All Feature articles – Page 43

  • Mining in Kailo

    BMW supports cobalt miners in Congo


    BMW has signed up to a pilot project to improve conditions for cobalt miners, their families and neighbouring communities in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).With batteries in high demand given the boom in electrical vehicles, global companies such as BMW have been turning their attention to how cobalt ...

  • Port of Dover

    Bordering on Brexit


    Brexit continues to cause some serious headaches for those involved in the UK’s automotive sector. With the publication of a draft withdrawal agreement on November 14, UK prime minister, Theresa May, affirmed her commitment to a continued customs territory. Whether that intent will be realised is as much in doubt ...

  • CEVA_Flag_High

    Ceva trials truck route from China to Europe


    Ceva Logistics has sent what it says is the first-ever TIR truck from Khorgos, in the far west of China, to Europe via Kazakhstan.“The trial proves that the TIR carnet issued in China is accepted in the transit countries en route to Europe,” said Torben Bengtsson, executive vice-president of Ceva ...

  • VW_T-Roc_Leixões_web_resize

    VW Autoeuropa plant forced to ship via Leixões


    Strikes at the Portuguese port of Setúbal that are expected to continue into January have forced Volkswagen to switch exports of its T-Roc SUV, made at the Autoeuropa plant in Palmela, to the northern port of Leixões.According to the ports administration of Douro, Leixões and Viana do Castelo (APDL), the ...

  • Suape Dezembro 2017_por Rafa Medeiros_26

    Brazil needs investment and talent to flip the recession


    While the automotive sector in Brazil waits for political reform under its new president-elect Jair Bolsonaro, including investment in transport and infrastructure, logistics providers need to be creative in overcoming the existing poor state of the roads and ports. That is if the country is to exploit returning growth, including ...

  • Russia-to-introduce-new-utilization-fee-on-finished-vehicles-in-2018-1

    Russia continues to increase finished vehicle imports


    Russia imported 212,400 finished vehicles from January to November of 2018, which is an increase of 15.8% compared to the same period of last year, Russian Federal Customs Service (FCS) estimated. The overall value of finished vehicles imports during that period reached $5.2 billion, FCS added.Almost 33% of passenger cars ...

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    British automotive industry finds new markets


    Asia was the fastest growing foreign market for the UK’s automotive sector last year, with the value of exported goods up 21% on 2016, a new survey has shown.The Asian increase helped lift the sector’s total exports to £40 billion ($51.5 billion) – a 26% increase in two years – ...

  • JLR_Evoque_web

    JLR commits to UK supplier base for Evoque


    Jaguar Land Rover (JLR) has used the launch of its new Range Rover Evoque SUV to confirm its commitment to the supplier base in the UK by awarding more than £4 billion ($5.1 billion) in contracts to support production of the model.The carmaker did not say whether any of the ...

  • GM-Lordstown-LEDs

    GM to close seven plants next year


    GM has announced it will close three of its North American assembly plants next year along with two transmission plants, resulting in the loss of over 14,000 jobs. It also has plans to shut two additional plants outside North America by the end of 2019, following this year’s closure of ...

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    FCA to set up parts centre at Rivalta


    Fiat Chrysler Automobiles (FCA) is to turn the historic Fiat plant at Rivalta, near Turin, into a parts distribution centre (PDC) serving Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EMEA), among other markets. The new PDC in Italy will support customers at more than 5,000 locations, significantly improving delivery time to ...

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    Gefco signs up for new inbound and outbound services


    Components supplier Plastic Omnium has signed a contract with Gefco for the management of inbound plastic components through the logistics provider’s Halewood facility in the UK and onto its plant in Warrington. Gefco has also announced partnerships with Actility and Wakeo to more accurately track the cradles used to deliver ...

  • carlson_truck

    Carlson adopts Effitrailer telematics system


    Carlson Vehicle Transfer has adopted Michelin's Effitrailer telematics system across its fleet of 150 finished vehicle carriers. Carlson, which is owned by Groupe Cat, transports finished vehicles across the UK and Europe.The Effitrailer system measures trailer tyre pressure, as well as providing an onboard data link and electronic braking system ...

  • George Whittier

    How industry 4.0 will disrupt automotive supply chains


    From Henry Ford’s assembly line to the emergence of electric cars decades later, the automotive industry has always been defined by change and industry 4.0 – the fourth industrial revolution – is poised to bring the next big wave.Having already taken over the manufacturing space, this surge of automation and ...

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    Automotive Logistics launches in-house content studio


    Automotive Logistics is launching an in-house content studio called AutoWorks in response to the changing nature of content and publishing and the high number of content marketing briefs it receives from the automotive sector it serves. The studio will be led by newly appointed Head of Content Solutions, Paula Trainor, ...

  • ForkliftFuelCellToyota

    Toyota Australia opens its largest parts warehouse


    The largest parts warehouse run by Toyota Australia has been officially opened at Kemps Creek, New South Wales. It is located on 6.4 hectares close to a network of motorways and major arterial roads in the Western Sydney conurbation.The new Toyota Parts Centre (TPC) will house more than 128,000 parts ...

  • Säve_HDR2 2

    Scan Global to purchase IQS Group


    Copenhagen, Denmark-based supply chain management company Scan Global Logistics is acquiring 100% of German niche automotive logistics provider, International Quality Service Group (IQS).Founded in 1998, IQS specialises in delivering cars by air or sea to exhibitions and testing events worldwide. Its services include infrastructural support for operation of testing projects ...

  • Fact 2.1m

    Shifting gear


    Brazilian vehicle sales have been gathering pace recently, as the country tentatively recovers from its long recession. Light vehicle sales have shown some growth, while bus and truck sales have positively motored ahead. Vehicle sales this year, however, have been tarnished somewhat by stalling exports – especially to Argentina, which ...

  • Hyundai_Glovis_logistics

    Hyundai Glovis deploys robots in South Korea


    Hyundai Kia’s logistics division, Hyundai Glovis, has automated the packaging of semi-knockdown components at its logistics centres in Asan and Ulsan, South Korea. The move is the first step in a wider company initiative to increase productivity through the introduction of smart logistics.Machines are being used both to package the ...

  • ALCEE_opening_shot

    Competing on a global stage – report from AL Central and Eastern Europe summit


    Over the last 15 years, the centre of investment in the European automotive industry has been shifting east. Delegates at the Automotive Logistics Central and Eastern Europe (ALCEE) summit in Budapest last week learned that the region now has a strong network of assembly and supplier plants, along with logistics ...

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    Auto tariffs pose biggest threat to US economy, warns OFII


    The possibility of Donald Trump placing duties on cars and automotive parts being imported into the US is the largest threat to the country’s economic competitiveness, according to the chief financial officers (CFOs) of international companies taking part in a recent survey.The US Department of Commerce is currently investigating whether ...