All Feature articles – Page 213

  • Screenshot_27_06_2014_16_44

    Special outbound report: For the rápido go the spoils in Mexico


    Logistics providers that don’t act quick could fall behind in the race to handle rising volume out of Mexico. Our special Mexico report continues by exploring the opportunities for vehicle logistics Reporting from south of the borderThe finished vehicle logistics portion of this multi-part report, written by editor Christopher ...

  • Screenshot_27_06_2014_15_09

    All systems ‘go’ at Nissan


    *This article is part of a special focus on Mexico. For other features related to the automotive supply chain in Mexico click here; for more on finished vehicle logistics in Mexico click here.In fifth part of our Automotive Logistics Mexico special, Nissan Mexicana's logistics specialists explain how the carmaker, together ...

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    Nearby and nimble


    *This article is part of a special focus on Mexico. For other features related to the automotive supply chain in Mexico click here; for more on finished vehicle logistics in Mexico click here.In the fourth part of this special Automotive Logistics report, we discover that while Mexico’s OEMs rely on ...

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    Right at the heart of it all


    *This article is part of a special focus on Mexico. For other features related to the automotive supply chain in Mexico click here; for more on finished vehicle logistics in Mexico click here.Part three of our Automotive Logistics special report on Mexico: the rise of ‘global’ products means the country ...

  • Screenshot_27_06_2014_14_02

    Down Mexico way...and back again


    *This article is part of a special focus on Mexico. For other features related to the automotive supply chain in Mexico click here; for more on finished vehicle logistics in Mexico click here.In the second part of this special Mexico report, we explore how huge amounts of automotive material crossing ...

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    Special report: Many shades of Mexico


    Logistics is part of what has helped carmakers succeed in Mexico’s historically difficult economy, but will it be an advantage or pitfall in future?Reporting from south of the borderThis special multi-part report, by editor Christopher Ludwig, explores Mexico’s historic and developing supply chain as well as the logistics challenges connected ...

  • Screenshot_26_06_2014_15_58

    Warehouse excellence at Robert Bosch


    Extensive research and testing of lean principles have elevated tier one supplier Robert Bosch’s warehousing practices alongside the highest OEM plant standards. The supplier is trying to replicate these lean standards globallyFew terms are used as ubiquitously throughout automotive production as ‘lean management’, a concept of continuous improvement and manufacturing ...

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    Case study: Bosch Diesel in China goes lean


    The Warehouse Excellence model is applied in China to ensure Bosch’s supply chain is fast and flexible enough to meet a very different type of demand to that in Europe. A compelling case for the potential of improving warehouse performance with lean management can be found at Bosch Automotive Diesel ...

  • Screenshot_30_06_2014_15_02

    Carry on car carrying


    As UK car volume expands, led by exports of premium vehicles, carmakers are looking for more logistics capacity. Zoë Apostolides and Marcus Williams reportBritish new vehicle sales achieved their longest-ever growth spree this summer, with year-on-year sales having increased every month since March 2012. This surge, along with rising export ...

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    Keep coming up with the goods in the UK


    Vehicle production in the UK is healthy, but requires agile logistics for its global and local supply chains and these can only evolve with investment in skills training and IT.Christopher Ludwig contributed to this reportFollowing the hard economic knocks felt throughout Europe since 2008, the UK has certainly surprised many ...

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    Racking up the savings


    The use of specialised metal racks is a common, albeit costly practice, but engineers are making them lighter and more modularAlthough automotive packaging continues to become more standardised on a global basis – especially plastic pallets, containers and totes – non-standard or specialised packaging is still an essential element in ...

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    Moving towards integration in Southeast Asia


    Potential customs harmonisation among the ten ASEAN nations could see Thailand at the centre of a global automotive powerhouse, with big implications for logisticsThailand continues to hold much promise for the automotive industry. Home to many of the world’s largest carmakers and tier suppliers, it should also receive a boost ...

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    Realities of a risky business


    OEMs would love to reduce their insurance premiums, but with catastrophic damage more frequent, they may have to risk their balance sheets to achieve thisWhen Superstorm Sandy made landfall on the eastern seaboard of the US in October 2012, hurricane-force high winds were just one problem. Another was the enormous ...

  • Barethein

    Russia at a standstill


    The market continues to fall, while transport capacity is exiting the market at an alarming rate. Even with prospects for long-term growth, the lack of investment could mean Russia will struggle to move the goods again when customers return to show rooms. We report from the Automotive Logistics Russia conference ...

  • Bill

    CTM and Lohr offer efficiencies for the backhaul


    Constrained by low rates and a need for investment, road haulers are looking for greater efficiencies from their fleets in Russia. One area for savings that still appears to be staring the industry in the face is empty backhauls, according to Bill Pawluk, CEO of Convertible Trailer Manufacturing Worldwide (CTM).Speaking ...

  • Erik

    Ro-ro providers dealing with fragmented trade flows


    Ocean carriers providing services for vehicle import and export to Russia have a lot more to think about in the current climate. Global trade routes continue to fragment, there is a growth in intra-regional supply and vessel sizes are increasing as the industry seeks greater efficiencies by moving larger volumes. ...

  • MackTruck

    Mack upgrades Macungie material handling and sub-assembly


    Mack Trucks is investing $26m to upgrade its Macungie Cab & Vehicle Assembly facility in Pennsylvania including an overhaul of its sub-assembly and material handling processes to make the delivery of trucks to customers more efficient.The truckmaker, which his part of the Volvo Group, will also be installing new equipment ...

  • Flag_of_Ukraine

    Украина предупреждает МMO o вопросах безопасности в Крыму


    Министерство инфраструктуры Украины объявило, что далее не может контролировать порты Крымского полуострова, и что ситуация связана с высоким риском, поэтому Министерство в настоящее время пытается закрыть компании, занимавшиеся управлением деятельностью в портах.Правительство Украины сообщило об этом Международной Морской организации (IMO) в мае. В письме, направленном Посольством Украины в Лондоне, Великобритания, ...

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    Deadlock in the Russian vehicle transport sector


    The current stagnation in the Russian car market and the consequent drop in rates has led to more finished vehicle transport companies going out of business than in 2009 when the global economic downturn hit. The result is a loss of capacity, an instability in lead times for the carmakers ...

  • Ford Transit

    Ford works with rail providers for Transit shipments


    Ford has developed a rail car with some of North America’s leading rail providers for delivery of its new full-size Transit van in region. The rail cars have an elevated lower deck able to accommodate the van, which measures almost 2.8m in height and is therefore too tall to fit ...