Road – Page 21

  • Audi.Vorsprung - Production

    Audi’s logistics part 2: Pursuing practical progression


    There is little question that finished vehicle logistics has been among the least automated segments of the overall automotive production and supply chain process. From loading and unloading vehicles to and from trucks, ships and rail wagons to inspection and parking, as well as scanning vehicles into inventory and tracking systems, outbound logistics has remained, by and large, a manual, labour-intensive operation

  • Datsun model

    Renault Nissan Automotive India part 2: Ensuring all brands are ready to go


    Renault Nissan Automotive India, the joint venture division of the Renault Nissan Alliance that oversees production and distribution activities in the country, was established with a number of logistics advantages in mind. Its plant in Oragadam, close to the southern city of Chennai, is a manufacturing hub located within a ...

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    UK-based Acumen acquires J&A Transporters


    UK automotive logistics provider Acumen Automotive Logistics has acquired J&A Transporters, a Somerset-based business specialising in used vehicle movements for auction houses, direct contracts with dealerships for new cars and vehicle swaps, and fleet movements for rental operators.The deal, for an undisclosed sum, will add 15 car transporters and a ...

  • ElectricTruck_Altmann_BMW

    Altmann joins Scherm in EV truck use for BMW Munich


    Logistics services providers Scherm Group and ARS Altmann have recently invested in two new electric-powered trucks to support inbound and outbound activity at BMW’s vehicle assembly plant in Munich.German logistics provider Scherm Group, which was already using one electric vehicle for inbound deliveries to the carmaker’s Munich plant after setting ...

  • Tata_Ultra_Truck

    First shipments of trucks by sea from India to Bangladesh


    Tata Motors has sent its first ever consignment of 240 trucks to Bangladesh using short-sea shipping instead of the congested land border route through Petrapole-Benapole. The trucks were shipped on November 23rd and were followed by a second consignment four days later.The trucks, which arrived in Bangladesh within two days, ...

  • Women Holding award web

    New awards celebrate excellence and innovation in automotive supply chains


    The Automotive Logistics Group, which publishes the highly respected Automotive Logistics magazine as well as organising a series of global logistics conferences, has today announced the launch of an exciting new awards scheme for the automotive supply chain management sector.The Automotive Logistics Awards – Europe 2018 will recognise and reward ...

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    Summit report: Indian industry must turn reforms into progress


    Discussions at this year’s Automotive Logistics India Summit in Chennai may have sounded remarkably familiar to those who attended the very first conference a decade earlier: infrastructure deficits, underdeveloped connections, a lack of rail transport options, a fragmented logistics market, a highly bureaucratic and unproductive customs regime, and the proliferation ...

  • Ramakreshnan_opt

    Indian state border barriers slowly coming down under GST regime


    Flows of goods across India’s state borders seem to be smoothing out slowly as toll barriers are removed, following implementation of the nationwide Goods and Services Tax (GST) several months ago.Speakers at this year’s Automotive Logistics India Summit last week gave examples of how the new federal taxation system, which ...


    Groupe Cat confirms buyout of rival STVA


    Finished vehicle logistics provider Groupe Cat has confirmed it will buy rival company STVA from French state-owned rail operator SNCF.The confirmation follows reports in May this year that Groupe Cat was in exclusive negotiations to take over the company, which generated a turnover of over €320m ($370m) last year.Neither company ...

  • Phil_Gibbs-Casual-photo cropped square

    How autonomous vehicles will impact on the supply chain


    There’s a huge buzz in Silicon Valley about electric engines, ride-hailing and driverless cars, with Uber, Tesla and Waymo all making waves. Morgan Stanley sees a major transformation taking place and recently predicted that Waymo, Alphabet’s autonomous driving unit, could be valued at $70 billion by 2030.The big car manufacturers ...

  • ECG_main_opening_pic

    Digital revolutions in political turmoil


    Whether it has been politics, the economy, ‘Dieselgate’, collapsing German rail tunnels or adverse weather, the European transport sector has its fair share to deal with this year – at a time which also appears to mark the end to a recent cyclical high in new vehicle registrations, at least ...

  • Audi_Hauf

    Production & logistics part 2: Questioning the future


    This article is one of a series of pieces celebrating Automotive Logistics’ 20th anniversary issue that together take an extended look at the way top executives feel automotive production and logistics have changed in the last two decades – and where they see them heading in the future.

  • ATRI_score

    Driver shortage the number one concern for road carriers in ATRI survey


    The shortage of truck drivers in North America has climbed six places to come top of the list of concerns in a survey into critical issues facing the sector, conducted by the American Transportation Research Institute (ATRI). The results were released at this week’s 2017 American Trucking Association (ATA) Management ...

  • 20 year 2

    This changing world…


    Click here to access more Automotive Logistics 20th anniversary featuresOver the past two decades a number of major global events have had a significant impact on global automotive supply chains, from new technologies, external disruptors entering the industry, catastrophes (both manmade and natural), and political earthquakes.There is little doubt ...

  • KAR_san-antonio

    K-Line and Agunsa launch KAR Logistics to target rising vehicle imports


    Chilean multinational logistics agency Agunsa has teamed up with Japanese shipping firm K-Line to form a dedicated automotive logistics company, KAR Logistics.The new company, which will operate in Latin America, has been created to help meet rising automotive import traffic in the region, especially in Chile.In a press statement, Agunsa ...

  • Bo_shiju

    Beijing Changjiu Logistics: Independence, investment and internationalisation


    Beijing Changjiu Logistics has grown to become one of the largest third-party providers serving the automotive sector in China, both for handling parts and especially for finished vehicles, of which last year it moved 3.08m. The company began its life in 1992 as Jilin Changjiu Logistics but registered as Beijing ...

  • connectivity

    Changes are the only certainty at Ford of Europe


    Dirk Willmann, director of material planning and logistics for Ford Europe, outlines how the carmaker is improving visibility and adapting its vehicle logistics network across Europe to better manage customer demand and trade uncertainties.

  • Mini MBP_0065 lr

    Mini plant, huge complexity


    BMW’s Mini factory in Cowley, near Oxford in southern England, is a striking example of managing high levels of supply chain and production complexity, set against space constraints and long lead times for inbound parts delivery and exports of vehicles.However, thanks to well-defined supply and logistics processes, along with strong ...

  • Boucher

    US car carriers: Driven to deliver


    The US car market is forecast to contract slightly over the next two to three years, with sales set to fall from a high of 17.8m this year to around 16.3m in 2019, according to figures from industry analyst PwC. As OEMs cope with swelling inventory, the car carrier sector ...

  • DavidTozer_InnovateUK lr

    UK logistics industry cuts emissions with innovation funding


    The freight, utilities and logistics industry in the UK contributes 31% of the total emissions polluting the environment and threatening the health of country's population but the good news is that trials are already underway on low emission goods vehicles, thanks to £24m ($32m) in funding through the government's innovation ...