Finished vehicle logistics – Page 47

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    FVL conference: High tech over brute force in reducing vandalism in Mexico


    Damage and theft on Mexico's railways can be a chronic problem for carmakers in the country. One of the industry's most successful security experts suggests that tracking data and behaviour can help tackle the problem over the long termVandalism and theft on the rail network in Mexico continue to cost ...

  • car_carrier_protest_Rajasthan

    Indian car carriers protest latest penalty hike in Rajasthan


    Car carriers in India are currently staging a protest on the borders of Rajasthan following the local government’s decision to impose a border tariff (or challan) of 5,000 rupees ($75) for equipment travelling through the state.The amount now being asked is a significant hike on the previous fee of 1,500 ...

  • Feature

    Indian car carriers protest latest penalty hike in Rajasthan


    Car carriers in India are currently staging a protest on the borders of Rajasthan following the local government’s decision to impose a border tariff (or challan) of 5,000 rupees ($75) for equipment travelling through the state.The amount now being asked is a significant hike on the previous fee of 1,500 ...

  • Christopher Ludwig

    Vehicle logistics: Why the only certainty is uncertainty


    Constantly shifting political, industrial and logistical currents will ensure change remains the only constant in vehicle logisticsFinished vehicle logistics, perhaps more than other supply chain disciplines, is focused on operations at hand and responding flexibly to changes rather than speculating about future trends. While 2017 could be a year of ...

  • Craig_Purvey_BCA_web

    PSA UK signs deal with BCA for remarketing services


    BCA, the used car auction and vehicle logistics provider, its extending its remarketing of used Peugeot, Citroën and DS vehicles in the UK under a new two-year deal signed with PSA Group’s division in the country.The latest deal builds on existing work BCA does for PSA UK, including handling contract ...

  • Chandra Mishra, Ashok Leyland

    India conference: Ashok Leyland gets rational about logistics


    Indian commercial vehicle manufacturer Ashok Leyland has not been waiting until the Goods and Service Tax (GST) comes into effect next year across India to make major changes to its logistics and distribution network.Over the past two years, the truckmaker has rationalised its distribution centres and logistics provider base, introduced ...

  • G.williams2

    JLR part 2: The big cat is hunting for outbound efficiencies


    Jaguar Land Rover has taken a lead in using in-vehicle technology and connectivity to improve outbound visibility, part of a recent programme of change and investment across the carmaker’s logistics[sta_anchor id="1"]Jaguar and Land Rover cars and SUVs are, by mandate of their brands, powerful and highly engineered creatures. Today, that ...


    Brexit and shipping: Playing a game of wait and sea


    A country’s ports and the shipping lines that serve them are at the front line of fluctuations in international trade. So is the UK sector bracing itself for a Brexit-induced storm? The past two years have been busy ones for any company involved in the import or export of vehicles ...

  • Vehicles

    ABP investing £50m in Southampton port vehicle terminal


    Associated British Ports (ABP) is investing £50m ($66m) in its vehicle handling facilities at the port of Southampton.The investment will be applied in two phases beginning with a two new multi-story vehicle handling facilities that together will be able to store 7,600 vehicles on route to export markets.The second part ...

  • Vipal_Nanda_CCA

    Indian carriers fight penalties and OEM indifference


    Vipul Nanda, president of India's Car Carriers AssociationJust when you thought the question of car transporter lengths in India was sorted out, it may be time to think again.Following its draft legislation providing for a maximum length for finished vehicle carriers of 18.75 metres earlier this year, India’s Ministry ...

  • DSC_3391

    Lack of federal funds is leaving ro-ro ports high and dry


    With new vehicle sales and production in North America still running at record levels, the region’s vehicle-handling ports are running out of room. Larger vessels, sometimes arriving in bunches, are putting more pressure on terminals and yard space. Land for expansion, meanwhile, is hotly contested because port authorities have competing ...

  • Port-of-Vigo

    Vigo ramps up the ro-ro


    The north-western Spanish port of Vigo will start using a sixth ro-ro ramp in August this year and intends to build a seventh, making it the country's leading port in terms of its ro-ro provision. According to the port authority, the idea it to optimise its existing car carrier service ...

  • Feature

    ECG column: Evolution, not revolution


    Newly elected ECG president Wolfgang Göbel believes the industry’s mood of optimism in Europe is the perfect backdrop against which to make progress during his tenureIn this, my first article since being elected president of ECG at the 2016 General Assembly in May, I would like to take the opportunity ...

  • South Africa car plant

    South Africa: Flagging but still fighting


    [sta_anchor id="1"]South Africa’s economy is battling problems, but its vehicle exports and role in global vehicle programmes mean it continues to attract investmentSouth Africa’s economy is in the doldrums. A rout in commodity prices has damaged consumer spending power. The country is skirting perilously close to having its debt rating ...

  • Car hauler capacity

    Deliveries are feeling the crunch


    If you can’t get your product to market, every other competitive advantage is lost – a problem Europe’s OEMs could face as transport capacity tightens for moving finished vehiclesNew vehicle registrations across Europe have been rising, including double-digit sales increases in recent months across the EU. ACEA, the European carmaker’s ...

  • Digital delivery graphic

    Is the digital future now history?


    [sta_anchor id="1"]Electronic consignment notes were given the green light by the EU in 2011 but their implementation across European countries remains patchy. Has their time finally come… or gone? So far, only eight EU member states and Switzerland have ratified the so-called e-CMR protocol – the digital addition to the ...

  • Planta Volkswagen 2014

    Volkswagen & Audi in Mexico part 3: Building in an extra level of efficiency


    With VW’s Puebla plant expected to return to full capacity soon and Audi’s San José Chiapa facility poised to begin production, the Volkswagen Group in Mexico will be relying on its road, rail and port partners to meet future demand and quality standards

  • PanamaCanalgraph

    Panama canal: Open locks free up trade


    After nine years of anticipation, the newly expanded Panama Canal is set to open to commercial traffic. Charlie Fiveash considers the implications for vehicle shipping Next week, the Panama Canal is poised to welcome the first commercial customer along its new expanded route. The container ship, COSCO China, was set ...

  • Acumen_Scania_Vehicles

    Acumen expands car carrier fleet in the UK


    UK transport and logistics provider, Acumen Logistics, has invested £750,000 ($1.07m) in four more Scania tractor units to support finished vehicle transport contracts its Acumen Automotive Logistics division has won this year.The latest additions, which are equipped with Euro 6 engines, brings its truck fleet in the UK to 50. ...

  • FVL16_remarketing

    FVL North America conference: OEMs call for data literate carriers to help cut remarketing costs


    Defleeted vehicle inventory is going to see a 50% increase over the next three years, which suggests more OEMs will get into the remarketing business, increasing competitive pressure.“We are now in a mad rush to see who can do it most effectively,” said Kurt Cornell, general manager for dealer operations, ...