Car Delivery Network, which provides cloud-based applications for outbound finished vehicle movements, has announced the release of a new yard management application – vinYARD.
According to the company it is the first cloud-based application for the paperless gate release of vehicles and has been released to the market following a successful pilot with Fiat Chrysler Automobiles (FCA), Union Pacific, Sierra Mountain Express and Alliance Inspection Management.
The pilot was carried out at the Council Bluffs railhead in Ohama, Nebraska. The release of vehicles from the rail yard for onward road distribution to FCA dealerships can now be completed without any hard copy paperwork and in real time.
More specifically, CDN stated that the service includes “eGATE functionality,” which replaces the bill of lading and paper loadsheet at the security gate when a loaded truck is exiting. Using the paperless system speeds up gate exits and increases inventory and damage accuracy according to CDN.
Carriers and rail operations can use a single interface to pass real time VIN data and make gate access at the rail yard more efficient. vinYARD also removes the need for carriers and subhaulers to connect to multiple rail operators at different yards said CDN in a statement.
“The big challenge for automotive outbound industry is achieving 100% compliance for any field-based data capture process,” said Greg May, CEO and president of CDN. “Further, any technology solutions must support the smallest carrier, be affordable and simple to technologically adopt.”