All North America articles – Page 49
Ryder webinar: the challenges of the US-Mexican border
The Mexican wave is only set to grow in strength, with more and more cargo moving south and north between the border. However, there are several challenges for logistics companies to contend with, to ensure that they keep costs low, security high, and importantly, make the border crossing as pain ...
Ports benefit from increase in Spanish exports
According to statistics released by the National Association of Automotive and Truck Manufacturers (ANFAC), Spanish vehicle exports were up in October, reaching more than 201,400 vehicles and equivalent to growth of almost 11%.The picture overall – from January to October – shows that more than 1.7m units were exported, up ...
Honda boosts Acura exports through Jaxport to Middle East
American Honda Motor has started exporting its new Acura MDX and TLX models via the US East Coast port of Jacksonville to the Middle East. It is first time new Acura models are being made available in the Middle East through a dealership network in the region. Kuwait will be ...
European auto exports rise in key markets
Latest figures show that the European Union has increased the export of automotive products indicating the importance of world markets for recovery – at least for the higher end brands – in a sector that has been dogged by sluggish sales within its borders since 2007. However, longer term, those ...
Maximizing the cross-border supply chain
Carmakers and suppliers need to keep up with the latest technological advances to maintain quality while achieving faster delivery times, so customers can be retained and profit secured in a competitive market that will become defined by greater complexity over the coming years.This webinar, presented by Ryder, showcased strategies for ...
Schenker seeks $2.5 billion in damages from air cargo carriers
Deutsche Bahn’s logistics subsidiary, Schenker, has announced it will seek damages estimated at $2.5 billion from air cargo carriers found guilty by the US Department of Justice (DoJ), the European Commission and other international authorities (including Comco in Switzerland for operating a global price-fixing cartel.In a statement the company ...
Latest AAR rail figures reveal auto gains in Mexico; Canada hit by weather
Figures just published by the Association of American Railroads (AAR) for the week ending November 22nd reveal that carloads of motor vehicles and parts shipped in Mexico are up 15.4% compared to the same week last year, with year-to-date results showing an 11% increase over the same period in 2013.Almost ...
Yards apart
Wastefully expensive lots of inventory, or a vital link in the finished vehicle logistics chain? Operators are investing in technology and process innovations to make storage yards work harder.For the industry that invented lean production and the concept of single-piece flow, the sight of thousands of valuable vehicles sitting stationary ...
美国汽车业在去年所遭受的破坏,在上个星期重新上演,所有50个州都创下降雪与最低气温的记录。 美国东北部的情况尤其严重,Buffalo、NY的降雪达到7英尺。东北部的经销商严重受到复杂气象条件的影响,很多人还忙于在停车场清雪。 在入厂物流方面,福特公司被迫在上周末关闭Buffalo冲压工厂,因为无法进行零部件交付,但是目前生产已经回归正常。 这个地区在感恩节休息期间仍存在复杂天气的警告。当地新闻媒体Buffalo News警告说,在东部Utica到Albany,以及纽约市,这周会有冬季暴雪,禁止商用车在I-87的两个方向上行驶,而I-84已经停止通行。将会有大雪从阿帕拉契中部席卷东北内陆地区。 铁路供应商Norfolk Southern报告称,目前的业务已经严重受到Buffalo附近极端天气的影响,预计破坏还会进一步。 该铁路供应商在一次声明中称,“指定经过或出发地为Buffalo地区的铁路货运客户,在接下来的几天还将受到损失。经过纽约西部的货运,将要绕经其他线路,估计会造成24-48小时的延误。” 公路与铁路供应商已经宣布了在多式联运方面,缓解冬季气候影响的许多措施。 Schneider公司宣布已经增加了25%的集装箱,还准备了备用车队,为严重中断情况做准备。还有报道称,公司已经扩大寒冷地区“插件功能”,以及所有地点的“启动保障方案”,来保障货车通行。 与此同时,加拿大铁路供应商CSX公司,已经比去年提高了375个机车数量,加上Chicago Gateway方案和Selkirdk起点轨段,能降低北部地区的拥堵和转接延迟,还包括其他一系列应变措施。 铁路供应商BNSF已经在芝加哥的工厂,增加了800个新的集装箱和挂车停靠点,以应对天气引起的提货与交付问题。公司还将在新的机车上安装风干设备,来阻止冻结刹车线,以及增加更多的除雪设施,还有一系列其他应变措施。 北美地区在去年,受到冬季极端天气的严重影响,加上供应与员工问题,许多汽车生产厂都被迫关门。
Winter returns early to hit US automotive sector
Threats of the level of disruption experienced by the US automotive sector last winter were renewed last week, with record snow and low temperatures coming early to all 50 states.The northeast of the US was hit particularly hard when massive snowfall put some dealers in Buffalo, NY, under seven feet ...
