All features articles – Page 51

  • Screen Shot 2013-06-28 at 11.20.15

    Daimler expansion pushes distribution changes


    With a global onslaught of new models planned over the next three years, Daimler’s logistics team is anticipating an increase in transport demand for its main manufacturing bases in Europe and beyond.In November, Daimler once again gathered its vehicle logistics providers for its annual European Carrier Day, held at the ...

  • Screen Shot 2013-06-27 at 14.45.08

    Christine Krathwohl and the global power player that is GM


    GM’s intercontinental material shipments have risen dramatically, changing the dynamic of logistics management and purchasing at the carmaker. Christine Krathwohl, executive director of global logistics and supplier diversity, tells how she is looking for global logistics engineering from providers and increased visibility to keep costs and flows under control.General Motors’ ...

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    Collaboration in China - also known as 'huddling for warmth'


    Ellen Hua finds China’s logistics providers keen to pull together as growth in the country slows, putting an emphasis on building partnerships between larger and smaller providers and carmakers.With China’s economic growth and its integration into the global supply chain, logistics service providers in the country’s automotive sector have had ...

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    If seeing is believing, IT solutions are at hand


    The old complaints about track-and-trace capabilities – or the lack of them – persist in vehicle logistics, but progress is being made in last-mile visibility and electronic proof of delivery. At the Hyundai group logistics specialist Glovis Europe, work is well under way on a new IT system. Its role? ...

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    Prem Verma and the coming outbound network for Tata


    Tata’s vehicle logistics are changing; from transporting trucks on trailers to providing milkrun deliveries to rural dealers, Christopher Ludwig talks to Prem Verma about the current and coming outbound network in India.​Prem Verma, the man responsible for delivering Tata Motors passenger cars and commercial vehicles, is fluent in logistics, able ...

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    A more Russian logistics network


    Russia’s new automotive boom is served by a decidedly different network than in 2008, with more local production, increasing use of domestic ports, and growing sales beyond St Petersburg and Moscow. Anthony Coia reports.With 2012 new vehicle sales likely to finish 7-10% higher than 2011 – at around 3m units ...

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    Benteler gets global visibility


    While visibility in the supply chain is a goal for all logistics managers, for many at automotive tier suppliers it is often more of a mantra than an existing management tool – repeat it enough, and hopefully its meaning will seep through to operational reality.That is because many suppliers lack ...

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    Counterfeit parts are costing the industry billions


    There is evidence of (un)healthy growth in the global trade of counterfeit parts and vehicles, which not only carries risks to the safety of the end-user, but also to the brand reputations of carmakers. Some important discoveries of such parts have been found during customs crackdowns at major logistics centres.A ...

  • Screen Shot 2013-06-27 at 17.08.14

    VW’s European exports to China will still grow


    Volkswagen appears to be looking at exports to China as one option of maintaining plant output in Europe and minimising the risk of inventory build-up. According to its CEO, Martin Winterkorn, speaking from Sao Paolo in Brazil last November, the company could soon be exporting around 200,000 cars, including Audi ...

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    Europe short sea funding could sink or swim


    European Union member states are currently debating a funding proposal from the European Commission under the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) that could deliver €31.7 billion ($41 billion) to improve transport infrastructure across the region. That sum is part of a bigger CEF figure of €50 billion that must also cover ...

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    Ro-ro carriers keep on rolling on


    Ro-ro carriers have been able to manage capacity and market swings better than many, but shifting vehicle flows, fuel cost rises and a volatile market may make the coming years the hardest yet to balance, reports Jonathan Ward. The global ro-ro and pure car and truck carrier (PCTC) market ...

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    European carrier performance rebounds for Daimler


    Daimler has once again awarded its top performing vehicle logistics carriers in Europe during an annual ceremony and strategy meeting with providers held this past week at the Mercedes-Benz plant in Rastatt, Germany. Three road carriers were presented with prizes, while Daimler’s logistics management also pointed to an overall ...

  • ecg-2012

    Reacting to decline and disruption


    Downstream co-operationGrowth now all that counts in BrusselsChanging vehicle logistics flowsRussian resurgenceTurkey moves into Europe’s top fiveFuture trendsTrickle-down innovationEurope’s fifth straight year of falling sales and drops in production have had significant impacts across the wider continent. We report from the ECG’s 2012 gathering.The impact of the eurozone crisis on ...

  • Feature

    Lifting standards in warehousing


    Forklift provider Jungheinrich’s best applications for automotive.Reducing damage and increasing efficiency in parts handling isn’t just down to packaging or transport methods. Innovations in forklifts can also play a significant part in warehousing and plant operations, reports Marcia MacLeodWith advances in automation and design, choosing the wrong forklift could mean sacrificing ...

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    Making a yard thing easier


    The birth of yard management in IndiaLearning the value add of yard managementLand, labour and lost visibilityThe scope for 3PLsThe growing appreciation of yard management systems in India and the equally expanding possibilities for 3PLs.Tarun Sarkar kneels down on the wet ground and runs his fingers along the bottom of ...

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    Damage still half of claims for inbound and aftermarket supply


    Inbound and aftermarket component supply chains achieve remarkable levels of quality, yet damage in transport is still the cause of up to half of all claims. A report on how the industry is cutting that figure. There is plenty about automotive component supply chains to suggest that damage in transport ...

  • qchat

    Handling failure and finding success at the port of Baltimore


    Getting every part of the chain involvedVested interestsAgent of changeHow a cross-departmental quality group at the Maryland Port Authority helped the port of Baltimore go from almost losing an important customer to being the top US port for new vehicle handling.In 1997, one of the Port of Baltimore’s largest automotive ...

  • logistics

    Questions of quality handling


    Planning every movement and pauseTaking a cue from OEMsThe role of IT and data collectionDefining KPIs clearlyDefining standards that encourage flexibilityOEMs and logistics providers must reach an agreement on common quality handling standards through co-operation, increased visibility and better data collection.Establishing processes for quality vehicle handling begins at home, but ...

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    Building on the bridge to Turkey


    What suppliers and logistics providers in the Turkish market are doing to localise automotive production and improve logistics costs for the total supply chain. Marcia MacLeod reportsTurkish automotive production is growing again, with opportunities in logistics for both established third-party logistics providers and new entrants to the country. Turkey’s ancient ...

  • Volkswagen Polo

    Delivering on VW's targets


    Confident, cool, calmDeveloping new conceptsAdapting the European networkProviders and entrepreneurial decisionsHow to reduce emissions by 2018Transparency in visibilityThe Volkswagen Group has one of the world’s most complex distribution networks. Andrea Eck explains the advanced logistics concepts that are helping to make it faster, more precise and greener even as it ...