Red Sofa Video Interviews – Page 11

  • Videos brought to you by Trinity Rail

    Automotive Logistics Mexico 2020 Presentation Video: Keynote Presentation AND Session 1: Maintaining Mexico’s competitiveness

    KEYNOTE PRESENTATION: Jesús Seade Kuri, Undersecretary for North America, Mexican Ministry of Foreign Affairs Federal Government of Mexico Maintaining Mexico’s competitiveness Over the past decade, Mexico grew to become the 6th largest global vehicle producer and 4th largest exporter. But slowdowns in its major export markets, changing trade ...

  • Susanne_Lehmann_VW_Mexico

    Watch: Susanne Lehmann outlines VW’s goals for stable production in Mexico


    Susanne Lehmann, Volkswagen’s senior director of production for North America, is in charge of pulling production and supply chain together in the region, including in areas such as programme planning, production steering, design for manufacturing and digitalisation. VW is already seeing results in productivity and supplier management but, as she ...

  • Lars_Bäumann_VW_Mexico

    Watch: Lars Bäumann outlines VW’s project to digitalise global production and supply chain


    Lars Bäumann, director of information management and digitalisation for production and logistics across VW brands, tells Christopher Ludwig about his problem-solving mission to synthesise the various production and supply chain processes at VW’s plants across the world into one digitalised system. Together with its global partner Amazon Web Services (AWS), ...

  • Kevin Reed

    Watch: A royal entry to Mexico’s competitive supply base


    Kevin Reed, vice-president of supply chain at tier two electronics and battery component supplier Royal Power, talks to Daniel Harrison about why the company recently built a new plant in Mexico, and the challenges facing its supply chain and logistics. In the context of declining margins among tier suppliers, Reed discusses the key advantages of moving to Mexico to better serve customers and compete, and why maximising efficiency in the supply chain is a crucial differentiator.

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    Watch: Summing up the situation in Mexico


    Christopher Ludwig wraps up the Automotive Logistics Mexico 2020 conference with an overview of the key topics discussed, including the impact of USMCA localisation rules and certification, both which raise questions but also opportunities for logistics providers to manage complexity. The increase in the use of connected supply chain technology ...

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    Watch: Future of Mexican EV production depends on a dedicated supply chain


    Daniel Harrison, automotive analyst at Ultima Media’s business intelligence unit, tells Christopher Ludwig about the regulatory impact on a steady Mexican automotive market and his outlook on production, which is built strongly on exports to the US.

  • Karl-Friedrich Koch talks to Chris Ludwig at AL Mexico

    Watch: BMW prepares its logistics network for global export from Mexico


    Karl-Friedrich Koch, vice-president of production control, logistics at BMW Group Mexico talks to Christopher Ludwig about the ramp up in production at the carmaker’s plant in San Luis Potosí

  • Chris Ludwig AL Mexico

    Watch: Why Jesús Seade thinks the USMCA will increase supply chain investment into Mexico


    At this week’s AL Mexico conference Jesús Seade, undersecretary for North America at the Mexican Ministry of Foreign Affairs, talked about the new USMCA trade deal (called T-Mec locally) and the increase in localisation brought about by the changes to rules of origin. Here Christopher Ludwig gives an overview of ...

  • Christopher Ludwig AL Mexico 2020

    Watch: More insights from today’s AL Mexico conference


    Ahead of our keynote speech from Jésus Seade, Undersecretary for North America from the Mexican Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Chris Ludwig discusses the status of the USMCA agreement (T-MEC here in Mexico) and what it might mean for the industry.

  • Christopher ludwig_AL Mexico comment USMCA

    Watch: What you need to know about the USMCA agreement


    Ahead of our keynote speech from Jesús Seade, Undersecretary for North America from the Mexican Ministry for Foreign Affairs, let’s briefly discuss the status of the USMCA agreement (T-MEC here in Mexico) and what it might mean for the industry. For more on Automotive Logistics Mexico 2020 visit the event ...

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    Telenovela Logística: Watch our exclusive video coverage of Automotive Logistics Mexico 2020


    Buenos Dias y Bienvenidos a México! We look forward to welcoming you to the Automotive Logistics Mexico 2020, where you can expect three days of intense networking, debate, informative sessions and practical case studies. This year we will be sharing reports, articles, videos and insights from our sessions. Make sure ...