有报道称,日本海运商“K” Line公司的汽车卡车专运船 (PCTC)的船员们,营救了4位由于船舵损害而被困在大西洋的游艇船员。 该游艇的驾驶员向葡萄牙蓬塔德尔加达海上救援协调中心(MRCC Delgada)发出了求救信号,“K”Line公司密歇根州航线的船员收到信号后,立刻前往事故所在地,并成功解救了该游艇的船员,无任何伤亡。 随后该游艇被带往意大利利沃诺港口,于11月20日登陆。 该专运船由Ognyan Stanakiev Nikolov船长驾驶,船上共有23名船员,其中包括保加利亚和菲律宾国籍的船员。
“K” Line vessel rescues yacht crew from Atlantic
The crew of a pure car and truck carrier (PCTC), owned by Japanese ocean forwarder “K” Line, are reported to have rescued a crew of four yachtsman who were in difficulty in the Atlantic ocean following damage to their vessel’s rudder.The yachtsmen sent a distress signal to the Maritime Rescue ...
Magna puts more in providers’ hands
As tier suppliers take over more content and engineering in the automotive supply chain, the scope for logistics providers to increase their services and value to companies such as Magna is growing.For decades, the automotive supply chain has seen considerable product development and engineering spread from OEMs to the supply ...
Carlisle takes over from Williams as head of GM Canada
In another top executive move at GM this week, Stephen Carlisle, formerly vice-president of Global Product Planning and Program Management (left), has been named president and managing director of GM Canada.Carlisle succeeds Kevin Williams who has been in the role since 2010, but who is retiring from the carmaker at ...
通用高管大洗牌,Grace Lieblei职务有变动
在通用汽车高管层进行了一系列职务变动。公司又宣布,目前任职全球采购与供应链部副总裁的Grace Lieblein,将调到全球质量部担任副总裁。目前任职全球动力系统副总裁的Steve Keifer,将调到Grace之前的职位上。 2012年末,Lieblein从Bob Socia处接管全球采购与供应量副总裁一职。她是与1978年加入通用汽车,那时她是通用洛杉矶装配分公司的工读生。从那以后,她在工程、产品开发和制造等部门,担任过各种领导职务。其中包括,通用集团巴西、墨西哥的总裁兼常务董事。 通用汽车在一次声明中说,在Lieblein的领导下,公司已经建立更多的生产供应业务联系,以其大力合作,以及对质量和相互成功的关注,获得供应商团体的认可,成为行业的模范。“ 公司称,“Lieblein拥有多种专业知识,以客户的角度思考问题,并在加速通用公司在汽车质量方面的进程中发挥力量。” 在Lieblein的领导下,通用已经在物流上制定了宏伟的削减成本的目标,包括到2016年为止减少10亿美元左右的成本,在此之前要进行供应商拉到工厂附近,并投资建设物流中心的举措。(点击获取详情)通用汽车全球物流执行董事Edgard Pezzo在今年秋天的特别采访中,透露了有关规划的进一步细节。 Lieblein将直接接受通用首席执行官Mary Barra的领导。 公司称,Steve Kiefer将在Lieblein打下的基础上,继续前行。 通用公司称,“Kiefer拥有在供应商联盟领导的经历,他强大的专业知识将是通用持续构建公司业绩、与供应商合作共赢、为客户送递更多价值的关键所在。” 目前任职动力系统嵌入式控制部门执行董事的Dan Nicholson将接替Kiefer的职位。 上个星期公布的人事变动还有,目前任职全球质量与客户体验部高级副总裁Alicia Boler-Davis,将任职全球连网客户体验部高级副总裁。除此客户体验的职位之外,她还将负责全球连网客户机构,其中包括OnStar及其呼叫中心。
Grace Lieblein moves roles amidst top level GM shake up
As part of a number of high level management changes at General Motors, it has been announced that Grace Lieblein, currently vice-president, Global Purchasing and Supply Chain, is moving to the position of vice-president, Global Quality. Steve Kiefer, currently vice-president, Global Powertrain, is moving into her previous role.Lieblein has been ...
