AL FVL Spring 2022 Digital Edition - Sailing towards a more sustainable supply chain
By Automotive Logistics2022-03-29T10:08:00
The spring digital edition of Automotive Logistics and Finished Vehicle Logistics magazine is out now. It features interviews with Toyota and Volvo, as well as an overview of activity at the European vehicle handling ports
The main theme of the spring edition is sustainability. Martin Corner, vice-president of global supply chain logistics at Volvo, details the carmaker’s commitments to more sustainable logistics after COP26. The edition also includes a focus on the how carmakers are delivering emissions cuts through more optimised inbound networks, with input from experts at DSV, Inform, Kuehne + Nagel and Maersk.
On the outbound side, Toyota is rolling out a new tool for dealers in the US that gives more accuracy on the position of vehicles being delivered to them from the assembly plants. Kevin Austin, vice-president of demand and supply management, tells us all about Project ETA.
This edition also includes a focus on the efforts being made by ro-ro vessel operators in Europe to clean up the short-sea delivery of finished vehicles – a joined up approach as ports across Europe, including the UK, invest in infrastructure and technology to make operations more sustainable.
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