who was executive vice-president of product engineering, has been appointed executive vice-president of manufacturing and supply chain management, effective from January 1st this ...

  • Datsun model

    Renault Nissan Automotive India part 2: Ensuring all brands are ready to go


    Renault Nissan Automotive India, the joint venture division of the Renault Nissan Alliance that oversees production and distribution activities in the country, was established with a number of logistics advantages in mind. Its plant in Oragadam, close to the southern city of Chennai, is a manufacturing hub located within a ...

  • Production is "Go" for Datsun's New Family Car at Chennai Plant

    Renault Nissan Automotive India part 1: Working towards a single standard


    Among the many global plants of the Renault Nissan Alliance, the factory in Oragadam, close to Chennai in India, stands out in several ways. Though other Alliance factories now also produce multiple brands, the Indian site was the first planned from the beginning as a joint facility, including shared production ...

  • Collage2

    A stormy year of negotiations, electric plans and cyber-attacks


    As the year draws to close, major uncertainty regarding both Nafta and Brexit remains, as well a lack of clarity on what any changes could mean for the global automotive sector and the logistics industry that supports it.During the past 12 months, OEMs have made major strides towards an electric ...

  • PortGdansk_Adampol

    Kia makes spot shipment of Slovakian-made cars via Gdansk


    [UPDATED] Kia Motors has started moving spot shipments of passenger cars made at its Zilina factory in Slovakia through the port of Gdansk in Poland for delivery to the UK. The Korean carmaker is working with Polish transport and logistics provider Adampol for the transport and processing of the vehicles. ...

  • Fábrica da Nissan em Resende atinge a marca de 20 mil veículos exportados

    Nissan hits 20,000 exports from Brazil following project launch last year


    Nissan has exported 20,000 vehicles from its plant in Resende, Brazil, since its export project began in March 2016, it has reported this week. What is more, the carmaker expects to increase exports by 50% in 2018.The carmaker is sending volumes of the March (43%) and Versa (57%) compact models ...

  • IMG_0015

    Summit report: Indian industry must turn reforms into progress


    Discussions at this year’s Automotive Logistics India Summit in Chennai may have sounded remarkably familiar to those who attended the very first conference a decade earlier: infrastructure deficits, underdeveloped connections, a lack of rail transport options, a fragmented logistics market, a highly bureaucratic and unproductive customs regime, and the proliferation ...

  • IHS Gupta crop

    Indian vehicle exports’ share of total production set to fall


    Vehicle exports’ share of total production in India is set to decline in coming years as carmakers use their manufacturing capacity to meet local market demand, which is forecast to continue growing at a healthy rate.Puneet Gupta (pictured), associate director for vehicle sales forecast for South Asia at research firm ...

  • Opening_Sunet_container ship

    The twilight of global trade?


    Globalisation and free trade may be reversing towards regional supply chains for a mix of policy and economic reasons

  • Subaru XV Japan_opt

    Subaru admits to inappropriate practices in its Japanese inspection process


    Subaru has confirmed that an internal investigation at its Japan-based production facilities has revealed inappropriate practices in connection with the final vehicle inspection process.The OEM said that among other things, its investigation had discovered cases where individuals were conducting final vehicle inspections prior to their formal promotion as final vehicle ...