All Asia articles – Page 41

  • KLine_Michigan_Highway

    “K” Line vessel rescues yacht crew from Atlantic


    The crew of a pure car and truck carrier (PCTC), owned by Japanese ocean forwarder “K” Line, are reported to have rescued a crew of four yachtsman who were in difficulty in the Atlantic ocean following damage to their vessel’s rudder.The yachtsmen sent a distress signal to the Maritime Rescue ...

  • Vehicle storage at Hambantota Port, Sri Lanka-1 copy

    The unexpected rise of Hambantota port


    While it may seem an unlikely destination, the Sri Lankan port is a growing automotive hub for transhipments from Asia to global markets. The right mix of incentives, capacity and shipping links have been catching OEMs' attention.Sri Lanka, the island nation off the southeast coast of southern India doesn’t manufacture ...

  • Cargo Centre Graz_small

    Magna puts more in providers’ hands


    As tier suppliers take over more content and engineering in the automotive supply chain, the scope for logistics providers to increase their services and value to companies such as Magna is growing.For decades, the automotive supply chain has seen considerable product development and engineering spread from OEMs to the supply ...

  • jaguar_land_rover_sign



    捷豹路虎已经任命Marcelo Wilson Navarro为巴西材料规划与物流(MP&L)高级经理。他将离开目前百事可乐(在索罗卡巴地区)地区制造部经理一职。 在百事可乐任职之前,Navarro已经在摩托车制造商Kasinski公司,以及设备制造Case New Holland公司,担任过物流与管理职务。他还在德国底盘技术供应商ZF巴西分公司,担任过很多监督职务。 JLR在去年年末宣布,集团将斥资7.5亿雷亚尔,在Itatiaia(在Rio de Janeiro州内)建厂。该厂是英国以外的第二家制造厂,之前集团在中国与奇瑞公司合资办厂,开始生产汽车。在巴西的生产计划于2016年开始,制造Discovery Sport车型,年产量预计达到24,000辆。到2015年3月为止,公司在巴西将会有42家经销商,这是公司扩大生产计划的一部分。

  • jaguar_land_rover_sign

    Navarro takes up MP&L role for JLR in Brazil


    Jaguar Land Rover has appointed Marcelo Wilson Navarro as its senior manager for Material Planning and Logistics (MP&L) in Brazil. He moves across from his role as regional manufacturing manager at Pepsico, which was based in the Sorocaba region.Prior to his time at Pepsico, Navarro had logistics and management roles ...

  • Stephen K Carlisle Named To Lead GM Canada

    Carlisle takes over from Williams as head of GM Canada


    In another top executive move at GM this week, Stephen Carlisle, formerly vice-president of Global Product Planning and Program Management (left), has been named president and managing director of GM Canada.Carlisle succeeds Kevin Williams who has been in the role since 2010, but who is retiring from the carmaker at ...

  • GlovisAdampol



    韩国物流供应商现代格拉维斯(Hyundai Glovis)已经签署协议,接管波兰整车承运商Adampol公司,使公司第一次获得攫取欧洲火车运输与物流资产的直接通道。 据韩国现代格拉维斯官员在《韩国先驱报》上发布的一份声明(也在现代格拉维斯官网上公布)称,“Adampol SA公司价值超过7,000万欧元(约合8,700万美元),是国外物流公司中与本地公司合并中,价值最高的一次之一。” 据Inwestycje.pl的一份报道称,格拉维斯从卢森堡EMPE手中购买了Adampol大部分股份,而Adampol创始人兼副总裁Adam Byglewsik、以及公司目前首席执行官Elena Lukanova仍持有公司30%的股份。然而,Automotive Logistics杂志未能证实这些细节。 与Adampol关系比较密切的媒体称,公司开始出售已经有一年多的时间了,一直从欧洲和美国的物流供应商那里寻求有意者。 这周末将会有格拉维斯的官方声明,在此之前公司没有做出任何进一步的评论。格拉维斯在欧洲进行第三方物流业务现代格拉维斯是现代集团的一部分,负责为现代与起亚的汽车工厂,经营厂内汽车物流与管理。到目前为止,公司在欧洲的业务主要集中在这两个品牌的合约物流供应、联合运输和仓储业务上。目前,现代格拉维斯在欧洲拥有5个分公司(分别在德国、斯洛伐克、杰克、土耳其和俄罗斯),以及众多物流中心。 公司一直有个宏伟的目标,就是要增加欧洲的第三方物流业务,与其他全球市场的业务保持一致,其中包括韩国和美国的业务。此次收购,正是这个目标能够实现的成功一步。 此前在接受Automotive Logistics采访时,现代格拉维斯欧洲部总经理Frank Schnelle说,格拉维斯正在考虑直接收购欧洲资产,提高对现代-起亚和第三方的入出厂物流服务。 Schnelle说,“我们认为,我们必须拥有或控制资产,才能为其他公司提供价值和服务,因此我们一直在认真地寻找进入市场的途径。” 据韩国和波兰媒体报道,Adampol公司去年为宝马、通用、丰田和大众汽车,共运输大约400,000辆汽车,销售额达到1亿欧元,营业利润率达到10%。 Adampol公司在一次官方声明中称,公司正在寻求合作伙伴,扩大其物流业务,与现代格拉维斯欧洲合作是双方发展的下一步计划。声明称,“合作可以产生更为高效而综合的供应链方案,与现代格拉维斯海外货运服务的结合就是为了实现这个目的。” 格拉维斯拥有一个汽车和载货汽车专用船队,运输韩国现代-起亚的出口汽车,以及其他品牌汽车。 

