All north america articles – Page 64

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    Argentina under pressure to change import rules


    Argentina has come under renewed pressure from the WTO for its import-licensing measures which member states said are restricting trade across a range of goods including vehicles and automotive parts. At last Friday's Council for Trade in Goods meeting in Geneva, Michael Punke, the deputy US trade representative, complained ...

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    North American vehicle imports on the rise


    Recent figures from industry analysts and regional manufacturing associations show that North America is seeing significant growth in demand for imported vehicles, boosting volumes for vehicle carriers serving the market. Data from Autocorp and Reuters show that sales of imported cars were up 17.7% in March to 246,522 against the ...

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    The needless damage done


    Damage prevention Who foots the bill? Putting the pieces back together Less damage, greater savingsThird party possibilities?Malcolm Weatley finds out how insurance claims handling companies are working with manufacturers and logistics providers to identify damage trends and make claims process faster and smoother, with the aim of reducing incidents and ...

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    Packing a knockdown punch


    With CKD operations crucial to many manufacturers’ global strategies, Anthony Coia looks at the issues of cost, reusability and customisation in packaging the vital kits One way packaging; 3PL services; The cardboard way; Economic efficiencies; Packaging solutions; Logan's run; Three-pronged approach.As a method of vehicle assembly, the complete knockdown system ...

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    Looking to Turkey for optimism


    Impact of the eurozone crisis Light coming from commercial vehicles Improving rail road seaEntering new markets With the European economy and automotive sales outlook uncertain, logistics providers have looked to Turkey for expansion. Last year set records as production increased 9% and the domestic market rose by ...

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    Gateway to a new era for GAZ


    Bo Andersson has been leading a remarkable turnaround and a tough restructuring at Russia’s GAZ Group, with a significant focus on improving supply chain management and logistics. Christopher Ludwig presents a pertinent example of how logistics can provide a competitive advantage in Russia.

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    One vision for a global platform at UTi


    UTi Worldwide is standardising its organisation to better replicate global services from one market to another. Christopher Ludwig finds the firm’s top executives believe great logistics services begin with the car industryThe power of one;Replicating services globally;The potential for regional sourcing.UTi Worldwide might not be the most recognisable name or ...

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    Chinese carmakers accelerate into Brazil


    Tony Danby reports on how Chinese and other OEMs are investing in local production and distribution in Brazil.Chinese players become established;Chinese pick-up business;Incumbents reamin strong;LSPs eye new business;Looking for opportunities;Tuning logistics operations.Although the Brazilian market has seen a slowdown in vehicle sales over recent months, the country is still ...

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    Clear port growth could get blurry


    Germany takes the lead Transhipment central in BelgiumBalancing flowsUK ports reboundConnecting ScandinaviaIberia develops despite tough economyUps and downsFrench and Italian portsOcean carrier strategiesLast year was a surprisingly strong year for European new vehicle handling at ports, with particular strength in Germany and surprising resilience even in hard-hit Spain. But increasing ...

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    Converging theory and reality in supply


    Textbooks cover the basics of forecasting and inventory management but, as Malcolm Wheatley relates, the scale and speed of aftermarket parts supply requires increasingly complex IT solutionsA complex environment;If it looks like fish, it may not be fish;A global solution for Jaguar.When Piaggio Group Americas had problems with aftermarket spares ...

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    Outlining supply challenges at Audi


    Audi continues to grow in both its home market as well globally in India, China and North America, where it is expected to announce plans for a new factory soon. The importance of logistics has never been more evident at the carmaker in supporting growth both from production bases in ...

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    Taking a rational approach


    With supply chain costs and risks on the increase, Andrew Williams looks at how LSPs can respond to the squeeze on relatively healthy German manufacturers and their suppliers. Additional reporting by Christopher Ludwig.Modest growth;Engineering intelligence and the Mittelstand;Not shielded from risk;Building transnational supply chains;Transparency and collaboration.In spite of Europe’s economic ...

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    Another second chance in Detroit


    Expanding the distribution networkExport growthFind ways to collaborateOcean capacity–a move towards global tenders?Rail wagon shortages Doing well on the road With fast growing volume in North America, and surprisingly strong exports, the Chrysler Group’s resurgence under Fiat’s control has been one of the industry’s best tales of turnaround. Efficient, global ...

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    Global round up


    @font-face { font-family: "Times New Roman";}@font-face { font-family: "MS 明朝";}p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal { margin: 0cm 0cm 0.0001pt; font-size: 12pt; font-family: "Times New Roman"; }p.MsoPlainText, li.MsoPlainText, div.MsoPlainText { margin: 0cm 0cm 0.0001pt; font-size: 12pt; font-family: Courier; }table.MsoNormalTable { font-size: 10pt; font-family: "Times New Roman"; }div.Section1 { page: Section1; }Kia reopens Georgia ...

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    Executives on the move


    Greg May, who left his position as president of leading US car carrier Jack Cooper Transport last August, has moved into a new role as president and CEO of Car Delivery Network (CDN). CDN provides real-time information on outbound vehicle movements via cloud-based applications for shippers and carriers. May said ...

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    Renault renews contract with Ceva in Brazil


    Ceva Logistics has signed a two-year extension to its contract with Renault in Brazil for the receipt, storage and consolidation of parts for export to France, Argentina, Mexico, Romania, Colombia and South America. Ceva is dedicating a 4,000-square metre area at its site in São José dos Pinhais, Parana, ...

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    Mexico to cut vehicle exports to Brazil


    Mexico has agreed this week to cut future vehicle exports to Brazil following a threat to the future of the ten-year old trade deal between the two countries that gives them preferential access to each other's car markets. The latest development follows a request by the Brazilian government that ...

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    UPS to buy TNT Express for $6.8bn


    United Parcel Service (UPS) has reached an agreement on its offer for ownership of TNT Express that, once approved, will create a global integrated logistics network with more than $60 billion in annual revenues. UPS raised its cash offer of €9.50 ($12.50) per share to secure the deal and is ...

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    Global Vehicles loses dispute with Mahindra


    @font-face { font-family: "Times New Roman";}@font-face { font-family: "MS 明朝";}p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal { margin: 0cm 0cm 0.0001pt; font-size: 12pt; font-family: "Times New Roman"; }p.MsoPlainText, li.MsoPlainText, div.MsoPlainText { margin: 0cm 0cm 0.0001pt; font-size: 12pt; font-family: Courier; }table.MsoNormalTable { font-size: 10pt; font-family: "Times New Roman"; }div.Section1 { page: Section1; }The long-running dispute ...

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    Global round up


    Höegh Autoliners commences regular Sagunto serviceHöegh Autoliners has launched a new regular service from the Spanish Mediterranean port of Sagunto to the US East Coast, complementing existing services from Sagunto to the Far East, the Black Sea, the Mediterranean and Northern Europe. Vessels will call on a three-week rotation. ...