华轮威尔森物流(WWL)透露,该公司在泰国正致力于销售和客户服务业务,目的是“在不断增长的市场更好地协调其业务。”在过去的二十年,这些业务由威尔森船舶服务公司(WSS)经营。华轮威尔森物流表示,由于处理这些业务的团队将保持不变,因此此项举措应该不会影响到该公司与客户的日常关系。 威尔森船舶服务公司销售负责人Sunee Phansatitwong,现在已经加入华轮威尔森物流,并担任泰国地区的商业总经理一职 Phansatitwong 说:“我和我的团队现在已经成为更庞大的物流团队中的一部分,从厂家到经销商提供各个方面的物流服务。我们当然很高兴能继续为我们在该地区的客户提供服务。” 华轮威尔森物流表示,改变业务结构的决定是受该国家市场变化的影响,其中包括汽车制造商大量涌向泰国以及国内生产商扩大生产的形势。 东南亚华轮威尔森物流公司副总裁兼负责人Trond Tønjum指出,有两个主要因素影响物流业务在国内的发展。首先是更好的贸易关系,其中部分是受新亚洲经济共同体(AEC)协议的影响,期望此项协议能够缓解东南亚市场的出口状况;第二个是汽车生产能力的增长。该公司表示,汽车出口有望在未来三到四年翻一番,从120万辆的汽车出口量增长到220万。 Tønjum说:“随着AEC将在2016年1月起生效,我们期望增加跨境贸易。泰国将成为包括缅甸、老挝、柬埔寨和越南在内的大部分东南亚国家的一个自然生产枢纽和中转国。” 业务结构的变化预计将带来效率的提高,以及发展华轮威尔森物流海洋物流之外业务的空间。 Tønjum还说:“泰国现在正以汽车制造商主要出口国的身份,加入全球生产中心的行列,如同墨西哥,南非和其他一些国家一样。与此同时,现在我们希望泰国的商品能够从泰国跨过东南亚出口到欧洲,澳洲和北美,并且我们已经准备好向这些地区提供我们优质的服务,专业技术和支持。”
WWL takes full control of Thai sales and customer service functions
Wallenius Wilhelmsen Logistics (WWL) has revealed that it is bringing its sales and customer service operations in Thailand in house to “better coordinate its business in a growing market”. Those functions have been handled by Wilhelmsen Ship Service (WSS) for the past two decades. WWL said that the move should ...
Vehicle imports to China on the up while exports fall
While China’s government has forecast that industry growth in the automotive sector will reach 8% by 2020, and account for 7.5% of its GDP, the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers (CAAM) has recently released its own October figures, highlighting a growth in imports, but indicating that exports were down. In ...
Mercedes-Benz deepens global procurement footprint
Mercedes-Benz Cars has announced it is expanding the international reach of its procurement organisation in an effort to safeguard its 2020 growth strategy. The move will see a closer integration of procurement and supplier quality functions, with locations in China, North America and South Africa playing a more important role ...