  • GlovisAdampol

    Hyundai Glovis acquires European logistics assets with Adampol takeover


    Korean logistics provider Hyundai Glovis has signed an agreement to take over Polish finished vehicle carrier Adampol, giving the company direct access to European trucking and logistics assets for the first time.According to a statement attributed to Hyundai Glovis officials in an article from the Korea Herald, which Hyundai Glovis ...

  • WWL_thailand_trucks



    华轮威尔森物流(WWL)透露,该公司在泰国正致力于销售和客户服务业务,目的是“在不断增长的市场更好地协调其业务。”在过去的二十年,这些业务由威尔森船舶服务公司(WSS)经营。华轮威尔森物流表示,由于处理这些业务的团队将保持不变,因此此项举措应该不会影响到该公司与客户的日常关系。 威尔森船舶服务公司销售负责人Sunee Phansatitwong,现在已经加入华轮威尔森物流,并担任泰国地区的商业总经理一职 Phansatitwong 说:“我和我的团队现在已经成为更庞大的物流团队中的一部分,从厂家到经销商提供各个方面的物流服务。我们当然很高兴能继续为我们在该地区的客户提供服务。” 华轮威尔森物流表示,改变业务结构的决定是受该国家市场变化的影响,其中包括汽车制造商大量涌向泰国以及国内生产商扩大生产的形势。 东南亚华轮威尔森物流公司副总裁兼负责人Trond Tønjum指出,有两个主要因素影响物流业务在国内的发展。首先是更好的贸易关系,其中部分是受新亚洲经济共同体(AEC)协议的影响,期望此项协议能够缓解东南亚市场的出口状况;第二个是汽车生产能力的增长。该公司表示,汽车出口有望在未来三到四年翻一番,从120万辆的汽车出口量增长到220万。 Tønjum说:“随着AEC将在2016年1月起生效,我们期望增加跨境贸易。泰国将成为包括缅甸、老挝、柬埔寨和越南在内的大部分东南亚国家的一个自然生产枢纽和中转国。” 业务结构的变化预计将带来效率的提高,以及发展华轮威尔森物流海洋物流之外业务的空间。 Tønjum还说:“泰国现在正以汽车制造商主要出口国的身份,加入全球生产中心的行列,如同墨西哥,南非和其他一些国家一样。与此同时,现在我们希望泰国的商品能够从泰国跨过东南亚出口到欧洲,澳洲和北美,并且我们已经准备好向这些地区提供我们优质的服务,专业技术和支持。” 

  • WWL_thailand_trucks

    WWL takes full control of Thai sales and customer service functions


    Wallenius Wilhelmsen Logistics (WWL) has revealed that it is bringing its sales and customer service operations in Thailand in house to “better coordinate its business in a growing market”. Those functions have been handled by Wilhelmsen Ship Service (WSS) for the past two decades. WWL said that the move should ...

  • MOL_Comfort

    Slimstock因在MOL Comfort灾难中反应迅速而获


    Slimstock是总部位于英国的软件物流公司,因其在去年三井运输汽车零部件的货船在印度洋沉船时的敏捷反应,而在最近2014物流业务IT颁奖典礼里,获得规划与预测软件组奖项。 装箱的零部件是由IM Parts公司进口的,该公司在英国经销Subaru, Isuzu和Daihatsu汽车零部件。Automotive Logistics杂志曾在2013年6月报道过此事,那时几个公司刚刚开始合作,就有一船的货物沉入海底。IM Parts公司财务主任Mike Willetts说,“当满载货物的货船沉入海底时,我们面连着巨大的库存问题。如果我们的库存货物具有极大的前置时间的话,以最快速度解决这个问题就成为当务之急。多亏了Slimstock公司的支持,我们能够立即作出反应,并且采取必要措施,保证了我们客户的需求。” Slimstock公司帮助IM Parts公司制定恢复计划,在几个小时之内便解决了潜在的灾难性处境。” 英国Slimstock主任Richard Evan说,“虽然IM Parts公司陷入事故,处于极其危险的境地,但是我丝毫没有怀疑,以我们的专业知识,绝对能够立即解决问题,让运营回到正轨上来。”

  • MOL_Comfort

    Slimstock receives award for swift action following MOL Comfort disaster


    Slimstock, a UK-based software logistics company, has recently received an award in the Planning And Forecasting Software category at the 2014 Logistics Business IT Awards for its quick response after a Mitsui ship carrying automotive parts sank in the Indian Ocean last year. The containerised parts were being imported by ...

