All Suppliers articles – Page 24

  • Mirafiori_IC_500-Elettrica_11

    FCA to add battery hub to Mirafiori plant


    FCA is to build a new battery assembly plant next to its Mirafiori car factory in Turin that will supply future generations of fully electric models

  • BICover_R3_T

    Powertrain forecast to 2030: Navigating the road to electrification


    Download this report for forecasts of eight different powertrains across regions, including all degrees of hybridisation, electrification and internal combustion engines, which reveal changes that will have huge implications for the future of the automotive supply chain. The latest insight by the business intelligence unit of Automotive from Ultima Media

  • Transport Flows, Bosch

    Bosch’s roadmap to a zero-carbon operation


    Christine Mezger-Behan, Bosch Much of the focus on sustainability in the automotive industry has been on the gases produced by vehicles themselves, but as Daniel Harrison, analyst at Ultima Media, noted at last week’s Automotive Logistics Central and Eastern European Summit, 18% of emissions are attributable to ...

  • AL CEE Summit, Budapest

    CEE: At the heart of Europe’s electric future


    OEMs and tier suppliers are investing in Central and Eastern Europe with a particular focus on electric, connected and autonomous mobility. Delegates at the Automotive Logistics CEE Summit in Budapest heard about the latest challenges and opportunities.

  • PP_Vitesco Technologies_E_Motor

    Vitesco Technologies to supply electric axle drives to PSA and Hyundai


    Industry newcomer Vitesco Technologies has signed accords with carmakers Groupe PSA and Hyundai to provide what it said is the first fully integrated, electric axle drive system for volume-production models. “The agreement with two leading OEMs highlights Vitesco Technologies’ position as a pioneer of intelligent customised solutions ...

  • UAW_strikers_GM

    GM strike brings widespread disruption to US supply chain


    Month-long strike action taken by GM workers is costing the carmaker dearly and is now impacting the inbound and outbound supply chains across North America

  • Ultima-Supplier-pressure-BI-flash-3

    Suppliers will face squeeze as OEMs push to meet EU CO2 targets


    As carmakers strive to reach the more stringent CO2 emissions targets being phased in across the EU next year, we predict that many are likely to put more pressure on their supply base to help reduce emissions

  • Joanne Perry

    Hunkering in a bunker for Brexit


    I type this surrounded by tins of baked beans, a stack of chocolate bars and a few bottles of merlot – not my usual ‘writing supplies’ (although, close), but the contents of my Brexit bunker in which I am waiting for the end of life as we know it. For it’s slightly over a month to go before the UK is due to leave the EU and what will happen next is still unclear. Deal? No deal? Riots in the streets? Right now, it is anyone’s guess…

  • ultima-oem-profit-strategies

    OEMs’ profit strategies today could hurt them tomorrow


    Ahead of stringent EU emissions targets starting in 2020, some carmakers are pursuing strategies that actually go against what they will ultimately need to do to reduce hefty fines. This makes sense – but only for now

  • ultima-emissions-flash-story-1

    EU fines and electric future not entirely in the hands of OEMs


    In the face of government and citizens’ rising concern over climate change, vehicle emission regulations around the world are tightening, especially in Europe. In our latest business intelligence report, we forecast that carmakers will face hefty fines under tightening vehicle emission targets, driven largely by factors outside their control.

  • Future opportunities

    Opportunities ahead for automotive OEMs and tier suppliers


    The downturn in automotive sales volume creates many challenges, but the transitional state of the industry also provides many business opportunities, according to a forecast and report from Ultima Media.

  • Future EV

    Greater expectations: brighter days will return for the automotive industry


    Although automotive OEMs will face years of stagnant vehicle sales, a stronger recovery thereafter will bring growth back up to long run averages and herald a return to stronger profits. By then, however, the industry is likely to have undergone further consolidation.

  • BICover_R2_T

    Report: Climate Change vs. Carmakers


    In our second report from Ultima Media’s automotive business intelligence team, we focus on climate change mitigation policies around the world with a particular focus on the most stringent and imminent EU CO2 emissions targets predicting the financial consequences of the legislation upon the OEMs, the impact upon the wider supply chain and the opportunities that arise from the legislation.

  • Al_Zapata_USMex_commerce

    Industry waits for USMCA to be finalised


    In North America a lot of investment is on hold as companies wait to see whether the US-Mexico-Canada trade agreement (USMCA) is finally approved by Congress in October. Conflicting ideologies in the US and Mexico are causing some concern about whether that will actually happen, as delegates ...

  • US China trade war

    Trade wars compound economic risks for automotive supply chain


    The impact on tariffs and especially of uncertainty in key trading regions including the US, China and Europe are having real impacts on the automotive supply chain, according to a new report by Automotive from Ultima Media’s new business intelligence unit.

  • Declining sales_news flash 1

    Auto industry faces lengthy decline in sales


    Global new vehicle sales could face years of falls or stagnation, hurting OEM profits and putting pressure on the supply chain, according to a forecast by Automotive from Ultima Media’s new business intelligence unit.

  • BICover_R4_T

    Report: Automotive headwinds align into a perfect storm


    Ultima Media’s new business intelligence team forecasts global vehicle sales by powertrain over the next decade, with analysis of the trends reshaping the automotive industry and supply chain. 

  • Wiper_Blade_replacement2

    Hyundai Mobis retains Carousel as logistics provider


    Automotive parts manufacturer, Hyundai Mobis Parts Europe, has renewed its contract with Carousel Logistics to cover last-mile deliveries and vehicle-off-road (VOR) orders across the Republic of Ireland The arrangement includes Carousel collecting genuine parts and accessories by road each day from Hyundai Mobis’ UK distribution centre ...

  • Druml

    Industry suffers blow with loss of Michael Druml, head of Magna Europe supply chain and purchasing


    Michael Druml, an influential supply chain management executive who played a major role in the logistics, supply chain and purchasing operations for divisions of Daimler and later Magna, died suddenly this week. He was 60 years old.

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    Shifting sands of time: The changing nature of Saudi Arabia’s automotive industry


    Changes to social and economic conditions, including the recent removal of a ban on female drivers, could give a welcome boost to the automotive industry in Saudi Arabia.