All Nissan articles – Page 25

  • DSV

    Taking ownership of the supply chain


    The acquisition of UTi Worldwide looks set to substantially boost DSV’s already impressive growth in the automotive sectorWhen DSV’s chief executive officer, Jens Bjørn Andersen, spoke to Automotive Logistics in September 2015 at the opening of its 168,000 sq.m Krefeld-Fichtenhain logistics centre, near Düsseldorf in Germany, he said that the ...

  • Iran's Nuclear Ambitions: Options for the West

    Iran back on the map as a contender in the car market


    Last week’s official lifting of many international economic sanctions against Iran could mark a major step forward for both its domestic car producers and those international brands eager to make the most of pent up demand in the Iranian market. Carmakers and global shipping lines are among those companies who ...

  • Feature

    ECG column: A call to action


    Only a united and inclusive association, with a multitude of active participants, can resolve the concerns of its members, writes ECG president Costantino Baldissara (far right, with vice-president Wolfgang Göbel)Every industry association is fuelled, not only by the energy of its secretariat, but by the will and dynamism of its ...

  • Feature

    No one size fits all


    Close analysis of damage rates, transport efficiency and handling procedures are necessary to meet the complex and diverse packaging needs of aftermarket distributionPackaging for spare parts requires a multitude of different materials and equipment depending not only on the type of part being moved, but where it is in the ...

  • Feature

    Myanmar concede a Kerry Logistics la gestión de sus puertos internos


    Kerry Logistics ha anunciado que su filial, KLN (Singapur) ha obtenido la concesión para operar los puertos internos en Yangon y Mándala, se trata de los principales puertos comerciales de Myanmar, en el sudeste asiático. Anteriormente el propio gobierno gestionaba los puertos. Según Kerry Logistics, el gobierno de Myanmar estaría ...

  • Japan WWL

    Japan: The ripple effects of a global sea change


    While it remains the top exporter of finished vehicles, Japan has shifted from its central role in the global vehicle trade, with shipping companies adjusting their strategies accordinglyJapan has been the world’s top exporter of vehicles for decades, and it remains renowned for its quality of manufacturing as well as ...

  • Feature

    Myanmar awards inland port concession to Kerry Logistics


    Kerry Logistics has announced that its subsidiary, KLN (Singapore) has been awarded a concession to operate inland ports in Yangon and Mandalay, both major commercial ports in the South East Asian country of Myanmar. The ports were previously managed by the government. According to Kerry Logistics, the Myanmar government is ...

  • 3

    Russia: Struggling not to walk away


    Lower volumes and higher costs are leading some tier suppliers to leave Russia, while domestic firms often lack the stability and quality to compensateThe Russian automotive supply chain remains under heavy pressure as the market shrinks further. With General Motors withdrawing most of its sales and production in the country ...

  • Import-from-Mexico

    Mexico short sea: Services evolve as volume increases


    Although rail continues to be the dominant mode to move vehicles from Mexico to the US, short-sea shipping is becoming ever more viable.Short-sea shipping for Mexican vehicle exports to the US isn’t new. It’s been around for decades, but every few years it pops up as an ‘emerging trend’. In ...

  • H Target in Rotterdam)

    A bridge to better business


    Christopher Ludwig talks to Höegh Autoliners CEO Ingar Skiaker about the carrier’s change of strategy to focus on expanding its logistics, terminal services and short-sea shipping. Among veteran ro-ro executives there is currently a touch of nostalgia for the business of the 1990s and most of the 2000s. Trade patterns ...

  • Feature

    Focus on Spain part 2: A platform for reorganisation


    Renault has integrated the Alliance's CMF architecture in Palencia, and is ramping up kitting to handle an increased number of parts.The introduction of an all-new vehicle architecture into a plant can be a fraught experience at the best of times, but when it is accompanied by the need to continue ...

  • Martorell.1

    Focus on Spain part 1: The bull is back


    Spain’s production and sales are recovering from a long period of decline, with growth also in the country’s supplier base. Our four-part report looks at how manufacturers are responding. Reporting and contribution by Anthony Coia, Christopher Ludwig and Roger Stansfield.After more than five years of multiple recessions, fiscal austerity, high ...

  • Feature

    Nissan North America part 5: Carrying the weight of expectation


    Christopher Ludwig highlights global supply and production coordination within the Renault Nissan Alliance, and how Mexican efficiency helps keep US operations lean and keen.In recent years, the Renault Nissan Alliance has accelerated integration across its organisations, including the combination of management functions, as well as implementing cross-production and supply, common ...

  • Feature

    Nissan North America part 4: No outsourcing on the cheap


    Logistics providers play important roles across Nissan’s supply chain in North America through different outsourcing strategies. For inbound logistics, the carmaker has a strong in-house team to manage transport lanes, working with a large mix of carriers and some third party providers. For in-plant logistics, Nissan also handles most operations ...

  • Feature

    Nissan North America part 3: The search for southern comfort


    Nissan has been trying to draw suppliers from the Midwest closer to its US operations since as far back as 1983. Today, the carmaker’s huge volume, together with its new Integrated Logistics Centres at plants, could make it a more attractive proposition.Within John Martin’s wide remit as Nissan’s head of ...

  • Feature

    Nissan North America part 2: Building on global experience


    When John Martin (left) declares Nissan’s North American operations and supply chain as the most competitive, he speaks as a global citizen for Nissan. After holding production and supply chain leadership roles across the UK, Europe, North America and at Nissan’s headquarters in Yokohama, Japan, Martin has seen many sides ...

  • Covershot

    Nissan North America part 1: A super-size supply chain with sales to match


    John Martin, Nissan North America's senior vice-president for manufacturing, purchasing and supply chain is presiding over high times in the carmaker's top global market North America has become a region of superlatives for Nissan. The carmaker has grown to record levels in the US, where sales this year are likely ...

  • Feature

    La cuarta revolución industrial de la India será gradual


    Los fabricantes de automóviles del primer mundo están apostando por lo que se ha denominado la cuarta revolución industrial, la Industria 4.0. Están utilizando las últimas tecnologías para reorganizar su producción y cadena suministro según los denominados ‘sistemas de producción ciber-físicos’ para conseguir ‘fábricas inteligentes’.Shilpashree M, directora de comunicaciones de ...

  • Feature

    Pronto para reemergir - sinais positivos de que a Índia está no caminho certo


    As trágicas e históricas inundações em Chennai tiveram um sério impacto sobre a Índia, com muitas pessoas perdendo suas vidas e danos consideráveis ​​em toda a cidade e região. A cadeia de fornecimento foi interrompida, com muitos fornecedores e montadoras na área tendo que fechar por algum período, incluindo a ...

  • Feature

    India’s 'fourth industrial revolution' will be a gradual one


    Carmakers in the developed world are embracing what has been called the fourth industrial revolution, or Industry 4.0. They are using the latest technology to reorganise their manufacturing and supply chains according to so called ‘cyber-physical production systems’ in the pursuit of the ‘smart factory’. Shilpashree M, head of communications ...