All Feature articles – Page 342

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    Continental switches to RFID in US


    Continental Automotive is replacing a barcoding system at its 75,000m2 manufacturing facility in Huntsville, Alabama with a new RFID system from Xterprise Technology to track inbound inventory. The US facility receives more than 5,000 types of electronic automotive parts for assembly, including transmission controllers, air bag controllers, GPS units and ...

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    Logwin signs inbound contract for China


    Freight forwarder Logwin has secured a major two-year contract with automotive import agent Shanghai China-Industrial Import and Export Trading Co. Ltd (SCI).Logwin will now be responsible for managing all aspects of inbound shipments for SCI, including the movement of automotive components primarily from Germany to local destinations in Dalian ...

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    Volkswagen to build supplier park in US


    Volkswagen is introducing a new mid-size sedan specifically for the US market and wants 80 per cent of the content to be sourced from North America in the medium term.The vehicle will be made at the company’s planned $1 billion Tennessee facility due to open in 2011 in Chattanooga and ...

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    Ceva moves German parts for BMW


    BMW has chosen Ceva Logistics to operate its new regional distribution centre (RDC) in Slubice, Poland (on the border with Germany) with first shipments being made next week. The carmaker said that Ceva had won the contract “because the package was convincing”.The 15,200-square-metre facility will handle the receipt and warehousing ...

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    Japanese target India for terminals


    Toyofuji Shipping Company, the Japanese finished vehicle specialist in which Toyota Motor has a 50 per cent stake, is setting up an exclusive car terminal in India. Discussions were held on Monday between a delegation headed by Kazuaki Makina, Group Leader, Project Group, Overseas Marketing Division, and the Chennai Port ...

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    Turkey waits to feel the crunch


    Relatively low financial exposure has so far protected Turkey’s automotive supplier industry from the hardships being faced further west but its credit exposure with the US dollar is threatening future security.Discussions at last week’s inaugural Automotive Logistics Turkey conference in Istanbul revealed that the country’s export trade has been able ...

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    Lamborghini opens new logistics centre


    Italian premium carmaker Lamborghini has opened a new logistics centre at its Sant’Agata Bolognese facility. The 1,000m2 warehouse will be used for the storage of components, spare parts and merchandise for its main markets, with space for over 14,000 pallets. The facility replaces an existing one in Anzola Emilia 20km ...

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    Bosphorus rail tunnel marks historic link


    As delegates gathered at the inaugural Automotive Logistics Turkey conference in Istanbul last week, the city was celebrating the completion of a crucial stage in one of the world’s most ambitious logistics infrastructure developments – a 1,387-metre rail tunnel that will carry the Marmaray rail link at a depth of ...

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    Automotive future unclear in Turkish ports


    Carmakers and shipping lines at the Automotive Logistics Turkey conference expressed concern that a lack of development and investment in Turkish ports for vehicles could slow the industry’s expected growth. Turkey, whose production is expected to reach 1.3 million vehicles this year, and hopes to reach 2 million in ...

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    Gefco eyes Ford activity in Romania


    French logistics provider Gefco is strengthening its position in Central and Eastern Europe and showing interest in supporting Ford activity at the former Daewoo plant in Craiova, Romania, according to the Business Standard Daily.Ford intends to start production there in 2009 following its purchase of 72 per cent of Daewoo ...

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    New European tolls 'medieval' says ECG


    At the ECG conference in Munich last week, logistics service providers expressed frustration at a potential round of tax and toll increases that could further cut into their slim margins. Frits Mehrtens (pictured), President of the ECG and Managing Director of Broekman, Automotive Division, called measures such as Germany's Maut ...

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    It's a MAN's world in taking delivery


    German truck maker MAN has taken a cue from its neighbour in Munich, BMW, and is building a new dispatch centre that will also serve as a stylish reception hall where customers will come to pick up their new trucks and be treated to exhibitions, test drives, training, a restaurant ...

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    UK finished vehicle companies make cuts


    The 21.2 per cent drop in UK car sales in September had an immediate impact on the logistics sector with Walon UK cutting 200 jobs from its 500-strong driver workforce. The Autologic subsidiary, which has just opened new headquarters near major manufacturers in the UK Midlands, provides finished vehicle ...

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    Penske joins US drive to clean up delivery


    Penske has made a commitment to exploring greener logistics options by joining the US Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) SmartWay initiative.SmartWay was launched by the EPA in 2004 as a partnership between government and the freight industry to identify products and services that reduce transport-related emissions. The commitment, which also promises ...

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    Sea Cargo makes it a first with LPG vessels


    Two of the next generation of four ro-ro vessels being built for Norwegian shipowner Sea-Cargo will be completely powered by liquid petroleum gas (LPG) - the first ever car carriers to be designed in this way. Carbon dioxide emissions will be reduced by about 20 per cent, NOx by ...

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    Logistics execs call for calm


    A poll of senior logistics executives conducted in the UK by the Chartered Management Institute has revealed that one in five managers in the transport and logistics sector feels insecure and half feel more stressed in their jobs than they used to. However, the poll also showed that ...

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    Kenyan government gets tough with Mombasa Port


    Drastic measures are being taken at the Port of Mombasa to solve a lack of capacity that is hampering automotive processing there. As the port strives to operate on a 24-hour basis, Kenyan Finance Minister John Michuki (pictured) has ordered the destruction of 740 vehicles and 7,000 containers worth hundreds ...

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    Key executives on the move


    The last few weeks has seen some big names changing jobs in automotive logistics, with appointments at Ford, Ceva, Panalpina and Ryder Europe.Grant Belanger (pictured), ex Executive Director of MP and L Ford, is now also the ex Director of Operations for Ford in South America. Effective October 1st, Grant ...

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    Gefco remains upbeat during the downturn


    Gefco’s Chairman and CEO Yves Fargues (pictured left) shrugged off the financial meltdown in the traditional car consumption markets last week, announcing that the PSA-owned logistics service provider is aiming for substantial growth in all its main sectors of business.At a press conference in Deauville he announced plans to hit ...

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    Mazda crosses Russia on TSR


    Mazda has started large-scale transport of vehicles to Russia using the Trans-Siberian Railroad (TSR). The first train left Zarubino on October 3rd and will arrive in Moscow on October 13th.Mazda is the first carmaker to use the route for regular traffic. In the early stages of development of the TSR, ...