Spain’s Tarragona Port Authority has changed the concession granted to Bergé Marítima at its finished vehicle terminal on Cantàbria quay. The company can now expand the facility by 10,500 sq.m. This extra space will be given over to a centre for vehicle handling.

In 2013, the port of Tarragona handled 61,487 finished vehicles, compared to 55,903 in 2012, a 10% increase. Of these, exports accounted for 34,134 units and imports 27,353, with there having been a 21.92% increase in inbound traffic. Imported cars arrive from countries such as Italy, South Korea and Turkey, with exports sent to Italy, Algeria and the United Kingdom.

Carport Bergé is seeking to establish the port as a hub for distribution to North Africa and throughout the Mediterranean. The Bergé group reported handling 13.63% more units in 2013 than in the previous year.

In Tarragona port, Carport Tarragona provides import/export and storage services, while Bergé Automotive Logistics is responsible for warehousing, inspection, pre-inspection and despatch of consignments by road.

At Tarragona Berge also handles vehicles that are domestically produced, so not all the vehicles handled at its facilities in Tarragona actually pass through the port, meaning Bergé’s handling figures are higher than the those for the port.

In 2013, Bergé handled 107,715 vehicles there, of which 61,255 (57%) were rotated in or out by sea, while 46,460 units were restricted to purely road movements, this being growth of more than 16%.

Rail continues to play a significant role at the port, with 28,077 vehicles moved by 120 trains in 2013.