All Feature articles – Page 153

  • Feature

    Myanmar awards inland port concession to Kerry Logistics


    Kerry Logistics has announced that its subsidiary, KLN (Singapore) has been awarded a concession to operate inland ports in Yangon and Mandalay, both major commercial ports in the South East Asian country of Myanmar. The ports were previously managed by the government. According to Kerry Logistics, the Myanmar government is ...

  • 3

    Russia: Struggling not to walk away


    Lower volumes and higher costs are leading some tier suppliers to leave Russia, while domestic firms often lack the stability and quality to compensateThe Russian automotive supply chain remains under heavy pressure as the market shrinks further. With General Motors withdrawing most of its sales and production in the country ...

  • fedexplane

    Europe regulators approve FedEx acquisition of TNT


    Regulators in the European Union have approved FedEx’s acquisition of TNT Express. The news sees the end of a six-month antitrust investigation that had previously been one of the biggest hurdles towards the deal.The merger – worth around $5 billion – which was announced in April last year, would give ...

  • Magna Logistics team

    Magna: One for all, and all for one


    Magna is putting an emphasis on global coordination, standards and best practice for both logistics and packaging, with technology and training crucial to the tier one’s future successA defining characteristic of large tier one suppliers is often decentralisation. At Canada-based Magna – North America’s largest tier supplier and among the ...

  • Feature

    Porto de Santa Marta atinge novos níveis de produtividade


    No porto colombiano de Santa Marta, a instalação do especialista de veículos terminados, Terminal Fast, estabeleceu um novo recorde de produtividade em dezembro.No espaço de uma hora e cinquenta minutos, o terminal desembarcou 632 veículos. De acordo com o porto, isto foi 232% mais rápido do que a média regional, ...

  • Feature

    Fábrica da GM Lansing adicionará terceiro turno e 500 empregos


    Para atender a demanda do mercado prevista para o Chevrolet Camaro, a GM adicionou um terceiro turno e mais de 500 empregos por hora e mensais na sua fábrica de Montagem Lansing Grand River em Michigan.Uma vez que a contratação for concluída, a adição de um terceiro turno aumentará número ...

  • Feature

    La planta de Lansing de GM añade un tercer turno y 500 puestos de trabajo


    GM está añadiendo un tercer turno y más de 500 puestos de trabajo Para satisfacer la demanda de mercado prevista para el Chevrolet Camaro en su planta de Lansing Grand River Assembly en Michigan.Una vez se haya completado la contratación, la adición de un tercer turno incrementará el número de ...

  • Feature

    Завод GM в Лансинге введет третью смену и 500 новых рабочих мест


    Для удовлетворения прогнозированного рыночного спроса на Chevrolet Camaro GM вводит на своем сборочном заводе Лансинг Гранд Ривер в штате Мичиган третью смену и свыше 500 рабочих мест (как штатных, так и почасовых).Третья смена будет введена после окончания набора новых сотрудников, общее число сотрудников на заводе составит тогда примерно 2300 ...

  • Feature

    Formula E looking into electric commercial vehicles for on-site logistics


    Formula E has said that it plans to bring electric trucks and buses to manage its paddock activities.A British start-up company called Charge is working on an electric commercial vehicle that could be used to move cars, equipment, and people around the paddock at Formula E races – helping with ...

  • Volkswagen Werk Chattanooga (USA)

    VW sued by US DoJ over emissions scandal


    The US Department of Justice (DoJ) sued Volkswagen on January 4th for allegedly equipping some of its vehicles with equipment to deceive emissions testing.The OEM revealed that it had installed the cheating software in at least 11m of its diesel cars. The software enabled the vehicles to emit more toxins ...

  • Hyundai to launch export of cars to Egypt from Russia

    Hyundai cuts production at St Petersburg plant


    Hyundai will decrease the production volume at its St Petersburg plant by 6.3% this year to 215,000 units, the head of Hyundai Motor Manufacturing Russia has said.“In 2015 we will continue stable operation without any changes, and target production of 215,000 cars,” he said. According to Hyundai, the plant suspended ...