  • YusenLog_Vietnam-1



    宇森物流在越南北部海防直辖市(Hai Phong)开设了一家多功能工厂,这是公司在越南拓展业务的一部分。宇森物流发言人证实说,该工厂可提供一系列入厂服务及汽车零部件服务,同时也可提供整车运输服务。 该工厂建在临近海防港与莱县港开发区的海防Dinh Vu工业区,总占地面积100,000平方米。工厂包括一个占地12,000平方米的仓库,一个占地23,870平方米、存储容量达3,000个标准箱的空集装箱装卸站,和一个可容纳100辆卡车的车库。同时,它还包含化学及电子部门,这些部门同汽车一起,在过去的几年里在该区域蓬勃发展。 宇森物流驻海防港的办事处已重迁该地,集清关业务,无船承运人以及销售功能为一体。 公司表明海防港劳动力充裕,诸如大工业中心和高速公路网这些基础设施建设也在加速建设之中。 公司在发布会上表明,“新的工厂能够提供综合的仓储服务,并能将仓储和集装箱货运中转站结合在一起。作为海防唯一的多功能仓库,它可以满足客户的各种需求,包括原材料与零部件进口,完整货物的船运,以及整合买家货物的物流需求”。 在上周(11月12日)召开的开幕式上,宇森物流的总裁Hiromitsu Kuramoto先生展现了他在该区域的宏图壮志,“我们一直在为增进东盟经济一体化而不懈奋斗,跨国界全球物流网络的建立势在必行。通过商业发展来促进海防直辖市的经济建设,一直是我们长期以来为之努力的目标” 宇森物流(越南)今年迎来十周年庆典。

  • YusenLog_Vietnam-1

    Yusen oткрывает многоцелевой склад в Хай Понге


    Yusen Logistics открыла многоцелевой склад в городе Хай Понг в северном Вьетнаме. Здесь предлагается весь спектр услуг для автосектора: входящие и послепродажные запчасти и компоненты, услуги по обработке готовых авто. Центр расположен на участке площадью 100 000 кв.м в промышленной зоне Хай Понг Дин Ву недалеко от порта Хай Понг. ...

  • YusenLog_Vietnam-1

    Yusen opens multipurpose warehouse in Hai Phong


    Yusen Logistics has opened a multi-purpose warehouse in Hai Phong City, northern Vietnam, as part of its ongoing expansion in the country. The facility offers a full range of automotive services for inbound and aftermarket parts, as well as providing services for finished vehicle handling, confirmed a spokesperson for the ...

  • duisport_loading_China

    Vehicle imports to China on the up while exports fall


    While China’s government has forecast that industry growth in the automotive sector will reach 8% by 2020, and account for 7.5% of its GDP, the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers (CAAM) has recently released its own October figures, highlighting a growth in imports, but indicating that exports were down. In ...

  • fedex_hybrid-fleet

    The importance and growth of manufacturing logistics in the UK


    A wealth of opportunity is available to companies that think internationally, and businesses producing parts for the manufacturing industry should be looking to the corners of the world in search of contractsGone are the days when complex products and all their components were made in one factory. These days, manufacturers ...

  • VolvoIndonesiaproduct

    Volvo Trucks opens first PDC in Indonesia as demand grows


    Volvo Trucks is reported to have opened a $10m parts distribution centre (PDC) in Balikpapan, Indonesia to meet demand and reduce waiting times for service parts generated by the mining industry in the country.Last year the Kalimantan province, where Balikpapan is located, accounted for 80% of Volvo’s total spare parts ...

  • Klaus_Zehender_Daimler

    Mercedes-Benz deepens global procurement footprint


    Mercedes-Benz Cars has announced it is expanding the international reach of its procurement organisation in an effort to safeguard its 2020 growth strategy. The move will see a closer integration of procurement and supplier quality functions, with locations in China, North America and South Africa playing a more important role ...

  • Denso_Nashville

    Denso opens Nashville facility as part of North American expansion plan


    Automotive systems supplier Denso is opening a parts distribution centre (PDC) in Nashville Tennessee as part of its plans to expand product development and manufacturing capabilities across the region.The Nashville facility – Denso Logistics Nashville Tennessee (DLNT) – represents an investment of $6.7m and covers an area of 15,300 sq.m.Overall ...