All Feature articles – Page 225

  • Paul sykes

    Hertz consolidates vehicle logistics services


    Car-rental company Hertz has overhauled its outbound logistics procurement and distribution strategy, greatly reducing the number of carriers that it uses. Rather than controlling its overall logistics movements, Hertz has moved towards an outsourced model for its logistics engineering. Paul Sykes (pictured), European sourcing manager for transportation and vehicle re-marketing, ...

  • Van osta

    JCB cuts logistics emissions by 16% with dual-fuel fleet


    British construction equipment manufacturer, JCB, has moved aggressively towards reducing emissions and fuel consumption in its supply chain, including the use of a dual-fuel carrier fleet and multimodal logistics. The company is already savings hundreds of thousands of pounds per year as a result, according to Joannes Van Osta (pictured), ...

  • It panel

    Between light and darkness in IT visibility


    Carmakers were accused of a lack of discipline in their supply of information to the logistics providers at last week’s Automotive Logistics Europe conference in Bonn, Germany. Supply chain visibility is a constant issue for the logistic industry and its efforts to hone the delivery of materials. However according to ...

  • Slide01

    Live survey results: automotive falling behind, need for IT, to Russia without love


    At Automotive Logistics Europe 2014, we held several series of live voting surveys that captured the opinions of our audience present in Bonn, as well as those streaming the sessions live from around the world. The results were fascinating, from a desire for better IT services to trepidation about investing ...

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    European vehicle ports sail into the light


    After years of overall decline, this year’s survey reveals a sense that Europe’s ports are prepared to engage competitively as automotive trade recovers. In this story...Top ten port tablesBremerhaven still leadsGrowth at Zeebrugge Spanish exports on risePort figuresUK strong across the boardRouting and hub changes Volume by biggest regionsAlthough ...

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    Opel/Vauxhall moves to ‘order slotting’


    Opel/Vauxhall has a made a breakthrough in managing its vehicle orders and forecasting in real time together with material availability and logistics, thanks in parts to systems implemented by software-provider flexisIn today’s complex supply chains, with a proliferation of customer options and global material, one major challenge for carmakers like ...

  • Astra production2_webpage

    Redesigning in-plant logistics at Opel/Vauxhall


    Part of exclusive coverage of Opel/Vauxhall, director of supply chain Michael Scholl describes how the carmaker is adjusting its in-plant logistics in response to supply chain complexity and changes Opel/Vauxhall special featuresRead these other stories that form part of this exclusive coverage of Opel/Vauxhall's supply chain management:End-to-send control with Michael ...

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    Aiming for end-to-end control at Opel/Vauxhall


    Michael Scholl, Opel/Vauxhall’s director of supply chain, discusses parallel planning, in-plant logistics customisation and complexity with Automotive Logistics When carmakers make changes, be it launching a new model, adding or shifting a supplier location, or selling in a new market, they reverberate across the supply chain, either as ripples ...

  • Opening web

    Executive summary: Blue skies over Bonn as logistics returns to growth


    Vehicle sales and production are rising again in Europe, while supply chain complexity is driving more demand for logistics and better systems. But many risks remain both within the industry, and on Europe's periphery. Additional reporting by Marcus Williams and Zoë Apostolides[sam_ad id=6 codes='true']Although the Europe conference was held at ...

  • starbucks

    Just in time frappuccinos


    Europe’s automotive supply chain experts got an opportunity to see how the other side lives at this year’s Automotive Logistics Europe conference, with a presentation on the logistics at American coffee-chain giant Starbucks. Jan Huijgens (pictured), senior manager of logistics for the European region, revealed that logistics is a strong ...

  • fuss

    OEMs should take advantage of ‘floating warehouse’


    Carmakers may not be able to avoid long shipping legs but they can reduce dwell time at ports through better planning across the supply chain. The timely and efficient rescheduling of labour at port-based vehicle processing centres (VPCs) and the prioritization of units is one of the main drivers towards ...

  • matt holmes

    European damage rates down, catastrophic loss up


    Overall damage ratios for finished vehicle delivery in Europe have fallen by as much as 50% in recent years, with huge cost saving implications. At the same time, more incidents of extreme weather have led to higher catastrophic loss cases. Matt Holmes (pictured), director of damage claims and survey specialist, ...

  • dan roover

    OEMs may be buying too much packaging


    Packaging provider Orbis released figures suggesting that container and rack inventory in the automotive sector can be overstocked by as much as 30%.Dan Roovers (pictured), vice-president for automotive sales at the company, told delegates at the Automotive Logistics Europe conference that the automotive industry had a tendency to manage packaging ...

  • bandur

    Opel intensifies ‘total enterprise cost’ efforts


    General Motors European division, Opel/Vauxhall, has intensified its efforts at planning supply chain flows and logistics in an effort to improve ‘total enterprise cost’, including more focus on localisation, stable flows and new information technology. Speaking at the Automotive Logistics Europe conference in Bonn, Marzell Bandur (pictured left), director of ...

  • canvin

    Odette estimates €30m savings for outbound with B2B standard


    Developing a standard for business-to-business communication protocols for finished vehicle logistics could save the European automotive industry at least €30m ($41.5m) per year, according to Odette, the standards association for automotive supply chain management. John Canvin, managing director of London-based Odette, said that there is currently no standard method for ...

  • Jens tilgner

    Audi wants better visibility on logistics cost, flows


    Audi has called for an open, common network of consolidation points, which could be managed by a cloud-based transport management system and control tower, to help break the ‘black box’ of transport costs and visibility. Jens Tilgner (pictured), head of material transportation at Audi, told the Automotive Logistics conference in ...

  • eck, gartside

    Will Russian investment be left out in the cold?


    Troubles in the Russian market and the crisis with Ukraine could be discouraging some investment by the automotive and logistics industries. However, production and localisation plans in the country don’t yet appear to have changed. During an interactive voting survey conducted at Automotive Logistics Europe, delegates were asked in which ...

  • gartside

    Healthier times ahead for Europe


    European vehicle production is heading towards higher capacity utilisation as factories close, models are localised and the new vehicle sales market finally starts to recover, according to PwC Autofacts. Continued growth in exports as well as complex material flows should also benefit automotive logistics providers, although the European market may ...

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    VW reveals efforts to cut emissions in logistics


    A big part of Volkswagen’s ambitious target to reduce emissions by 25% across its business by 2018 will come from its logistics strategy, the carmaker’s head of outbound logistics has revealed. But VW does not anticipate moving volumes from ocean to road when sulphur emissions restrictions come in for much ...

  • Costantino_Baldissara_ECG_01

    ECG survey reveals positive trends for vehicle carrier sector


    The Association of European Vehicle Logistics (ECG) reports positive trends amongst its members, following the results of its latest quarterly Confidence and Cost Trend Survey. While the full details of the report are reserved for ECG members, the association said the results show that almost 70% of its members plan ...