  • Feature

    Valencia frees up stevedoring market for finished vehicles


    The Valencia Port Authority in Spain has given the go ahead for the specialist finished vehicles handling facility, Valencia Terminal Europa (VTE), to use personnel not contracted to the port stevedoring company Sevasa-Sagep, during the loading and unloading of Ro Ro vessels.In future, VTE will use its own staff or ...

  • Feature

    Porto de Santa Marta atinge novos níveis de produtividade


    No porto colombiano de Santa Marta, a instalação do especialista de veículos terminados, Terminal Fast, estabeleceu um novo recorde de produtividade em dezembro.No espaço de uma hora e cinquenta minutos, o terminal desembarcou 632 veículos. De acordo com o porto, isto foi 232% mais rápido do que a média regional, ...

  • Feature

    Santa Marta port achieves new productivity levels


    In the Colombian port of Santa Marta, the specialist finished vehicles facility, Fast Terminal, set a new productivity record in December.In the space of one hour and fifty minutes, the terminal disembarked 632 vehicles. According to the port, this is some 232% faster than the regional average, which is around ...

  • Feature

    GM Lansing plant to add third shift and 500 jobs


    To meet the forecasted market demand for the Chevrolet Camaro, GM is adding a third shift and more than 500 hourly and salaried jobs at its Lansing Grand River Assembly plant in Michigan.Once hiring is completed, the addition of a third shift will increase the plant’s employee number to around ...

  • Feature



    为了满足市场对Chevrolet Camaro的预期需要,通用汽车将在密歇根的兰新装配厂增加一班生产,这会为500多个小时工和长工带来就业机会。雇佣工作一旦完成,第三班就会实施,工厂的员工数量将达到2,300左右。雇佣工作正在进行中,第三班有望于第二季度开始。兰辛地区工厂经理Mike Trevorrow说,“这是兰辛工厂生产高回报车型的结果,也是通用信任我们团队能够为客户生产世界级别质量的结果。”UAW Local 652主席Mike Green补充说,“这对兰辛工厂来说是令人兴奋的时刻。我们仅仅增加了Chevrolet Camaro车型,就扩大了UWW-GM家族,将来一定会提高工厂的产量。这真是新年的好兆头。”通用汽车自2015年10月开始从工厂运输Camaro汽车,11月中旬抵达经销处。这是自1992年以来,首次在美国生产该车。在过去的几年里,通用向兰辛工厂共投资大约6.7亿美元。投资中包括4,450千万美元的物流中心。该物流优化中心占地37,000平方米,毗邻工厂,从去年第一季度开始投入运营。2015年末,兰辛装配厂接收第一批冲压设备,用于生产Camaro, Cadillac ATS和CTS系列,这些汽车都是在同一个生产线里生产。

  • Maersk

    Maersk Line continues job cuts


    After cost reduction plans were announced by Maersk Line last month, and more than 100 jobs have been cut, chief commercial officer Stephen Schueler has become the highest profile member of staff to leave the company.Between now and the end of 2017, Maersk plans to reduce its staff number by ...

  • Feature

    Sollers looks to export to the East


    Russian automotive company, Sollers, is looking to expand exports with its joint ventures, as it faces a continuing fall in domestic sales, recently disclosed plans reveal.According to the head of Ford-Sollers, Mark Ovenden, the OEM is currently evaluating the potential for exporting finished vehicles and components from its St Petersburg ...

  • Feature

    Last Mile: converging on the future


    A new world order is emerging in the automotive sector. It began as a ‘quiet revolution’, but will change the industry forever. Technology – not chassis design, braking systems or tyres – has become pre-eminent in an industry where the big OEMs have traditionally held all the market power. Now ...

  • Import-from-Mexico

    Mexico short sea: Services evolve as volume increases


    Although rail continues to be the dominant mode to move vehicles from Mexico to the US, short-sea shipping is becoming ever more viable.Short-sea shipping for Mexican vehicle exports to the US isn’t new. It’s been around for decades, but every few years it pops up as an ‘emerging trend’. In ...