News – Page 207

  • Feature

    Setor de logística indiano busca subsídio para movimentação de veículos por via ferroviária e marítima


    Empresas de logística automotiva na Índia estão pretendendo desenvolver melhores serviços costeiros de transporte marítimo e ferroviário para veículos acabados a partir de fábricas de produção para concessionárias. Atualmente, com poucas exceções, esse tráfego é encaminhado por estrada.A barreira à entrada, no entanto, permanece clara: para enviar um carro pequeno ...

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    Сектор логистики Индии в поисках субсидий для перевозок автомобилей по железной дороге и морю


    Aвтологистические компании в Индии пытаются развить морские каботажные и ж/д перевозки готовых авто от заводов в дилерские центры. Cейчас за редким исключением перевозки осуществляются по автодорогам.Но существуют очевидные барьеры. Стоимость перевозки небольшого авто из Ченнаи в Ахмедабад по автодороге составляет в регионе $173, морем - $218. Автологистические компании направили ...

  • Feature

    Jaguar Land Rover to double capacity at UK engine plant


    [Updated November 27th] Following the opening of its Engine Manufacturing Centre (EMC) in the UK last November, Jaguar Land Rover (JLR) has this week announced plans to double the size of the facility as part of a £450m ($677.5m) expansion programme. It will see the site increase its operational footprint ...

  • EvolutionTimeCritical_vansAntonov

    Evolution Time Critical launches latest transport management system


    Emergency logistics specialist, Evolution Time Critical, has implemented a new transport management system, EDMS (Evolution Delivery Management System), which it said would help enhance its provision of time-critical services.In a statement the company said that the system would provide its team with an enhanced ability to track and report on ...

  • Feature

    Scania appoints Henriksson president and CEO; Karlsson head of production and logistics


    Swedish truckmaker Scania has announced that Henrik Henriksson will take over as president and CEO from the beginning of January 2016. He succeeds Per Hallberg, who stepped into the role on an interim basis when Scania’s previous CEO Martin Lundstedt left the company in April to head Volvo Group.Hallberg was ...

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    Autoport to begin operations at Port Canaveral next year


    US vehicle processing company, Autoport, will begin operations at Port Canaveral’s automotive terminal in January next year.The port, in Brevard County, Florida, is leasing approximately 65,000 sq.m at its new terminal to Autoport for operations, with an option to expand.“We are excited to partner with AutoPort and provide our new ...

  • Feature

    Kia to export 80% cars from recently completed Mexican plant


    Kia has said that 60% of the vehicles produced at its recently completed plant in Mexico will be for export to the US with the remaining 40% divided between Mexico and markets in Latin America.The Korean carmaker said last week that it had completed construction on the $3 billion plant ...

  • Feature

    Abu Dhabi reports rise in ro-ro, container and general cargo traffic


    Abu Dhabi Ports, the port management company operating in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), has reported a significant rise in cargo handling for the first ten months of this year, including an almost 30% rise in ro-ro traffic, along with a 36% rise in container handling.Earlier this year the company ...

  • Feature

    VW rolls out 3D smart glasses for picking operations at Wolfsburg


    Following a successful three-month pilot project to test the application of 3D smart glasses for in-plant logistics tasks at its plant in Wolfsburg, Germany, Volkswagen has now made the equipment standard across the plant. Plant logistics personnel are using the smart technology glasses, which are provided by UbiMax, for order ...

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    Arkas signs deal with Duisport for logistics services in Turkey


    [Updated 26 November] Turkish logistics provider Arkas Holding has signed a joint venture agreement worth $120m with Germany’s Duisport to develop multimodal logistics facilities in Turkey and multimodal services between there and the Central Europe.The announcement of the venture, the name of which is still being finalised, was made at ...

  • Feature

    Peter Carlsson leaves Tesla for Elementum


    Peter Carlsson has left his role as chief purchasing officer (CPO) and head of supply chain at prestige electric vehicle maker, Tesla Motors, and moved to a new role on the advisory board at Elementum, the supply chain software provider.Carlsson was with Tesla for more than four years, having joined ...

  • Feature

    Indian logistics sector seeks subsidy to shift vehicle volumes to rail and sea


    Automotive logistics companies in India are looking to develop better coastal shipping and rail services to transport finished vehicles from production plants to dealerships. Currently, with few exceptions, this traffic goes by road.The barrier to entry, however, remains clear: to ship a small car from Chennai to Ahmedabad by road ...

