All Suppliers articles – Page 33

  • Northvolt_opt

    Northvolt picks Skellefteå in Sweden as home for battery factory


    Northvolt has announced a partnership with the two Swedish municipalities Skellefteå and Västerås for the establishment of Europe’s largest lithium-ion battery manufacturing plant.After an initial assessment of eight Swedish and two Finnish municipalities, Northvolt narrowed its choice down to Västerås and Skellefteå. The company has since decided to base activities ...

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    Denso to invest another $1 billion in Tennessee


    Component and parts manufacturer, Denso has announced plans to invest $1 billion its Maryville, Tennessee facility to expand its US footprint and allow for the supply of vehicle safety and electrification systems."This is an investment in the future of Denso, and also the future of transportation. We are seeing dramatic ...

  • 1920_federal-mogul

    Kuehne + Nagel running PDC for Federal-Mogul in Hungary


    Kuehne + Nagel has signed a contract to run a newly built automotive service parts distribution facility near Budapest, Hungary for Federal-Mogul’s aftermarket division, Federal-Mogul Motorparts.The parts distribution facility (PDC), which is located in Páty, will supply service outlets in southern, eastern and central Europe in conjunction with Federal-Mogul’s distribution ...

  • Gefco_Halewood_009 copy

    Gefco opens sequencing warehouse in Liverpool with a view to the future


    Transport and logistics provider Gefco has opened a £10m ($13.2m) warehouse and sequencing centre in Speke near Liverpool, in the UK which is currently supplying components to Jaguar Land Rover’s plant in nearby Halewood. At an event held to mark the opening last week Gefco executives talked about the latest ...

  • aluminium_opt

    Kobe’s data manipulation halts shipments, ripples through Japanese industry


    Car manufacturers in Japan are checking the extent to which they are affected by using incorrectly certified parts from Kobe Steel that has brought a halt to its shipments and could have impacts across the supply chain in Japan.Internal quality and government-ordered safety checks are being carried out after the ...

  • Ergonomie Award

    Continental Automotive: Systems, staff and supply chain excellence


    Continental can trace its roots in the transport sector back to 1871, with the founding of a rubber products factory in Hanover, Germany. Among the original products of the Continental Caoutchouc und Gutta Percha Compagnie were solid rubber tyres for carriages and bicycles. By 1892, the company had expanded into ...

  • ZF_Aftermarket_TRW_Logistik_Disponierung

    A supplier renaissance


    At the tail end of the 20th century, the automotive supply sector was a tough business to be in. The world’s carmakers had long since decided that the sprawling, vertically integrated manufacturing models of the past should be abandoned. Major OEMs spun out their component divisions as separate entities, narrowing ...

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    Brexit casts shadow over outlook in automotive and logistics sectors


    A new report out this week from global law firm Baker McKenzie has suggested that annual revenues from UK automotive exports could fall by nearly £8 billion ($10.6 billion) if negotiations with the EU follow a ‘hard Brexit’ line. At the same time, a separate report from Barclays Corporate Banking ...

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    Conference report: Attracting a talent for disruption


    Given the pace of change in digital technology the automotive logistics sector may not know exactly where it will be in ten years but it knows it is going somewhere different and that a risk-to-fail attitude is essential in adopting supply chain strategies for the future. What it cannot risk, ...

  • Renatas_Slenderis
    Partner Content

    A digital platform for changing the outbound sector


    Fracht SIA’s transport management software is able to handle everything from purchasing, transport scheduling to route data services, accounting and more

  • robi_2

    Surgere completes ROBi inventory pilot at Mahle Behr facility in Dayton


    Automotive parts maker Mahle Behr has recently completed a pilot project into inventory management with digital supply chain and packaging expert Surgere. The success of the pilot could see the full deployment of a robotised RFID system at Mahle Behr’s facility in Dayton, Ohio.The pilot project marked the launch of ...

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    Work starts on Goodyear’s new automated tyre facility in Luxembourg


    Goodyear Tyre & Rubber Company has announced plans to invest $77m in a highly automated facility in Luxembourg.The proprietary production process, named Mercury, being used at the facility will include interconnected workstations that use additive manufacturing to produce on-demand small batches of premium tyres.“Mercury addresses the increasing complexity in the ...

  • Feature

    OEMs e provedores de logística avaliam danos causados pelo furacão Harvey


    Os efeitos devastadores do furacão Harvey nos EUA ainda estão sendo avaliados. O número de mortos já chega a 50, enquanto as estimativas são de que os danos excederão o valor de US$100 bilhões.A cidade texana de Houston parece ter sido a mais atingida, enquanto os portos e as fábricas ...

  • Credits NASA-NOAA GOES Project_opt

    OEMs and logistics providers assess damage from Hurricane Harvey


    The devastating effects of Hurricane Harvey in the US are still being assessed. The death toll already stands at 50, while estimates are that damages will exceed a value of $100 billion.The Texan city of Houston seems to have taken the biggest hit, while ports and car plants were shut ...

  • Flint_opt

    Lear to build just-in-time seat facility in Flint to supply local GM plant


    Seat and electrics supplier, Lear Corporation, plans to build a manufacturing facility in Flint, Michigan to supply seats on a just-in-time basis to General Motors’ local assembly plant.Lear, which did not disclose the size of the investment, will begin construction of the 14,865 sq.m facility this autumn at the former ...

  • Trump

    Trump suggests Nafta renegotiation is likely to lead to US withdrawal


    Just a week after the formal renegotiation of the North American Free Trade Agreement (Nafta) began, US president Donald Trump has suggested the US is likely to pull out of the arrangement.Speaking after the first round of talks about the two-decade-plus accord that many carmakers’ supply chains currently rely on, ...

  • Source: Robert Sharp

    UK proposes retaining free-flowing customs system after Brexit


    In a position paper released this week, the UK government has proposed an interim arrangement after the Brexit cut-off date in 2019 that would see the country continue to operate under the EU Customs Union until a new trade deal between the parties is negotiated.“The approaches we are setting out ...

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    Foxconn confirms it is considering Michigan investment


    Foxconn Technology Group, the world’s largest contract electronics manufacturer by revenue, has confirmed it is considering Michigan in the US as another investment location – just weeks after announcing a major project in the state of Wisconsin.The South China Morning Post recently reported that the Taiwan-based company was considering growing ...

  • Ukraine cars import

    Ukraine’s automotive industry on its way to a revival


    Ukraine’s automotive market is building on the recovery that started at the end of last year, when the three-year slump in the passenger car market levelled off and a rebound began. Latest figures show that in the first half of 2017, the number of cars sold there rose 36% to ...

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    Michael Silvio moves to head Logistics Innovation unit at Surgere


    Michael Silvio has moved from his role as senior director of supply chain management at tier one supplier, Cooper Standard Automotive, to take up a newly created position as vice-president of logistics innovation at packaging management and supply chain intelligence provider, Surgere. Cooper Standard has yet to announce a replacement ...