All features articles – Page 54

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    Tracking for potential across the Russian expanse


    Broad networks;Rail growth;Pricing and Investment;Efficiency Improvements.Restrictive price structures, poor infrastructure and capacity shortages must be addressed if Russia’s railways are to carry its share of the vast country’s increasing vehicle demand.Considering Russia’s size, railways would seem to be the ideal mode for long distance transport. While rail has certain competitive ...

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    India expects to remain a fast-moving market


    Indian sales have hit a snag, but many in the industry see growth resuming quickly, with demand for logistics also rising amid growing investment and supply chain complexity. Ramesh Kumar reports from India. Additional reporting by Malcolm Wheatley.Days in the life;Growth continues;A move towards effficiency and consolidation;What will the legal ...

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    Diversity in distribution


    Central supply, but moving eastward; A limited role for rail; Increasing delivery frequency; A changing landscape; Targeting better service. As aftermarket demand increases in Russia's central and eastern regions, Anthony Coia reports how logistics services need to adapt.As the development of Russia’s automotive market thrives, the geographical variation of the ...

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    Global round up


    Santos Brasil and Schaeffler sign distribution agreementTerminal operator Santos Brasil has signed a five-year contract with the German engineering multinational Schaeffler, which has a manufacturing plant in the Brazilian city of Sorocaba, from where it supplies the entire domestic and export automotive production sector with a range of ...

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    V-Scope for improvement


    MarciaMacLeod learns about how Vascor integrates its software with that of OEMs to ensure efficient deliveryWhen Toyota opened its first US plant in Kentucky, a joint venture was formed between APL Logistics and Fujitrans to handle logistics. Today, Vascor–celebrating its 25th anniversary this year–operates across North America, working primarily ...

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    The needless damage done


    Damage prevention Who foots the bill? Putting the pieces back together Less damage, greater savingsThird party possibilities?Malcolm Weatley finds out how insurance claims handling companies are working with manufacturers and logistics providers to identify damage trends and make claims process faster and smoother, with the aim of reducing incidents and ...

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    Packing a knockdown punch


    With CKD operations crucial to many manufacturers’ global strategies, Anthony Coia looks at the issues of cost, reusability and customisation in packaging the vital kits One way packaging; 3PL services; The cardboard way; Economic efficiencies; Packaging solutions; Logan's run; Three-pronged approach.As a method of vehicle assembly, the complete knockdown system ...

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    Looking to Turkey for optimism


    Impact of the eurozone crisis Light coming from commercial vehicles Improving rail road seaEntering new markets With the European economy and automotive sales outlook uncertain, logistics providers have looked to Turkey for expansion. Last year set records as production increased 9% and the domestic market rose by ...

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    Gateway to a new era for GAZ


    Bo Andersson has been leading a remarkable turnaround and a tough restructuring at Russia’s GAZ Group, with a significant focus on improving supply chain management and logistics. Christopher Ludwig presents a pertinent example of how logistics can provide a competitive advantage in Russia.

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    Potential and problems in equal measure


    Different strokes Heavy investment Coping with growth Finding partners for growthAccess and infrastructureA flexible futureDespite political uncertainty and its recent propensity for economic boom and bust, Russia is still a major growth market for automotive. With LSPs investing heavily in ports, inland terminals and transport assets, Chris Lewis looks at ...

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    Balanced verticals are good for business at CEVA


    Gaining market share;Becoming supply chain designers;When will Apollo exit?.The past year has been a particularly strong one in the automotive sector for Ceva Logistics, with some significant business wins in fast growing regions such as China, India and Brazil, as well as in markets with otherwise stagnant volume, such as ...

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    Are shared components the right answer?


    Announcements around the Geneva Motor Show suggested that carmakers are increasing the amount of standardised components across their platforms. Although shared parts provide a thoroughly developed and cost-competitive solution for vehicle manufacturers, this trend concentrates the supply chain and can encourage OEMs to rely more on single source suppliers, risking ...

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    Big opportunities ahead for Gefco


    For Gefco, 2012 is turning out to be a year of significant transition. In February, parent company PSA Peugeot-Citroën announced that it was divesting (an as yet undisclosed) percentage of its ownership of the transport and logistics subsidiary in an effort to raise cash and support on-going investment in its ...

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    Resolving a loaded issue in China


    With some 40,000 car carriers in China thought to be operating outside of legal limits on truck length, Ellen Hua finds out why, despite new regulations, companies are still flouting the law and what the likelihood is for future change.Kidnapped legislation;Behind the overloading;Revising official standards;The return of price;Innovating a way ...

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    One vision for a global platform at UTi


    UTi Worldwide is standardising its organisation to better replicate global services from one market to another. Christopher Ludwig finds the firm’s top executives believe great logistics services begin with the car industryThe power of one;Replicating services globally;The potential for regional sourcing.UTi Worldwide might not be the most recognisable name or ...

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    Chinese carmakers accelerate into Brazil


    Tony Danby reports on how Chinese and other OEMs are investing in local production and distribution in Brazil.Chinese players become established;Chinese pick-up business;Incumbents reamin strong;LSPs eye new business;Looking for opportunities;Tuning logistics operations.Although the Brazilian market has seen a slowdown in vehicle sales over recent months, the country is still ...

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    Reframing a fragmented network


    GM’s Opel/Vauxhall unit is making moves to centralise its aftermarket logistics and improve efficiency at its warehouses. Simon Duval Smith caught up with Sarah Kenworthy, director of aftermarket supply chain.Vauxhall’s Chalton parts warehouse, near to the OEM’s Luton plant some 55km north of London, covers 1.2m square feet (110,00m2) of ...

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    Converging theory and reality in supply


    Textbooks cover the basics of forecasting and inventory management but, as Malcolm Wheatley relates, the scale and speed of aftermarket parts supply requires increasingly complex IT solutionsA complex environment;If it looks like fish, it may not be fish;A global solution for Jaguar.When Piaggio Group Americas had problems with aftermarket spares ...

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    Outlining supply challenges at Audi


    Audi continues to grow in both its home market as well globally in India, China and North America, where it is expected to announce plans for a new factory soon. The importance of logistics has never been more evident at the carmaker in supporting growth both from production bases in ...

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    Going for growth at Chery


    Exporting to RussiaManaging export logistics in-house Long-term partnerships with shipping linesFocus on efficiency rather than price aloneInvesting in improved logisticsTime of transitionAs China’s leading automotive exporter shifts its focus toward higher-range models, Ellen Hua talks to Chery International vice-president Feng Ping about what the company expects from its logistics partners ...