  • Feature

    - 印度物流寻求铁路和海运补贴渠道


    印度汽车物流公司正在开发更好的沿海航运及铁路服务,将汽车从生产厂运到经销处。目前,除了个别之外,多数运输还是靠公路进行。   困难显而易见:从Chennai到Ahmedabad,通过公路运输一辆小型车的成本是173美元,而海运成本就增加到218美元。因此,物流部门的公司就向联合运输和交通部长Nitin Gadkari写信,要求为每辆车提供补助,这样就可以将运输重点转移到海路或铁路。 他们说,基于印度政府的《2026汽车任务规划(AMP)》,为运输模式的转变提供资金是有意义的事情。 据日前刚刚发布的AMP规划预计,在未来的10年内,印度的汽车业将增长3.5倍至4倍,从目前的价值740亿美元,增长到2,600亿至3,000亿美元。 然而,印度的物流部门相信,贸易扩大的速度可以更快。但是,如果采用最环保的运输模式,就需要一些补贴。 在沿海滚装服务方面,已经有所行动。比如,在过去的两年里,华伦威尔森物流印度公司一直在努力建立滚装服务,在Chennai和Gujarat之间运输汽车、公交车建筑设备。然而,由于缺乏财政激励政策,加上对船舶燃料征税,这样的服务并不可行。 WWL印度公司执行董事Gur Prasad Kohli说,“如果每辆的能够获得3,000卢比(约合45美元)的补贴,而且对船用油还施以进口补贴的话,沿海航运才可行。”他还补充说,政府其实一直都很清楚这种情况。 虽然目前的形式还不明朗,Kohli将会在董事会上提出要求,向沿海航运投资300万美元到600万美元。这样的话,第一年可能会有损失,但是最终的回报大于冒险成本。 铁路方面来说,在过去的12个月里,在Gurgaron的APL Logistics Vascor Automotive已经投资开发特殊设计的双层铁路货车,现在已经投入使用,在Chennai和Delhi及Guwahati之间运输汽车。尽管常务董事Umesh Bhanot说,浮动剧烈的铁路货运现状使这个行业并不看好。事实上,他提出疑问,在近几年里,柴油的价格下降近24%,但为什么费用会一直上涨。 据Bhanot称,这或许是因为环保运输的出现,比如铁路,对公路的压力相对减少。目前,铁路在印度整车运输市场里的份额低于5%。他认为,政府要在2026年之前生产930万乘用车的目标(这是AMP规划的一部分)可能很难单靠公路实现;因此,需要鼓励一些替代方案。 利用多模式方案创造整车部门的竞争网络方面的问题,将在德里召开的印度汽车物流会议上讨论,会议日期为12月8日至10日。点击注册,获得更多资讯。

  • CEVA_flag-300x186

    Renault expands dealership network in India


    Renault’s division in India has inaugurated a new dealership in Telangana, in southern state of Andra Pradesh. It brings the number of dealerships the carmaker has across of country to 190, alongside 151 aftersales outlets across 120 cities. The company said it aims to have 240 dealers by the end ...

  • Feature

    Renault expands dealership network in India


    Renault’s division in India has inaugurated a new dealership in Telangana, in southern state of Andra Pradesh. It brings the number of dealerships the carmaker has across of country to 190, alongside 151 aftersales outlets across 120 cities. The company said it aims to have 240 dealers by the end ...

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    Ceva opens HQ and logistics centre in Sao Paulo


    Ceva Logistics has opened a regional headquarters and its fourth Center of Logistics Excellence in Sao Paulo, Brazil.The headquarters and logistics centre are located in the Vila Olimpia region of the city.“This is an important strategic step for Ceva in the region as we consolidate our presence and prepare for ...

  • paperchainpeople

    Automotive Component Carrier to make 71 drivers redundant


    Automotive Component Carrier (ACC), a haulier company owned by Penske Logistics, is laying off 71 truck drivers after the company missed out on a contract with General Motors.ACC had previously given notice that it planned redundancies across its 300-strong workforce as part of its Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act ...

  • Feature

    VW India begins exports to Argentina; imports from SA start at Altamira


    Volkswagen has announced that it has begun exports of the Vento model made at its Chakan plant near Pune, India, to Argentina, where it is being rebadged for sale as a Polo. The vehicle was launched in Argentina on November 10th and so far VW has exported 1,600 vehicles to ...

  • Feature

    Flooding in Chennai causes plant closures and supply disruption


    [Updated 19th November] Torrential rain in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu over the past week has led to shutdowns at a number of OEM and tier supplier plants in areas surrounding the flooded city of Chennai. A number of major carmakers operating in the area have been affected by ...

  • Feature

    Höegh takes delivery of second post-panamax vessel


    Following the delivery of its first post-panamax vessel in June this year, Höegh Autoliners has taken delivery of the second of six such car carriers that are being delivered over the next 18 months, in what the company is describing as its New Horizon class. It was built by Xiamen ...