All features articles – Page 46

  • InDesign-1

    European road – recovery pains


    A survey carried out by Finished Vehicle Logistics revealed a sense of cautious optimism, but many points of contention among Europe’s automotive road hauliers. In this story...Fleet developmentsCarrier revenue dataOwned fleet data Red tape and legislationSubcontractor data Perennial problemsDriver dataGoing ‘greenEuropean car hauliers are still fragile from years of ...

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    Taking hail repair in hand


    The random and varying nature of extreme weather damage presents OEMs, and logistics providers, with complicated and urgent repair challenges.In this story...A history of hailUnpredictable weatherAssessing repair timesPrevention better than cureStorm-chasing staffIT and organisationIn late July 2013, central Europe enjoyed a prolonged period of warm weather, with several weather stations ...

  • Opening_rail

    China reports: Tracking reforms


    China has made some radical moves to modernise its railways, but the rail services desired by the automotive industry are not here yet. Vehicle logistics in China is dominated by trucking. While water transport by barge and short sea has done some catching up in recent years, rail is ...

  • Spirit of Ecstasy on the Phantom

    China reports: Rolls-Royce's first-class deliveries


    In this story...Flying in salesA quality aftermarket Bespoke logisticsChauffeur-driven careQuality over quantity​Rolls-Royce director for China Henrik Wilhelmsmeyer describes how the company ensures premium delivery of vehicles and spare parts in one of its most important marketsFew products or possessions – a private jet, a Beverly Hills mansion, a yacht off ...

  • InDesign-1

    BMW's one and only in America


    To meet domestic and export demand for the SUVs it produces, BMW is introducing measures to reduce logistics cost and complexity at its Spartanburg plant.In this story... Inbound managementGlobal supply chain links Containers on tracks A global export strategyImproving plant and warehouse integrationBMW’s only North American factory, located in Greer, ...

  • Barnett cutout

    Feeding the lean machine in North America


    Efficient and growing production is putting pressure on tier suppliers to better manage their own logistics networks in North AmericaCapacity and creativityShape of things to come Balance at DraexlmaierFlexibile space useLocal goes globalIT for support Mergers and acquisitionsTier one suppliers in North America are facing both global and regional supply ...

  • Geely Vehicles at Port

    Reports from China: under pressure to perform in outbound


    Competition and demand in a country of huge scale and diversity makes for a prosperous, but uncertain vehicle logistics marketIn this story...Chinese challenges Global port standardsTrailer length tricksMoving to multimodalPrivate vs. state-ownedGeely's exportsVehicles logistics providers in China face some of the most challenging conditions in the world. As well as ...


    Identifying trace elements


    Considering the high value of its product, visibility in the finished vehicle supply chain is notoriously poor, but what is the industry doing about it? The contrast between the two sides of the automotive supply chain could hardly be starker. Upstream, flows are highly disciplined and tightly managed. Parts and ...

  • STSLogistics_warehouse_300

    If you want a footprint in Russia, don’t run before you can walk


    Neovia and STS Logistics recently held a day of workshop talks in London, UK designed to provide international companies eager to set up business in Russia with the right insight into the marketFor companies wanting to establish a footprint in Russia, the priorities outlined at the advisory workshop on the ...

  • Feature

    Reports from China: automotive market could outpace logistics


    As sales look set to boom, the need for efficient logistics solutions has never been greater in China, but how can supply best meet demand?In this story... Looking sunny: the current climateEnvironmental repercussions?Bottlenecks restraining growth Haphazard legislationMultimodal solutionsThe Chinese automotive market could be set for another ten years of double-digit ...

  • China_Govt_Plenum

    What will China’s latest reforms mean for automotive logistics?


    The outline of the Chinese government’s reforms following its third plenum congress could have a significant impact on the automotive logistics sector. We analyse the changes proposed to finance, investment, commodity prices and state-owned enterprisesThe document released last week by the Chinese central government following an important closed door meeting ...

  • Peter Dew_Ceva_web

    Dew officially head of Ceva in Asia Pacific


    Ceva Logistics has appointed Peter Dew as president, Asia Pacific. The announcement makes formal the role he has held on an interim basis since July when Didier Chenneveau left the position amidst a management reshuffle. Dew has been a member of Ceva’s Executive Board since 2008.Since joining the company in ...

  • Last Panel

    Brazil struggles to keep supply chain costs from taking off


    The Automotive Logistics South America conference in São Paulo heard familiar laments about infrastructure and the creative ways that Brazilians keep the supply chain moving. Port reforms and continuing automotive investment is putting more emphasis on improving logistics operationsClick here to read the full version of this report. When automotive ...

  • Gunther Apfalter

    Magna Europe chief sees logistics becoming more important


    Magna Europe president, Günther Apfalter, puts logistics among his top five priorities in Europe, as he sees potential to improve costs and reduce CO2 emissions in the supply chainSince Günther Apfalter (pictured left) became president of Magna Europe in late 2010, a difficult European economy and increasing global competition in ...

  • General

    Better times ahead for European vehicle logistics sector


    With vehicle sales across the EU finally heading in the right direction, carmakers and providers cited the need for increased efficiency, cost reduction, and understanding government regulations as key to success in 2013 and beyond. The European finished vehicle logistics sector will get some much-needed relief as the automotive market ...

  • image1

    How to ensure many happy returns for packaging


    Surgere’s RFID refinements are cancelling out the disadvantages of returnable packaging for tier one supplier Johnson ControlsAsk almost anyone in the automotive industry, and they’ll tell you that, in theory, returnable packaging is a great idea. When it comes to using this equipment, however, their views may be less flattering. ...

  • John Taylor Dematic Lecture

    Bringing it back to North America


    OEMs and tier one suppliers are increasingly prefering to shorten their supply chains, but in decisions on near-shoring or re-shoring, pragmatism will prevailIn this story... Nissan’s supplier parkEnd of the exodus Cost and currency Making the right decisionsA ceremony at the Canton, Mississippi vehicle assembly plant of Nissan this past ...

  • Car part (general)

    India packaging – the next best thing to being naked


    Short of parts arriving without any packaging at all, OEMs and inbound logictics providers in India are working together to ensure line-side delivery in the most efficient and cost-effective means possible Experts claim that the price of packaging, including its transport costs and impacts on the automotive supply chain, account ...

  • D6T_ParisTX_11_006 - web

    Caterpillar moves the earth for better distribution


    The volumes and logistics capabilities of the world’s largest maker of earth-moving machinery are intertwined with global growth and government investment in its US-baseMoving high-and-heavy equipment, such as construction machinery, is a tricky and costly logistics task. Many products are outsized, requiring dedicated facilities and special permits to travel on ...

  • 1633 Gefco

    Acceleration in North Africa


    Despite parts of the region striving for greater stability, North Africa presents significant opportunities for development throughout the automotive sectorFor some carmakers, especially in Europe, North Africa represents the next great frontier. In 2012, Algeria sold 450,000 new vehicles; Egypt 288,000 units; Morocco 126,000; and Tunisia 54,000. Outside of Egypt, ...