All OEMs articles – Page 93

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    Hyundai shifts i20 to cut logistics cost


    In an effort to reduce import duties and logistics costs for the European market, Hyundai’s Indian subsidiary – Hyundai Motors India – will start shipping complete knock-down (CKD) kits of its three-door i20 model from its plant near Chennai for assembly at the Assan Hyundai Motor plant near Istanbul in ...

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    Trucking better together


    A close relationship with its 3PL and a carrierThe move to ‘decking’Importing once again from JapanHino Motors has had to adjust its distribution strategy in the face of the decline in commercial vehicle sales, but has seen clearly the benefit of working strategically together with its 3PL and truck carrier, ...

  • Feature

    Toyota’s true strength


    Toyota’s recall crisis is a serious threat to its reputation, but its abiding strength has been how rigorously it manages its supply chain and production. In that respect Toyota must get back to its rootsThe sticky accelerator crisis is certainly a low point in the otherwise shining history of Toyota. ...

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    Ford’s Asian vista


    Expanding in Asia Pacific Africa, Ford is growing the smart way with a push toward stronger electronic communication across its supply chain here, including the rollout of its European order-to-delivery system, Vista.Forecasting freight and dutyFlexible manufacturing and supplyBeing the first to build-to-order vehicles in AsiaSupply chain IT: champagne taste, a ...

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    A Chinese Volvo opens doors for providers


    Until the ink dries on Geely’s $1.8 billion takeover of Volvo Cars from Ford, announced last weekend, the supply chain and logistics implications remain uncertain. However, early speculation suggests that the Sino-Swedish partnership should open wider the door into China for Volvo and its supply base, while at the same ...

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    Fiat to take over Chrysler distribution


    Beginning next month in Italy, Fiat will begin a two-year process aimed at taking over vehicle logistics and parts distribution in Europe for Chrysler as part of a wider sales and service integration between the two carmakers. Fiat took a controlling 20% stake in Chrysler Group last June when the ...

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    Black cab production moves to China


    Body and chassis production of the iconic London black cab is moving to Shanghai from its UK base in Coventry following a decision by owner Manganese Bronze to hand over a controlling stake to Chinese carmaker Geely. The Coventry facility, operated by subsidiary London Taxi International (LTI), will now just ...

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    Honda reviews procurement strategy in Japan


    Reports that Honda is reviewing its parts procurement strategy and, in a bid to cut costs, will be reducing the number of parts it buys from developed countries from 90% to 60%, applies only to the company’s Japan region – one of six regions under which it organises its global ...

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    VW Polo deliveries begin in India


    Volkswagen has made its first delivery of the Polo assembled at its €580m ($789m) Chakan plant near Pune to the Indian dealer network. The company could distribute up to 35,000 Polos this year by road to its network of more than 40 dealers. The German carmaker is in the final ...

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    Renault transforms logistics for boost at Avtoframos


    Renault is implementing a number of logistics measures to support increased capacity at its Avtoframos plant in Moscow, including a multimodal solution for parts supply from its parts plant in Pitesti, Romania and new tenders for LSPs to manage the supply of local parts as part of its plans to ...

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    Ford is bringing Vista to Asia Pacific Africa


    With Ford's plans to treble production capacity in Asia Pacific and Africa (APA) by 2012, it is bringing both its global manufacturing and logistics processes, as well as its best IT systems to the region. Most notably, Ford is in the process of rolling of its European order-to-delivery system, Vista, ...

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    Kia boom means more exports from south


    An increase in export demand for vehicles made at Kia’s plant in Gwangju in southern region of South Korea means the company will have to increase movements to ports in the south or risk costing itself time and money by moving vehicles across land to the port of Pyeongtak in ...

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    Cadillac sets up distribution network in Europe


    GM is creating a new organisation for the import, distribution and marketing of Cadillac models to Europe from the US. Called Cadillac Europe, the vehicles will retail through a fully-authorised Cadillac sales and service network and will include the CTS Coupe by the autumn of this year. The move comes ...

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    Fiat-Sollers JV faces logistics challenges


    Russian carmaker Sollers has signed a €2.4 billion ($3.3 billion) joint venture with Fiat to make up to 500,000 vehicles a year in the country by 2016. The agreement, which may be backed by a 15-year loan of €2.1 billion currently being considered by the Russian government, was signed last ...

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    Local logistics for Ford Figo in Chennai


    Ford has invested $500m in its engine-making plant near Chennai, India to add flexible production of the Duratec 1.2-litre engine dedicated to the Indian Figo. The first production version of the car was driven off the adjacent assembly line last Friday, when engine production began as well. Ford is using ...

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    Renault revives ambition in India


    Renault has announced plans to set up an independent distribution network in India within the next 30 months to support the movement of several new vehicles from its global portfolio. The move suggests a revival of its plans with Nissan to enter the Indian market more forcefully, as well as ...

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    Toyota recall reveals need for visibility


    Toyota’s recall of millions of vehicles in North America, Europe and China because of accelerator pedals that may stick is a complex and expensive logistics operation, with expedited replacements and repair parts shipped to factories and dealers. But logistics might be the least of Toyota’s supply chain management problems, as ...

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    GM shifts electric motors inhouse


    GM is bringing the design and manufacture of its electric motors for hybrid and electric vehicles inhouse with an investment of $246m in manufacturing facilities, part of a wider $700m the company is putting into eight Michigan facilities for production of the Volt. The move could have positive implications for ...

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    Antwerp closure raises logistics questions


    As well as the devastating impact on the local community with the loss of 2,300 jobs, GM’s announced intention to close its Opel plant in Antwerp, Belgium by the middle of the year has left questions hanging over material and finished vehicle flows across the carmaker’s other European plants. The ...

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    LSPs miss out on Chrysler pay plan


    Chrysler’s plan to speed up payment for some of its suppliers by the end of January does not extend to logistics suppliers, according to the company. Chrysler told Automotive Logistics News that the payments are specifically directed at engineering, design and development of vehicle components and that it is not ...