All Feature articles – Page 32

  • Seat_Relizane_linefeed

    Seat looks to buy parts beyond Spain


    Though Seat sources the majority of its parts from domestic suppliers in Spain, the Spanish carmaker has just announced that it plans to buy more components from outside the country.

  • Toyota_Kenworth_fuel_cell_truck

    Toyota and Kenworth unveil fuel-cell truck at port of LA


    Toyota and Kenworth Trucks have unveiled their jointly developed heavy-duty, fuel-cell truck at an event held at the port of Los Angeles. The companies will deploy ten such trucks to move freight received at the port, and at the neighbouring port of Long Beach, throughout the LA basin. Four of ...

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    WW Ocean adds second post-Panamax vessel to Hero fleet


    Wallenius Wilhelmsen Ocean (WW Ocean) has added the second of four new post-Panamax ‘Hero-class’ vessels to its fleet of large car and truck carriers (LCTCs). The MV Traviata is calling at Japanese ports on her maiden voyage before sailing the Asia-North America lane. The vessel has a capacity of 8,000 ...

  • Brose_AGV(L)

    Brose adopts AGVs to improve efficiency


    Automotive parts supplier, Brose, has announced it is using automated guided vehicles (AGVs) at one of its UK plants in Coventry to optimise logistics operations, achieve efficiency gains and win new business on future model launches.

  • One-belt-onet-road-map-source.Chatham-House-300x200

    Express rail deliveries increase along Silk Road


    Since it was first announced by China’s president Xi Jinping in 2013, the comprehensive international trade and infrastructure plan now known as the Belt and Road Initiative has quickly crossed a number of milestones in its development of services by land and sea. Currently around 65 countries are involved (152 ...

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    China leads digital reinvention of supply chain


    Andrew Hoad, CEO and MD of Asia Pacific at DP World The automotive industry is undergoing a fundamental change in the way it does business. Global supply chains are being tested to the limit by complications in international trade and the switch to new energy vehicles (NEVs). However, ...

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    China's automotive market heads for change


    China’s economy is entering a new phase of steady rather than rapid expansion and the automotive industry may have to accept that the days of exponential growth could be at an end, delegates were told at this month’s (April) Automotive Logistics Global Shanghai conference. Yet GDP remains relatively high – ...

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    Drewry warns of Trump trade tariffs


    Proposed US automotive tariffs would have a negative impact on east-west trade routes as American imports of finished vehicles and automotive parts would likely decrease in 2020 and 2021, according to a white paper published last week by Drewry. Specialist car carriers and leading container lines will suffer, along with ...

  • Ceva_Forklift_High

    FCA renews contract with Ceva in Brazil


    Fiat Chrysler Automobiles (FCA) has extended its aftermarket contract with Ceva Logistics in Brazil for a further four and a half years.

  • ABP ports

    Grimsby to treble automotive capacity


    Associated British Ports (ABP) has applied to the Marine Management Organisation for permission to expand its Grimsby River Terminal, on the UK’s eastern coast, in order to handle the world’s largest car carriers.If the plan is approved, the port operator will commit to a multimillion-pound investment to enable the terminal ...

  • FordBadge

    Ford names new leaders amid shake-up


    Joe Hinrichs will become Ford’s president, automotive, from May 1, as one of a series of top management changes the company is making during its ongoing, worldwide reorganisation. Hinrichs has served the OEM for 19 years, most recently leading its global operations. ”Joe Hinrichs possesses the knowledge, experience and ...

  • Ubimax PICL1201

    Reality check: How AR can improve efficiency in logistics


    A growing number of companies in the automotive industry are embracing the use of augmented and virtual reality technology for tasks such as part picking and inventory management, as well as for training. We look at some of the latest applications

  • BYD_building

    Nickel supply sparks concern for BYD


    The Chinese carmaker points to shortages in key materials for building lithium-ion batteries

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  • Black_Solo_ElectraMeccanica1

    Electra Meccanica ships Solo from China to North America


    The Canadian electric vehicle startup has contracted Crane Worldwide to manage its exports from Chongqing to the US and Canada

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    Still got it: How reuse and recycling can give EV batteries a new lease of life


    As the EV trend continues, it raises the question of what to do with their hazardous lithium-ion batteries once they have reached the end of their useful life. Options include reuse and recycling, but both of these require special expertise in reverse logistics

  • Valerie_Floridia_Gefco

    Floridia to head Gefco’s Innovation Factory


    Logistics provider Gefco has appointed Valérie Floridia (pictured) as director of the company’s Innovation Factory. Launched last year, the internal incubator offers employees worldwide an opportunity to propose and develop innovative ideas to help drive the group’s growth. As director Floridia will be responsible for encouraging new ideas and helping ...

  • Port of Tyne (4)

    Fighting for space at Europe’s ports


    European vehicle-handling ports faced a squeeze on space last year for several reasons, including wild fluctuations in distribution patterns caused by WLTP implementation. But the situation is now improving, due to investment in infrastructure and digital technology

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    Ford Europe packaging: Heading to the pool


    Ford’s Kuly Malka has overseen a transformation in the carmaker’s European packaging and container management

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    Trust in Turkey: How exports are carrying the country through its economic crisis


    Turkey faces some difficult economic headwinds that have already impacted on its automotive industry. But there are still several reasons for optimism, especially the country’s strength as a vehicle export hub with easy access to the European market