All Feature articles – Page 305

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    Ready for the rush?


    It’s time to ship directFinland will lose outToyota supports revised customs rulesMaking better use of spaceRail remains an expensive optionWill large-sale imports continue?Tran Siberian debate continuesChris Lewis takes another look at the finished vehicle imports going though ports into Russia, and discovers that business is seriously picking up, and that ...

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    An economic approach to logistics


    The reason behind Renault-Nissan’s restructuring of its logistics organisation was to reinforce the importance of supply chain planning and integrate it fully into the day-today business from the design stage forward. Marcus Williams reports on the progress that has been made since the establishment of the Global Supply Chain DepartmentPart ...

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    Tier ones wake up to IT


    Tier one suppliers face many challenges in making the most of their supply chain IT, but new offerings by suppliers and a new openness in the industry may deliver much.Garbage in, garbage outShining light into a black holeIn the new normalDon't buy, rentLimitations of a legacyIt is quicker, cheaper and ...

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    Packed with potential


    Manufacturers in North America have emerged from the crisis with a renewed appreciation for the cost-saving potential of packaging, with more consideration at the part-design phaseSilver liningsRoom for improvementIt's all gone southAutomotive packaging technology tends to evolve at the pace of vehicle programmes. Carmakers and suppliers may feel the pressure ...

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    Daimler grows amid a divided Europe


    A growing gap among logistics providersThe great capacity debate resumesA time of tender opportunityGrowth at seaGetting back to greenDaimler’s 11th annual European Carrier Day came at a time when the carmaker is accelerating globally in sales and logistics development, and often well ahead of its many vehicle logistics providers in ...

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    Ford of Europe’s brave new world


    The sales climate might be decidedly mixed in Europe, but Ford is pushing through with big changes and improvements in its logistics networks, from substantially more intermodal transport to time-critical vehicle logistics. Christopher Ludwig catches up with Ford’s Matthias SchulzA marriage of sacred vowsIncreasing rail and short seaPassion projectsUnderstanding the ...

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    Geely reaches out for help in a global future


    Revising expectationsBackground and careerExporting cars and kitsBuilding better relationships at seaShipping contractsStreamlining managementGeely’s global exports and presence had been small outside China before the Volvo purchase, but it has plans to grow significantly in emerging markets around the world. Namrita Chow caught up with the woman in charge of international ...

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    The business case for container pooling


    There is an old Chinese proverb which states “To be uncertain is to be uncomfortable, but to be certain is to be ridiculous”. And how uncomfortable times have been for many players in the automotive industry over the past few years with fluctuating production demands, increasingly global supply chains, and ...

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    In Profile: Yves Caracatzanis of Renault


    While Yves Caracatzanis has had roles across the manufacturing process at Renault, logistics is at the bookends of his career to this point. He started with the carmaker in 1992 as project leader in logistics, before spending more than a decade in various manufacturing roles in plant, as well as ...

  • Feature

    3PLs need to be more proactive


    3PLs must become more flexible and innovative in meeting the changing needs of the supply chain, according to carmakers. But manufacturers should do more to help planning.“We want 3PLs to be open to new ways of working, to be more responsive to change,” emphasised Bob Mountain, head of supply chain ...

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    Perfecting the Pallet


    A committe of the Automotive Industry Action Group (AIAG) has created a standard for disposable and reusable packaging, which it hopes will be adopted internationally. The goal is for sizes to fit all modes, while aiming for the highest efficiency for sea containers.According to Paul Phelps, committee co-chair and a ...

  • Feature

    Consumers drive logistics


    The gap between success and failure in the automotive logistics market is widening, with the difference often lying in serving emerging consumersAlthough the outlook for automotive logistics is mixed (awful in some markets) there are simultaneously a host of improving financials from some logistics providers. Meanwhile, global car sales and ...

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    A question of trust in India


    The question of trust was central to discussions at this year’s Automotive Logistics India conference held in Chennai last week. While the automotive sector has shown growth among the fastest in world this year, on pace to reach 2.8m passenger car sales, and forecasts expected to double that over the ...

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    STVA supports Renault in Morocco with Geodis


    French rail provider STVA has entered into a joint venture with freight manager Geodis Wilson for the provision of finished vehicle rail wagons and compound management for Renault when its €600m greenfield plant in Tangier, North Africa goes into production in January 2012. The plant is based in the Melloussa ...

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    Global news in brief


    Ford extends aftersales contract with Norbert DentressangleFord has signed a multi-million, two-year contract extension with Norbert Dentressangle Transport Services for the distribution of aftersales parts to the carmaker’s 300 UK dealers. The operation involves Norbert Dentressangle collecting orders from Ford’s Daventry facility for onward delivery directly to the dealerships overnight ...

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    China doubles vehicle imports, LSPs benefit


    While vehicle exports from China are surging, with more than 483,000 units recorded in the January to November period (up more than 68% from a year earlier), the country has also seen a big increase in vehicle imports that are reported to have more than doubled in the first ten ...

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    Benaim to leave Toyota Motors Europe


    Big changes at Toyota Motors Europe, due to come into effect in January, include the appointment of a new director of vehicle logistics following the announcement that Emile Benaim will retire at the end of the year. Benaim’s successor is Levent Yuksel, who will take responsibility of both the Production ...

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    Auto imports lag behind strong KPIs at Bremerhaven


    Automotive throughput at the port of Bremerhaven is lagging behind container and contract business despite a strong pre-tax performance overall according to port operator BLG. “In 2010, we expect pre-tax earnings of around €30m (previous year: €16.5m), thus clearly exceeding our expectations,” said BLG’s CEO Detthold Aden at the Bremen ...

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    A little extra planning goes a long way


    By Marcia MacLeod Relentless innovation is one of the five ‘mega trends’ that will hit logistics over the next year, said Agility Logistics’ CEO for Europe, Beat Simon, at eyefortransport’s 3PL conference held in the Belgian capital Brussels recently. The others he outlined were economic moderation, the rise in emerging ...

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    Geely seeks help for export plan


    Chinese carmaker Geely is looking for logistics companies to provide it with a full range of services for CKD exports as it aims to set up more than 15 plants overseas by 2015. The company is looking at a total annual production of 2m units by then from both full ...