All OEMs articles – Page 62

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    ​Honda opens Celaya plant in Mexico


    This article has been amended since publication on 26th February to include additional comment from Dennis Manns, Honda’s vice president of logistics and sales planning. Honda unveiled the latest development in its expansion projects for Mexico last Friday (February 21st) with the opening of its new $800m plant in Celaya. ...

  • Tacoma_vehicle_unload

    Tacoma sees spike in vehicle imports


    Vehicle imports through the US port of Tacoma in Washington state increased 63% in January thanks, in part, to a year-end inventory push by Korean carmakers. A total of 15,203 vehicles were imported through the port for the month, compared to around 9,335 in January 2013. Total automotive imports in ...

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    ​Mazda officially opens Salamanca plant in Mexico


    Mazda’s new assembly plant in Salamanca, Mexico, will open officially on Thursday this week, in a move that will significantly boost the OEM’s shipping capacities to the US market. The new facility will offer the company a low-cost production base from which the OEM can operate in Mexico, already one ...

  • FathiTlatli_04_small

    Getting launches off to a flying start


    More frequent launches and longer supply chains are placing significant pressure on manufacturers and inbound and outbound providers. Having spent tens of millions of dollars promoting the autumn 2012 launch of its 2013 model year Lincoln MKZ, Ford had high hopes for the vehicle, which was the subject of a ...

  • Unknown

    ​Philippine tariffs on Japanese parts cut to zero


    In a move that will affect logistics providers operating in the ASEAN region and beyond, it has been announced that Philippine tariffs on Japanese-made car parts have been cut to zero. The decision, which takes place with immediate affect, will see tariffs reduced for a variety of products, one of ...

  • busan_port1-600x0

    ​Exports of cars and parts from South Korea set to rise


    [sam_ad id=6 codes='true']The Korea Automobile Manufacturers Association (KAMA) has released data indicating that South Korea’s exports of finished vehicles and automotive parts is expected to soar over the coming year in response to increasing global demand for domestic brands. The Port of Busan, in South KoreaIn a report issued last ...

  • Andreas-Renschler

    Renschler to head commercial vehicle division at VW


    Following the surprise news that Andreas Renschler has left Daimler, Volkswagen has announced that he will take up a position as board member with responsibility for the Commercial Vehicles division from February next year. He takes over from Lief Östling.Östling retires from the role next year but will continue to ...

  • Volvo_Eicher

    Volvo and Eicher expand beyond India


    Volvo Group’s equal joint venture in India with Eicher Motors – VE Commercial Vehicles (VECV) – has announced that it is targeting 15% of total sales to come from exports within the next five years.The Volvo distribution network in Africa, the Middle East and Southeast Asia will be used to ...

  • infiniti_fx_sankt_peterburg

    Nissan to end SKD assembly of Infiniti


    The carmaker will start importing finished vehicles of Infiniti models from Japan later this year as its plant in St Petersburg switches entirely to complete-knockdown assembly (CKD), partly as a means to access valuable Russian subsidies.SKD assembly of the Infiniti model will stop in May this year when Nissan’s agreement ...

  • thomasUlbrich_3

    ​Ulbrich is new VW board member for production and logistics


    The Volkswagen Group has announced its appointment of Thomas Ulbrich, a veteran logistics executive, as board member responsible for production and logistics at Volkswagen Passenger Cars. He succeeds Dr Hubert Waltl, who will take up a post as board member for production at Audi. These changes will both come into ...

  • BMW IM Properties

    ​Munich-based BMW logistics centre sold to private firm


    A BMW logistics centre near Munich has been sold to a private consortium for €44m ($60m). The centre had previously been owned by IM Properties, one of the UK’s largest privately owned property companies.The centre, located in Niederaichbach, is 98,500 square metres and used by BWM for parts distribution purposes. ...

  • WilmingtonPlant

    ​Fisker sale to Wanxiang Corporation confirmed


    After almost two years of bidding, Fisker Automotive has formally announced its acquisition by the Wanxiang American Coporation. The automotive parts manufacturer emerged as the highest bidder, investing $149.2m to secure the group, which declared bankruptcy in November of last year. The final decision was announced earlier this week, as ...

  • DB Schenker Port of Tangiers

    DB Schenker extends Moroccan networks to Europe


    German logistics provider DB Schenker has announced an upgrade in its North African operations, to better facilitate logistics networks between Europe and Morocco. The group has invested in improvements at its branches in Tangier and Casablanca, through the national company Schenker Maroc, which will oversee daily operations with the company’s ...

  • Unipart_Logistics_warehouse,_Cowley,_frontage

    Unipart wins second contract with Toyota in India


    Unipart has announced the acquisition of an additional contract with Toyota for the distribution of aftermarket parts in India, the second of its kind in the country following a contract with the carmaker that Unipart began in March, 2012 at its Bangalore site.Unipart will now also manage distribution operations for ...

  • Hansmann

    Hansmann goes deeper in-plant at German factories


    Hansmann Logistik has gained further work for in-plant logistics services at car plants in Wolfsburg and Osnabrück in Germany. The provider will take over operations that include sequencing, storage, empty container handling and line feeding.Although Hansmann declined to identify the carmaker, the Volkswagen Group has its headquarters and largest global ...

  • JCB opening logistics hub

    JCB officially opens inbound logistics facility in UK


    UK-based construction machinery maker JCB has officially opened its new logistics hub in North Staffordshire. The centre has been set up to receive inbound components for onward shipment to JCB's global manufacturing facilities, including those in Europe, the US, Brazil, China and India, as well as those local to the ...

  • Aston_Martin_Badge

    Aston Martin recall raises questions about sourcing


    Aston Martin has been keen to stress the close relationships it has with its top tier suppliers in the wake of the massive vehicle recall it was forced to issue earlier this month because of what it called counterfeit material from a Chinese sub-supplier. But tier one locations are no ...

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    ​Drop in Turkish CV production and exports threatens carriers


    Recent data from Turkey’s Automotive Manufacturers’ Association (OSD) indicates a dramatic 47% drop in commercial vehicle (CV) production in the country for the month of January, with a similarly sharp drop in CV exports, something that is already hurting vehicle carriers handling transport out of the country. The reason for ...

  • PortofFelixstowe

    ​Felixstowe expands container handling facility


    In a move that could have repercussions for the UK’s automotive suppliers, hauliers, and manufacturers, the port of Felixstowe, the UK’s biggest container port, has received consent to extend its newest container hold facility.Berths 8 and 9 will be expanded by 190 metres to increase the port’s ability to manage ...


    Outsourcing's thin grey line


    The boundary between outsourced supply chain and in-house manufacturing is moving all the time. Where should carmakers draw the line?Once, perhaps, it was easy to see where logistics management and labour stopped and where manufacturing started at assembly plants. Parts were taken from the trucks at the loading dock of ...