All features articles – Page 41

  • Screenshot_11_09_2014_15_02

    Endless possibilities


    Glovis Europe general manager Frank Schnelle talks about the company's strategy for consolidating logistics in some markets and ambitions to gain transport assets.The growth of Kia and Hyundai in Europe has propelled the expansion of Glovis Europe, the group subsidiary tasked with managing the two brands’ logistics. From its beginnings ...

  • Automotive Logistics Global - Regulation panel

    Global conference: regulatory impact on logistics


    US automotive logistics executives complain that they are feeling the pain of regulatory increases across all transport modes, with the driver pool likely to shrink as well.American businesses have never been fans of regulation. In the automotive industry, it’s currently coming thick and fast, leaving OEMs, suppliers, and logistics businesses ...

  • Pezzo

    General Motors: waste not, want not


    GM’s executive director of global logistics, Edgard Pezzo, left, talks to Christopher Ludwig about cutting waste and cost in a multi-billion dollar supply chain.When Edgard Pezzo took over as executive director of global logistics and containerisation at General Motors, in May 2013, the top logistics purchasing management job came with ...

  • Driver graph_web

    US trucking survey: loaded up for growth


    Rising sales and rail disruption may have added to the challenges posed by driver and capacity shortages, but investment, better planning and increased collaboration are laying a solid base for further expansion in the sectorThe continued growth in new vehicle sales in the US has ushered in new opportunities for ...

  • Automotive Logistics Global 2014 - 2020 Vision panel

    Global conference: relentless logistics at Ford, Honda and Chrysler


    As Automotive Logistics Global came to a close in Detroit, a senior level panel of logistics executives discussed themes and thoughts from the event, and looked ahead to what challenges and innovations might be in store for the sector.Automotive Logistics' publisher and conference director Louis Yiakoumi seated left to right ...

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    Out of the light and into the night


    Extended delivery hours offer the benefits of less congestion and reduced dwell time, but they depend on dealer willingness, local laws and crime rates. Surprisingly, there has been a low uptake in Britain compared to parts of the USBack in 2006, a trial began within the British operations of Honda ...

  • Screenshot_15_09_2014_17_05

    More sparks are set to fly


    Despite being on somewhat familiar ground, Russia’s political climate and the status of the Lada brand call for Bo Andersson (pictured) to tread carefully while better aligning supply and demand at Avtovaz. Roger Stansfield reportsSince leaving General Motors as its global purchasing and supply chain chief, Bo Andersson has developed ...

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    How best to track the pack?


    Recently developed RFID tags are becoming gradually more accessible to the masses, but do the benefits of this technology outweigh its initial expense.Track-and-trace technology enables users to locate and identify items throughout the supply chain. Methods adopted for such purposes on the returnable transit packaging used for moving automotive components ...

  • Screenshot_16_09_2014_10_37

    Keeping up to speed


    With production in eastern and central Europe predicted to grow further, investment in logistics operations must be made to cope with the flow of exports.Within the borders (and non-borders) of the European Union and its immediate trading partners, the past two decades have seen a gradual, but undeniable expansion of ...

  • Screenshot_16_09_2014_13_26

    Is there still a place for leaders?


    The ‘lead logistics provider’ concept may be undergoing its biggest ever changes. The question is whether or not it is still working for today’s automotive industry. Co-ordinated from a ‘control tower’ based on the customer's site in Solihull, England, an extensive European supply chain feeds the three British vehicle assembly ...

  • Screenshot_16_09_2014_12_21

    A stronger grip on the market


    A shift towards local production and increased near-sourcing is improving the tyremaker’s logistics and order management in one of its main growth territories, reports Anthony CoiaBased in Milan, Italy, Pirelli & C SpA is the world’s fifth largest tyre manufacturer, with 22 factories in 13 countries around the world. ...

  • Screenshot_15_09_2014_14_46

    Finding ways to improve benchmarking


    Despite a multitude of difficulties, many outbound LSPs are working to benchmark performance, but it will take significant co-operation between OEMs to really push the process forwardBenchmarking in finished vehicle logistics can be a fraught practice. The international scale of the automotive industry, myriad business models and varying company objectives ...

  • Screenshot_16_09_2014_15_54

    Brazil is slowing down to take stock


    The Brazilian automotive sector has seen stalling production and sales following a stagnant economy and the end of tax breaks. Logistics companies are trying to combat the slowdown and find growthFollowing several years of boom time over much of the past decade, Brazil’s automotive supply chain players are now learning ...

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    When supply is a close run thing


    Carmakers are showing a renewed interest in local supply networks, but do the benefits of supplier proximity balance the costs for both sides, or is there a middle distance to be found for a win-win? The evolution of automotive manufacturing has mostly been a story of dis-integration. Today’s car factories ...

  • Alex Meza, JC

    Dressing for a hot market in a cold network


    The 15th annual Automotive Logistics Global conference, held at the MGM Grand in downtown Detroit, brought senior OEM, tier supplier and logistics provider executives to discuss ways of coping with the current growth and changes across the North American network. Most anticipated growing complexity, an increasingly important Mexico, and the ...

  • Screenshot_11_09_2014_17_02

    Steady makes a Subaru


    Subaru has doubled sales in the US over the past five years, by maintaining a well-planned, stable scheduling and logistics flow. Its top logistics team talks in depth about the carmaker's strategy for current and future growthSubaru has been on a tear for the last seven, tumultuous years in the ...

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    ProAct's end-to-end finished vehicle solution


    This webinar presented ProAct’s latest unique software-solution capabilities for the planning, management and execution of complex, end-to-end, plant-to-dealer, finished vehicle supply chains.ProAct discussed how its software enables:Manufacturers to regain more control of their supply chain, whilst continuing to outsource the component partsLPs and 4PLs to improve technology solutions in their ...

  • Aganga_Olusegun

    On the right path


    With foreign investment and favourable legislation, Nigeria could spring from automotive stagnation to overtake South Africa as the continent’s lead car manufacturing country. But the supply chain will be a major challenge.Nigeria’s once thriving domestic car assembly industry may be soon be reborn after years of stagnation nearly brought it ...

  • car yard

    Russian bans may not keep down imports for long


    Some experts suggest that the fallout in the Russian market could eventually lead carmakers to close smaller factories, leading to a rise in imported vehicles. However, the government is launching support for sales and the supply chain The continuing Ukrainian crisis and subsequent economic sanctions and retaliations have already contributed ...

  • Indian trucks_web

    Indian hopes return, problems remain


    Automotive sales and confidence are returning, with Indian logistics executives seeing brighter days ahead. While many are looking to the Modi government for reforms, some companies most important improvements may still be internal.Excitement has pervaded the Indian landscape since the May national elections that swept Narendra Modi and his National ...