All Russian Federation articles – Page 7

  • Denis_Manturov_RussianGvmt_web

    Russians drop US dollar for components purchases


    Russian Trade and Industry minister Denis Manturov (pictured) has revealed that many Russian automotive manufacturers are increasingly using national currencies, rather than the US dollar, to pay for imported components. The move has been prompted by recent US sanctions on Russia.Several companies have so far announced the policy, trade with ...

  • EEU_flags

    EEU cuts import duties but trade within bloc is in dispute


    The Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) has officially cut duties on finished vehicles being imported into the bloc from 20% to 17%. The rule took effect from September 1 this year, while a further reduction to 15% is proposed to take place at the same time in 2019. The EEU comprises ...

  • GM-Uzbekistan

    GM Uzbekistan suspends vehicle sales over pricing


    GM Uzbekistan has suspended finished vehicle sales in Uzbekistan, after failing to carry through a price increase on the domestic market there. The move follows a similar suspension in Russia – its second biggest market after Uzbekistan – for more than two months on similar grounds.Speaking at a press conference ...

  • Volkswagen Group Rus Werk in Kaluga

    VW hit by industrial action in Russia


    Logistics workers at VW’s assembly plant in Kaluga, Russia, carried out industrial action earlier this month in protest over plans to outsource some staff, trade union MPRA said in a statement on its Facebook page, which was posted on August 6.Logistics workers implemented a go-slow policy at the plant based ...

  • Automotive-carriers-Russia1

    Russia's car exports fail to meet forecasts


    Russian vehicle exports are behind government expectations, despite being up 3% on last year’s figures. The country exported 34,200 finished vehicles between January and May this year, according to the country’s Federal Custom Service, but due to the logistics subsidies and other state support measures that have been made, the ...

  • BelarusMAZtrucks_03

    EEU hits vehicle makers with revised rates


    Carmakers with assembly plants in Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus are now unable to export finished vehicles duty free within the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU), because the localisation rate has increased.Previously, almost all Russian carmakers, as well as those foreign carmakers with plants in the region, were registered on the EEU’s ...

  • Russia_parts_warehouse

    Russia seeks to subsidise cost of parts imports


    Russia’s Ministry of Trade wants foreign OEMs to continue to comply with the industrial assembly agreements drawn up under Regulation 166. The regulation, which was amended in 2010, allowed foreign carmakers to import parts at preferential rates of customs duty. However, carmakers no longer have a reason to comply with ...

  • Several Russian carmakers were exporting products in 2017

    Russia's fresh focus on exports


    In recent years, Russia has put considerable resources into encouraging recovery in its domestic automotive industry. Last year, the federal budget included 62.3 billion roubles ($1 billion) in state aid for carmakers. Such sums have been spent primarily on boosting demand in the domestic market, which has been under pressure ...

  • MajorAutoTrans-250

    Russian carriers alarmed over rising fuel prices


    The average price for gasoline in Russia has increased by 8% during 2018, sparking strong concerns amongst logistics providers over rising costs at a time when many are suppressing service charges in the interest of retaining business.Fuel prices are on the rise because of a number of factors, including the ...

  • MaximOreshkin_Russia

    Russia on its way to join the global automotive trade war


    The Russian government is considering protective duties against US finished vehicles according to Maxim Oreshkin, Russia’s economic development minister (pictured). Oreshkin held a press conference in Moscow on June 25 and said the country could introduce duties ranging between 18% and 20% in response to the US decision to raise ...

  • Russia to introduce new utilization fee on finished vehicles in 2018

    World Cup better than expected for logistics


    The FIFA World Cup 2018 has caused a temporary shortage of transport capacities in certain regions of Russia, with a local rise in tariffs and some delays at customs, according to Irina Novikova, the inland transport department director of Gefco. However, fears of Russia ceasing to import automotive components including ...

  • RussianDealership

    Russian VAT hike to hit domestic car industry


    Plans to increase the VAT rate in Russia from 18% to 20% next year look set to hit the automotive and construction sectors hard, Russian economists have warned.The move, designed to collect an additional $10 billion a year for the federal budget, is believed to be the sharpest rise in ...

  • Gaz Next production

    Turkish exports continue to rise


    Turkey’s automotive exports have risen 17% so far this year to reach a value of $13.9 billion, fresh figures from the Uludağ Automotive Industry Exporters' Association (OİB) have shown.In May – the country’s 28th month of continuous automotive export growth – automotive exports were worth $2.8 billion, up 8% on ...

  • StPetersburgEconomicForum

    New Russian association to encourage a slicker supply chain


    A group of Russian state-owned and private companies has formed a body called the Digital Transport and Logistics Association (DTLA), reported to be the biggest such association to have existed in the Russian transport industry and tasked with establishing a joined up supply chain supported by the latest digital technology.The ...

  • LandCruiserPrado

    Vehicle imports to Russia increase in the first quarter


    Russia imported almost 67,000 finished vehicles during the first quarter 2018, up by just under 50% compared to the same period last year, according to a statement from the country’s Federal Customs Service. Imports over the period were equal to $1.65 billion.It is the first time in a decade that ...

  • GEFCO Corby-180

    Gefco: Full of get up and go


    French transport and logistics provider Gefco started 2018 with an announcement in Paris that it was looking to cooperate more closely with its partners and customers. At the same time, the company said it was looking for international growth and new business as it continued to move beyond the traditional ...

  • Hyundai-Russia

    Russia ends era of industrial agreements


    Russia is scrapping its Regulation 166 agreement, which allows foreign carmakers building cars in the country to import parts at preferential rates of customs duty. According to the country’s Ministry of Economic Development, the industrial agreement regime will cease on July 1 this year.In a statement posted on its website, ...

  • Russia sees the shortage of automotive carriers feature

    Russia: Recovery still down the road


    Sales of finished vehicles in Russia rose 11.9% in 2017 over the previous year to reach 1.59m units, according to estimates in early January by the Association of European Businesses (AEB). Russia’s long-awaited recovery began in March and gained momentum throughout the year, peaking in December with monthly sales of ...

  • smart_two_fourEV

    Russia moves to boost domestic EV market


    Russia has announced a series of support measures to boost domestic sales of electric vehicles (EVs) from fewer than 100 units in 2017 to nearly 100,000 units by 2025 – or 4-5% of overall vehicle sales.According to the federal government’s national strategy for automotive development in Russia, up to 90% ...

  • GAZ_Nizhny_7

    Gaz Group faces halt in assembly


    Gaz Group is reported to have said that it may have to cease vehicle assembly in Russia in June because of recently imposed US sanctions that have blocked the import of automotive components from the US, Germany and the Czech Republic.The OEM’s production and export operations have been in doubt ...