Finished vehicle exports from Turkey to Central Europe were continuing at a reduced rate this week following Monday’s stoppage across a number of Turkish carmakers. The production halt, which started on Monday, was the result of slow take up in Central Europe for the carmakers’ models.
According to Ford Otosan’s Assistant General Manager for MP&L, Cengiz Kabatepe, the company will start production again on February 16th while finished vehicle logistics continue “on a very low basis during these dates”. There is no change for spare parts, he told Automotive Logistics.
“We hope that the scrap incentives in Central Europe for vehicles 10 years and older may start recovering the market and that it will reflect on us soon as production and export demand increases.”
Germany introduced a new scrappage programme in January which will reward consumers with €2,500 if they scrap a vehicle at least nine years old and purchase a new one.
Oyak Renault, which also stopped vehicle production on Monday, will recommence on the 10th of this month but its spare parts and logistics activity will continue throughout.
The February stoppage at the French-Turkish joint venture follows similar action taken last year when production was stopped at the company’s Bursa plant between 3rd and 11th November following a delivery crisis to the Russian market.
Meanwhile, Fiat Tofas is also planning to stop production for at least one week in February (though the exact dates have not yet been confirmed).